Above the Law
Are the wealthy above the law?
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My theme for many weeks has been our counterfeit world. If you listen to the lyrics of the intro music by Five Times August, Brad does a masterful job of describing our counterfeit world. BTW, you should go to the Five Times August channel and support his music, which is insightful and interesting to listen to.
There are several words that keep coming up over and over.
counterfeit = artificial = synthetic = virtual. These are all common modern words used to describe everyday things. Things that are not real but are in fact deceptive.
For thousands of years man worked along with natural creation for food, water, air clothing, transportation, writing, thinking, weapons and everything else. He did not really have a choice.
But then something happened. Man discovered how to make artificial replacements for natural products and he harnessed electricity. Electricity is natural as it runs your body and you see it in lightning. I am not saying there is no place for man made products or harnessing power like electricity. They are very convenient saving but time and labor. The problem comes when they almost completely replace natural products and become essential for survival. Then you lose resilience and become fragile. I believe God created us to learn and invent things to improve life. It is part of His image. No other creature has the ability to imagine and design things the way man does. What other creature makes vehicles, builds roads and builds cities?
But if all you had were those artificial things - vehicles, roads and cities - how would you remain alive? Food has to be grown and water obtained. A grocery store is a great convenience but would you starve without one? If you would, you might want to consider how fragile that dependence makes you. Knowing how to naturally grow or find your own food and materials is useful knowledge. Let me give you a quick rundown of some artificial products that have almost completely replaced the original natural product.
Nylon replaces silk. Other chemical based textiles replace cotton and leather. Plastics replace metals. Refined seed oils replace natural oils in food. Health based on natural, nutritious whole food is replaced by ultra-processed and junk food. The decline in health from junk food is made worse with patented, man-made drugs. Just a few hundred years ago man invented vaccines and claims they produce artificial immunity (which works poorly, if at all) to replace natural immunity (typically robust and life-long). The latest insult is mRNA, where even one of the four natural occurring amino acids in RNA vaccines is even artificial, pseudo-uridine. Evidence clearly shows this damages the bodies of those injected with it.
Chemical fertilizers that destroy soil fertility replaces natural fertilizer like compost that builds soil. Plastic replaces wood, stone and metal for construction. Plastic replaces natural material for baskets, buckets and packaging. Synthetic rubber replaces natural rubber. Poisonous pesticides and herbicides, which also poison us, replace natural predators to protect crops from pests. GMO and mono-crop agriculture replaces natural regenerative agriculture. Chemical laced water replaces pure natural water. PVC replaces copper for water pipes. Artificial turf replaces natural turf. Artificial flowers replace with real flowers, even outside. Margarine replaces real butter. Artificial plant milk replaces real milk. Bread-like substances replace real bread. Artificial intelligence - which is not intelligence at all, merely pattern recognition and modeling that is propagandized as intelligence attempts to true intelligence. Man is now trying to even replace himself via transhumanism.
Virtually nothing is real anymore making everything a deception. Man is on a mission to replace every natural thing with something artificial.
God warned us that satan is a deceiver. Satan is the father of the artificial and the counterfeit. The father of lies. Almost from the beginning man embraced the lies and deception. You and I have been raised on deceptions.
Go back and replace the word artificial in my list with the word counterfeit, virtual, deceptive or synthetic. Do you see the deception.
It is true that natural materials degrade, rust and spoil a lot faster than plastics and other artificial materials. But isn’t that why we have the huge waste problem we have today. So-called disposable materials that should go away are not truly disposable. God set up creation to replenish itself and multiply with natural that recycles material to create abundance. But what man makes is limited and it wears out and breaks without an effective natural recycle process. Chemicals like glyphosate, fluorocarbons and plastics do not naturally break down.
This affects our health. God designed out health dependent on His provision but man has determined that he is going to attempt to replace natural provisions with counterfeit ones. This results in a “health” system based on poison drugs and destruction instead of natural healing through nutrition and regeneration. Our design is to be self healing.
No doctor has ever healed anyone whether using drugs or nutrition. Did you know you are not sick because you were born drug deficient? Health and healing only comes from the God given innate immune system. Your body knows how to heal itself.
Isn't it amazing how a cut, bruise or broken bone heals itself. A wise doctor may have uncommon knowledge that can help a person turn on that healing system. But the modern medical protocols that claim cutting, burning and poisoning a person is health. Actually those protocols make it harder for a person to heal. God’s powerful design is so resilient that people actually survive many modern medical practices used to treat them using poisons, radiation and surgeries. Seems God might have known that man was going to do this to himself.
The ultimate poison is the poison that the Pharmafia is defending at all costs - vaccines. The product that keeps you sick and pharma profits healthy. Not only do they insist that poison is safe to inject into your bloodstream, the idea of using vaccines that hijack normal cell function using modified MRA to produce unlimited poison is heralded as treatment for cancer. It is the lie that makes the producers into billionaires at the expense of the poison consumers.
How much wealth does it take to put the Pharmafia above the law? It appears it takes many billions.
Is it so hard to see we are being deceived to believe that billionaires and governments wielding artificial intelligence are going to be mankind’s savior with science fiction masquerading as science. True science follows God’s laws. Man cannot follow even his own laws let alone God’s laws.
If you can’t prevent cancer by chemo, radiation or surgery why would you use those poisons to treat cancer. A cure for cancer should work with how the body maintains health, not be a poison to the body. And certainly not an mRNA vaccine that turns cells into poison factories.
What is it with Trump and mRNA vaccines? First we have Warp Speed in 2020 then five years later we have Stargate. Both of these are as science fiction as they sound. They are not science. But this is the story used to deceive good people to do bad things for the so-called greater good. The average person is deceived into believing that this is actually science.
But it is not science. It is an idea presented to you by billionaires trying to convince you that they are concerned about each individual person - like you.
You've Been Lied to about CANCER!!! [with Dr Thomas Seyfried, PhD]
1 h 18 m
#278 - Dr Jane Ruby Is On Fire