A Story of Recovery From Vax Injury with John Lukach
The Live With Your Brain Turned On Show - 20230523
A Story of Recovery From Vax Injury with John Lukach
The Live With Your Brain Turned On Show - 20230523
Do you know someone who has been injured by taking an injection? Injections, often called vaccines, have been with us for a long time and we have been taught to think that they are safe and prevent disease. I used to think that, too. But injuries and even death have been caused at some level by all vaccines since their invention. And when you look into the true story you may find that you agree with me, that the data shows people live much healthier lives WITHOUT vaccines.
But the story has gotten worse — much worse — with the attack on the entire world population with the release of these shots against C19. There are so many things wrong with these shots it would take hours to talk about. If you want to go down that path I will point you to some videos done by JJ Couey who does about the best job I have heard of making this understandable.
J J Couey Video
But you don’t have to understand the shots to be injured by them. If you or someone you know is suffering from the effects of these injections you probably wish you could get “uninjected”? Well, no one can uninject you. But is it possible to stop and repair the damage that has already occurred? Many doctors have said no, others have said maybe and a few have even said yes. Very few provide you with information you can review and use.
You are your own best doctor. You can get information and advice from many sources but in the end, you are the one that decides what you will do for your health, not a doctor, not me and not even my guest today, John Lukach.
John provides information to us in today’s interview that may help you or a friend reverse damage done by C19 injections. I am not here to say that the information presented is the magic pill that will cure all ills but what I will say is that the direction John has gone with this is the direction I have been going. God designed your body to heal itself. That is a characteristic of all life. Non living things do not have this ability,. They must be repaired, they do not heal. For your body to heal it needs the right materials, the right conditions and the right energy and even the right mindset. That is the philosophy followed by natural medicine and I myself have experienced some extraordinary results using natural medicine — not in the realm of injections because I refuse injections — but in other areas where I have health challenges. None of us have this all figured out, myself included, but I believe this is the right direction and you should explore what John has to say. It is amazing what happens when you work WITH a system instead of AGAINST it. Artificial is called artificial for a reason.
I interviewed John Lukach on Thursday, May 18th to learn more about his recent success using natural medicine and homeopathy to reverse damage done to people who were falsely led to believe they would benefit from injections labelled as vaccines and to share that information with you.
When the plandemic started, John had a thriving landscaping business which soon ground to a halt. Being a curious, resourceful, self-starting individual, John dove into researching the story being thrust upon the unsuspecting world about some novel disease that was engulfing the world so fast that no one knew what to do about it except panic. It truly was unbelievable — and no one should have believed it because it was false. The only thing that spreads that fast is fear and the fear worked to scare people into believing and doing things they would other wise never believe or do,
What John found as and he researched was shocking and disgusting prompting him to write about it in 2 books to expose the truth. And he must have found the truth because one of the books was already banned.
Interview Links
Book 1: Covid-19 Vaccines and Induced Anaphylaxis aka Curious?
Book 2: What Now? Recovering From a Tragic Mistake
John’s blog: https://estateartistry.com/blog.html
John’s email: ceo@estateartistry.com
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