Christmas Letter 2022
This year, it’s STILL Randy’s story to tell, so here’s Randy...
First take a moment to celebrate with me the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I have seen even more revival this year than last year. It is still a difficult journey but that is what God is using to bring in His lost sheep.
Last year I mentioned my 110 pound weight loss but that has changed — I am now maintaining total weight loss of 120 pounds due to continued reliance on God’s design for life and health. Big picture — God created everything you need for healthy living in the beginning so stay away from ANYTHING artificial, practice fasting, have healthy relationships and live in harmony with the cycles that God created (like night and day, weekly worship and rest, seasonal diet) and most important worship God ONLY. God is Truth. If you give obedience to anything that any man tells you that does not line up with God’s truth you have just put another god before the one true God.
Unfortunately what I wrote last year continues to be true except that it is more obvious than ever that the entire world is heading blindly into a dark place of total control. I think I read about something like this happening in a book once. It was quite a Revelation!
I still trade stock futures and beginning to show a profit. The group of people I hang out with daily online to do this are still some of my best friends. Trading a market FORCES honesty with oneself and teaches perseverance, a long term view, pattern recognition and learning to discern between perception and reality.
Beverly and I seem to have less time than ever in our daily schedules but God keeps us strong. I got pushed into the pool of sharks and alligators this year. I was interviewed on a podcast which led to me being the host of my own podcast called “Live With Your Brain Turned On” and writing a blog on substack with the same name (yeah, this one). Links will be at the end if you want to check either out. The theme is clear in the name. It does include writing and talking about our current chaotic world but the core purpose is to learn to use God’s truth as the measure to think critically. I cover a wide range of topics but I try to spend at least 50% of the time talking and writing about personal health and divorcing oneself from the medical tyranny our “health care” systems have become.
Many of you think I am delusional but so far I have not been awakened from the delusion. Believe me, I wish it were different. We live in a fallen world and as God warned us, man will go from bad to worse. Doesn’t it make you glad that this world is not our home? I am more grateful for that than at any time in my life.
While I said that everything I talked about in last year’s letter is unfortunately still true, actually, that is not entirely correct — in many cases things have gotten worse. If you are still not the slightest bit suspicious after living through the last 3 years I am not sure what more could be said. We are still in a “plandemic” supposedly from a disease that is no longer a threat, if it ever was one.
Stop the fear. Stop getting shots. It should be clear by now that they do not prevent disease or there would be no need for third, fourth, fifth, etc. boosters. The shots are actually weapons. If you have survived unscathed until now, stop tempting fate. I won’t go into detail here but the healthcare system has become a killing field. If you want detail you can find it on my podcast and substack page.
Two of the things my Dad instilled in me were discerning truth and standing firm in the truth. The truth will set you free, not enslave you!
We are always in a Spiritual battle but it is now stronger than any other time in my life. We are in it together. I am here for you and you can reach out to me for anything.
Let me change the channel to more encouraging things.
I am sharpening my foraging skills which have resulted in several meals from wild mushrooms, poke salat, lambs quarters, persimmons, elderberries, cattails and other wild edibles. I am also ramping up the backyard garden which is much more challenging in Dallas than it is where I used to live in Alabama or Florida. Besides the weather and soil challenges, rabbits, rats and grasshoppers help themselves to what I plant. It is never too late to become more self-sufficient. I am thinking of adding a calligraphy business or teaching some cooking classes but wondering when to fit it in since we are up at 5 AM and in bed by 11 PM without much margin for additional tasks. Maybe I can tighten up on efficiency.
Beverly’s Part
...and back to Beverly ... my role in all of this continues to be supporting Randy in his fight for truth and try to understand what my science-brained, engineer husband is trying to explain to my language-artsy brain. Then further translate what he is trying to say to my artsy-brained friends in this journey.
Beverly's news is about the same as last year...continuing to spend most of my time writing curriculum for the elementary social studies classes I teach to three different groups each week. History is being submerged and erased. I'm trying to put it into these kids' brains while there is a chance to do so. My middle school worldview class studied George Washington Carver and Booker T. Washington this semester. This study contained many things relevant to today and I was surprised to see what they have never experienced in their short lives. Onward to Ralph Moody's Little Britches and Sergeant York next semester. One of the requirements for this class is to memorize scripture--they learned Psalm 91 this semester.
My high school classes have embarked on new territory this year. I have a student teacher working under me, preparing for the day when I will retire. That date is undetermined right now, but the class is bulky and a heavy workload for the uninitiated teacher. We are working to eliminate as much of that problem as possible. The task is further complicated by a new venture into dual credit being offered for my classes. It is simpler than one would think, but the unfamiliar territory keeps me on my toes.
In the spring I finished a 6-month term on the prestigious card design team at place where I hang out to learn and grow my card-making skills. The team is known as "The Splitcoaststampers Dirty Dozen"--affectionately known as "The Dirty Girls". Mom is still not quite sure whether to be proud or embarrassed. (FYI--We are dirty because our hands are always inky.) I rotated off the active team in April, but still continue some duties in that capacity. Monthly I host a challenge to teach a new card-making technique. It's pretty straightforward--teach those who want to learn something new each month. Some have told me my posts are encouraging and that makes my heart happy!
In May, Ben's family and Laurie met us at St. George Island in north Florida for a week of family and beach time. It was refreshing and fun. Everyone is doing well. Each excels in their work and hobbies. Ben has traveled for glider contests, Christina is photographing more weekend horse shows. Maria is homeschooled and in first grade this year and growing like a flower. Laurie has done more traveling this year--Greece, Ecuador, and Mexico are the countries I can remember right now.
Dad had a hard fall earlier this year. It has slowed him down a bit, but he is still chugging along. We are thankful for Dale and Teri who live nearby and help them in countless ways. Mom and Dad celebrated their 90th birthdays with one big party halfway between their own birthdays. Most of the family got to come, so we threw them a big shindig at church--a fun cooperative effort full of friends, food, and photos (old and new).
Randy's mom is now 92. In May, she broke her shoulder and needed someone to stay with her until she could do her daily tasks by herself again. I spent 2 months in Alabama with her. We hung out, picked blueberries, kept an eye on the bird feeder and the flowers in the yard--and watched a lot of Andy Griffith. She read her books, did her crossword puzzles and coloring. We made the rounds of her favorite shopping spots and restaurants while she had a chauffeur. On weekends we ate at Brad and Teri's cookouts at the river. I set up a make-shift card studio on her dining room table. I think the card count of what I made while I was there ended up being close to 600. I'm beginning to sell my cards, but still don't have an online shop set up. Let me know if you are interested...right now I am surrounded by stacks of Christmas cards. They need to be subdued and stuffed into envelopes!
See our Year in Review photo album at:
Randy’s info is below. Mine is still If you would like a digital copy of this to more easily follow any of the links provided email Beverly or Randy.
Randy’s info
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hosted weekly by Randy Stewart and Travis Harbin
Two hours of discussion centered on critical thinking about God, health, current events and topics raised by the listeners.
Tues 1 PM Pacific — 2 PM Mountain — 3 PM Central — 4 PM Eastern — 9 PM UK - Wed 8 AM AEDT
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Lovely, thank you for the update. I send you many blessings for Christmas and into the next year.
Yes, we are in difficult times, but right, God, and human decency, the soul, will ultimately prevail.