Critical Thinking About Technocracy and the Hegelian Dialectic
Live With Your Brain Turned On Podcast 0019 - 20230131
Critical Thinking about Technocracy and the Hegelian Dialectic
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Stop looking for individual people to make some giant change. The change we want is going to depend on people who know what is right and do not bow to authoritarian control. If a man appears that “has the answer” do not follow, that will finish with your enslavement.
The only individual that will make a difference is YOU and your only Savior is Jesus Christ.
Your mind must be transformed - Romans 12:1-3
I urge you therefore brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God which is your spiritual service of worship. And do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what the will of God is. That which is good and acceptable and perfect.
What have you been programmed to believe?
You are being programmed to accept continuous pandemics (while at the same time accepting we have the best healthcare system in human history) but that system does not know what to do for a disease except kill you with insane experiments.
They won’t bet 10 cents the shot is not causing stroke but they will bet YOUR life.
— Steve Kirsch
Controlled opposition
Mikki Willis clip
Our Birthright & The Voices Of Propaganda
Time 7 min
So, do I believe there is controlled opposition? Absolutely. Am I going to spend my time trying to figure our who it is?
It will be the last person I suspect. Here is what I think the proper response is to controlled opposition - make sure it is not me. Here is what I think is the proper response from the example of Jesus and his disciples at the last supper.
Matt 26:20-22
Now when evening came, Jesus was reclining at the table with the twelve. And as they were eating, He said, “Truly I say to you that one of you will betray Me.” Being deeply grieved, they began saying to Him, each one: “Surely it is not I, Lord?”
That is what I think is the proper response to figure out who is the controlled opposition - is it me, Lord?
Do not get distracted fighting others who may be on our side. And have grace towards those who have not figured out there is even a fight yet.
At the end, Mikki asks how bad does it have to get before we are willing to change. I will tell you the emotion needed to effect the change — disgust. When you get disgusted enough with that is happening then you will join the fight.
Vera Sharav 5 Part Documentary Trailer
Never Again is Now Global - World Premiere | Monday, Jan 30 | 7pm EST
Time 5 min
Link to the Documentary Series:
Never Again is Now Global - World Premiere
Quote I heard this weekend
A person learns their bad habits in good times and their good habits in bad times
Book of the week
The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism
by Patrick Wood
This is just the latest book published by Dr. Wood on this very important topic. I admit, I did not see the importance of this issue until a few years ago. Yes, I knew it was possible but had no idea it was also imminent. I now see the clear and present danger. I never dreamed I would be engaged at some level in a war for the continuing of freedom in the world in my lifetime. There are many interviews with Patrick Wood where he gives clear presentation of what is happening and how we can stand against this takeover that is happening before our eyes.
From Page 23
It is a fatal error to equate scientism with science. True science explores the natural world using the time-tested scientific method of repeated experimentation and validation. By comparison, scientism is is a speculative, metaphysical, upside-down worldview about the nature of the universe and man’s relation to it. If left unchecked, scientism, as expressed through technocracy and transhumanism, will end with the abolition of man and the civilization it has built.
People today are understandably amazed at the whiz-bang scientific discoveries and advancements being made at jet-speed pace all around them. Meanwhile, though, they have been completely oblivious to the rising religion of scientism with its associated priesthood of scientists and engineers. Relying on modern propaganda designed to deceive and manipulate, scientism promises dignity, food, shelter, health, education, employment <and> security. It delivers just the opposite: insignificance, starvation, homelessness, sickness, illiteracy, joblessness, <and> danger.
Real science provides tangible benefits to man. Scientism is a road leading to the certain destruction of man.
From Preface XII
By the beginning of 2020, with the release of the COVID-19 virus, they [the technocrats] were indeed demonstrating “the guts to shut the old world order down and simply declare the ‘system’ as dictator.”
Once fear of the virus dominated the global psyche, public health authorities began launching economic, political and social shredding policies in nearly every nation on earth. They ordered face masks, social distancing, closing of schools and businesses and churches, lockdowns, quarantines, incessant testing, temperature checks and more. The global economic impact was tectonic, wrecking supply chains, driving small business into oblivion, and causing massive unemployment.
Economic destruction didn’t just play into technocrat hands. It was the hand they played.
Here is a clip I have played before. This is James Giordano, Chief of Neuroethics Program at Georgetown University giving a lecture in 2017 on Neurotechnology in National Defense to the Army “Mad Scientist Team.” Yes, you heard me right. The army has a team called the Mad Scientist Team. I feel more secure already …. NOT! See if you recognize the technocracy Patrick Wood wrote about.
Time 10 min
Interview links
Patrick Wood Web Site:
1 hour 40 min
Look for the big picture -it will guide your life and health (Mercola / Patrick Wood interview)
Patrick M. Wood - Children's Health Defence Exclusives
1 hour
Supplement of the week
The only supplement shown to dissolve the spike protein according to research that Dr Peter McCullough has seen. He talks about it in a recent interview with Alex Jones.
Exposing the Truth Behind Mass Deaths from COVID Vaccines: Dr. Peter McCullough Joins Infowars In-Studio
Time mark 27:00 nattokinase for dissolving spike protein.
One source of nattokinase
Scott Schara podcast link
Time 40 min
I have permission from Scott to play this in its entirety. He shares his latest deep dive into what is going on.
The Government Can Legally Kill Us - The Second Largest PSYOP in the Past 120 Years!
40 m
Vera Sharav on The Highwire 20230127
1 hour 5 min