Mercola 20221128
Is the Ukraine War a Money Laundering Scheme?
Zinc Cuts COVID Death Risk by 40%
Excess Body Fat Can Age Your Brain Faster Than Muscle
Catchup (Part 2)
Young Crypto Founder Shocks Industry With Sudden Death at 30 in His Sleep
Conspiracies Roil Crypto Crowd After Pioneer’s Shock Drowning Death
Fauci’s 7-Hour Deposition: What We Know So far
EXCLUSIVE: A Look from Inside – The Fauci Deposition: Attorneys General from Missouri and Louisiana Depose Dr. Fauci, Prove He Was Not Honest with the American Public
Halt Vaccination of Young People Until Vaccine-Linked Myocarditis Is Studied: MIT Professor
Dr. Nepute Was Absolutely Correct – New Study Confirms Vitamin D Provides Protection Against COVID Death
Died Suddenly – the groundbreaking investigations that made the film possible
The most important legal point of our times
2 min

The BEST FOODS To Eat That End Inflammation & MELT BODY FAT! | Shawn Stevenson
1 hour 40 min
[CLIP ] Retsef Levi: Leaked Videos Show Israeli Authorities Hiding Information About Side Effects
9 min
The Sword of Truth, and why you must use it!
30 min
Legal strategies for job losses through jab mandates
1 hour 15 min
Dr Paul Marik
As promised, I am posting the recording of the Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics meeting with Dr Paul Marik from a few weeks ago which contains an enormous amount of useable information about health and standing up against medical tyranny. Watch this one!!!
2 hours 25 min
The economy explained ... all over the world.

The mass protests breaking out across China against the draconian lockdowns are both courageous and historic. The people have had enough. Authoritarianism never ends well. History has taught us that. The Chinese protestors are creating their own history.

You have 2 of them identifies as a bull, the other identifies as a Toreador...