Full Episode #61: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. - The Man Who Built A Movement
When you get Steve Kirsch asking questions and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. answering them you are about to learn a lot. If you wonder what has been going on in the pharmaceutical industry for the last 30+ years, particularly vaccines, this is information you need to be aware of. Fast paced and content dense you will find the time flies by. And yet this is just the tip of the iceberg. You may come to understand that the pharmafia creates the market for the products that it sells at your expense — it costs you your dollars and your health.
1 hour 55 min
The Vax is a CCP Bioweapon Targeting the West – Naomi Wolf Interview CLIP
9 min
Netherlands To Ban Gas Cars By 2025
This short video is satirical — but it is not funny. The information presented about vehicles is true. The second part satirizes the propaganda used to turn us hypochondriacs. Remember the TV show Monk? Now half the population is “Monk.” Nothing changed about disease in 2020 — except your perception. Nice try globalists, we are on to you now!
3 min
Australian Senator Gerard Rennick's Amazing Vax Rant Leaves Opposition Parties Angry
10 min
This might be my all time favorite Joe Rogan moment.
In just a few minutes, Peter Hotez inadvertently shows the world exactly what has gone wrong with our medical system and why his endless push for more vaccines will never create health.

2 hours
Mercola 20230107
Peter Hotez Vies for Power as Fauci Steps Down
Are the Unvaxxed Deadly Drivers?
How Sugar Harms Your Brain and Drives Alzheimer’s Epidemic
Mercola 20230108
How to Stay Fit for Life
Key Food and Lifestyle Strategies for a Healthier Life
How Nebulized Peroxide Helps Against Respiratory Infections
5 visions of the future from our Global Technology Governance Summit