Fifth Generation Warfare
Our Electronic Digital Prison Is Being Built in Front of Our Eyes -- With Our Help
What is Fifth Generation Warfare?
Why is there such a push to convince you that you MUST move to 5G for information access?
5G stands for Fifth Generation in the cell phone and wifi world. But it has additional meanings outside the world of communications.
Fifth Generation is not just used to describe information access. It also describes a modern strategy of warfare known as Unrestricted Warfare.
Unrestricted Warfare: China's Master Plan to Destroy America was first published in China in 1999. Coauthored by Major General Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui, the book has been required reading at West Point.
It is a handbook for the People’s Liberation Army on how to engage in asymmetric warfare containing details for waging war, strategically and tactically, using weapons not limited to bullets, bombs, missiles, and artillery shells. This new strategy weaponizes information. In the age of the worldwide internet, what seems like the free flow of information becomes an open door policy for one country to insert its propaganda into the thinking and belief systems of its enemy.
It is a recipe for a slow but inexorable assault on an enemy’s institutions, often without the enemy’s knowledge that it is even being attacked. It is insidious due to the inability to recognize the enemy combatant as in conventional warfare. The strategy is to wage a war with methods so covert and seemingly benign that the party being attacked does not realize it’s being attacked. Therefore the enemy hides in plain site and is even considered a friend, being disguised as a convenience or a government or corporate program often offered for “free”.
It hides behind the cloak of double-speak, the famous tool of the elite in George Orwell’s book, 1984. The words used are designed to be heard one way by the intended audience while it has the opposite meaning to the speaker. It intoxicates its deceived proponents with empowerment and the idea they are somehow improving society while destroying the lives of individuals in that society. There can be NO societal good that destroys the life of an individual - but that needs it own post.
This war of information relies on propaganda, which is the only side of a story allowed to be heard by those in control. When there is only one side to a story you can be pretty dang sure it is not the full truth, if is contains any truth at all.
Wireless 5G is toxic to us in at least three categories.
It is toxic to our
Physical body - It causes damage to our health
Personal Privacy - It is used for covert surveillance
Personal Freedom - It is used for detailed control
Here is the podcast that prompted me to write this post.
18 min
Hi, I Am Your Crazy, Delusional Uncle
Feel free to just think of me as your crazy, delusional uncle today. But before you totally dismiss my observations and conclusions remember this — I have been into cutting edge technology all of my life. I love the thrill of discovery and invention. I believe in using innovation to make life easier and freer, providing more time to explore God’s creation satisfying the curiosity He blessed us with to learn how to use the incredible capabilities that can be discovered.
My career has been in computer technology, programming, databases, data integration, integrated networks and AI. Until recently I was naively blind in my enthusiastic embrace of technology and believed that most everyone else, with rare exceptions, only wanted to do good things and advance human welfare with our advanced knowledge skills. I did not in my wildest dreams consider there were enough bad actors to systemically turn technology, government, healthcare, science, business and even friends and neighbors against truth and freedom on a worldwide scale.
I was wrong!
Sure, I acknowledged there were bad actors out there hacking into accounts, stealing money and identities but I had no idea that this was systemic or that bad actor intrusions might be “false flags” used to push us into the “safety nets” that would ultimately be used to ensnare us.
If you find yourself in any net, safety or otherwise, you are not free.
Man, I sure am pessimistic about the basic goodness of man, aren’t I? But if you are convinced that man is basically good, just put an unprotected account on the internet and see how fast it is taken advantage of.
Out of Control or In Control For Another Purpose?
We see everything around us as out of control if we cannot make sense of it. This includes governments worldwide, judicial systems, corporations, banking, pharmaceutical, food production, political figures elections — every major area. In my opinion, the obviously mentally impaired and inept Resident in the U.S. White House and the whole out-of-control U. S. government and “government” agencies such as the CDC, NIH, FDA, FBI, and CIA (which are not actually part of government) are there to give the common man a built-in excuse — they look like idiots — giving the common man a handy excuse to dismiss the thought there is an actual malevolent agenda.
I argue that the idiots are not out of control. They are in control, or if they are truly idiots, someone is in control of them. They are in the control of an evil we find nearly impossible to accept as a real possibility. It took me a while to accept this explanation to be true myself. I keep trying to talk myself out of it but I have not been able to find evidence for a different explanation. We want to think that all the malevolent dictators are in past history.
But once you accept this impossible possibility then everything becomes instantly clear. Everything IS under control. It is just being controlled by people and forces we do not want to to have such control.
Try thinking about our current situation as being created on purpose for just one minute. It all makes sense now, doesn’t it?
The Problem
The problem is that evil men have risen to such levels of power, influence and control that they are making us their slaves and too few realize it. Godly men would use our technological advances to make us free. But ungodly men, aided and abetted by the god of this world, use them to make us slaves. If you do not understand this, you have not been paying attention.
Just one example. If you're still under the naively mistaken belief that there is no Deep State, the Twitter file dumps1 from Elon Musk detailing how Twitter was coerced into doing the FBI's bidding, with actual FBI agents on its staff to control the online narrative, ought to set the record straight. The CIA is not our friend, either.
Look at China to get an idea of the plans for the rest of us.
Exhibit 1 - China lockdowns and protests. 234
Why you are being “forced” (coerced) to move to 5G
Fear of disease, a Digital ID, 5G Internet, “smart” devices and the Internet of Things (including people) are about CONTROLLING you, not freeing you, as you are programmed to believe. Those in positions of leadership make such ridiculous statements as, “To be free you must bow to our mandates”. For those who might still be confused, bowing to mandates is the opposite of being free.
5G is not about giving you more and faster access to the internet, it is about giving the internet more and faster access to you through surveillance and digital control!
Zero Trust
You either have been, or will be, “forced” or coerced to accept a Digital ID (a.k.a. vaccine passport) which is your tacit admission of being a criminal who cannot be trusted. Hence the label Zero Trust. Under Zero Trust you are guilty unless proven innocent therefore you must be monitored and controlled inside the digital prison being built around you.
This will limit any freedom of choice that you currently have. You will not even need to have a chip implanted. ID is done by facial recognition, palm recognition and QR codes. The mark on the forehead or the right hand as described in Revelation IS ALREADY THERE in the form of facial and palm recognition. Accepting the assignment of the digital ID is accepting the mark of the beast system that will be used to control all of your transactions and movements.
“Invisible” Prisons Being Built
Our enemy is truly the master of deception.
5G towers have been going up all around Frisco, TX. The linked LED streetlights are popping up everywhere around the towers. I can point out several 5G towers each Sunday morning as I drive to church. There is one right across the street from a church near Main Street and Preston in Frisco. There is one right outside the front entrance of Stonebriar Community Church in Frisco. If you drive over to Warren Blvd around the Dallas Cowboys headquarters you cannot go one block without passing a 5G tower and every street light is “smart”. Cameras blanket every available camera angle. What would truly be smart would be to get cities like Frisco to raze all of these devices before they are used to digitally enslave us.
I recently made a trip to San Antonio, TX and what I saw in the neighborhood I was in would cause me to immediately put my house up for sale. Every street light was outfitted with cameras, transmitters and blue LED streetlights with cameras and transponders. This was on - every - single - streetlight. I thought I had somehow wound up in a “smart” city in China. You have to ask yourself, who paid the bill for these thousands of devices that each would have cost thousands of dollars? And who put them up over the last year of two without us even noticing it? City planners do not have the monetary resources to do this unless it is being given to them. WHO could that be?
Can these devices also be weapons?
Yes! I met the inventor of many of the sound energy weapons at a conference several years back. I have seen what they are capable of. They are real. The directed sound device that I experienced was not designed as a weapon, it was a convenient way to direct distinct sound channels to individual people so each could hear something different even if they are sitting next to each other. But the DoD saw this and recognized how it could be (and has been) weaponized to confused people and, at a high enough output, harm people.
Devices using light have also been weaponized. The LED Incapacitator (LEDI), the “puke” flashlight, sound and EMF weapons — are all real. They are not even new.
Here is one company that has made them since 2009
LED Incapacitator (LEDI)
Here is a news story on the LED Incapacitator
IOS "Puke" Flashlight
Here are plans to build your own
Build a puke ray (bright LED flashing dazzler), a non-lethal weapon
Sure, these devices can be useful in situations involving law enforcement and criminals, but what if you are the new criminal based on “Zero Trust”?
What is the “Smart” thing to do?
One of my new principles to live by is to say “NO” to any company that promotes “smart” technology. I will not buy anything that is labeled “smart.” If it is called smart it is smart to run away from it as fast as you can. If it is “smart” it can and will be used to enslave or even kill you.
I prefer wise technology. What is wise technology? It is what was designed by God, discovered by man and used to glorify God and show love to our fellow man - not control him. God has given us every good thing. Yes, He gave us minds to invent things that extend our abilities. But it is necessary that these inventions are used in alignment with God’s principles. This means two things, based on the Ten Commandments.
We worship only the Creator not our creations
We use our creations to demonstrate love to our neighbor as we love ourselves.
Things that cause harm to innocent people are NOT from God. Many so-called “smart” technologies like 5G cause documented harm and are designed for centralized control and to change and control our biology. This is not my opinion, this is what the governments of the world are saying as they gather and plan their takeover at meetings of the WHO, the WEF, the UN, the G20, the COP27, GAVI, the EU and many more. The US Government not only plans on programming us like they program computers, they have MANDATED it. Don’t believe me? Read this from the SEPTEMBER 12, 2022 “Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe, and Secure American Bioeconomy” signed by Resident Biden.
For biotechnology and biomanufacturing to help us achieve our societal goals, the United States needs to invest in foundational scientific capabilities. We need to develop genetic engineering technologies and techniques to be able to write circuitry for cells and predictably program biology in the same way in which we write software and program computers; unlock the power of biological data, including through computing tools and artificial intelligence; and advance the science of scale‑up production while reducing the obstacles for commercialization so that innovative technologies and products can reach markets faster.
If you disagree
I might be wrong. In fact, I hope I am wrong but as the evidence continues to accumulate it makes a stronger and stronger case that there is a world-wide takeover in progress by self appointed oligarchs that have infiltrated governments and brag about doing it. One of my greatest fears is that I might get things wrong from time to time and lead people astray but when the evidence is so clear that is a risk I must take. The stakes are too high to not admit recognized patterns and do the deep research to discern what is happening to fundamentally change our world. The evidence is out in the open and undeniable. You can find some of it codified in Executive Orders (Mandates) and International Agreements (Bali Agreement).
WEF's Klaus Schwab Says The Quiet Part Out Loud, They're Not Even Hiding It Anymore
Feel free to disagree with me but let me know where you disagree. Or perhaps you have additional evidence in agreement that we all need to hear. Despite the brevity of this post, this is a complex subject and it will take much more time and effort to tease out the full truth. I know I cannot do it alone. Let’s compare notes on the information we find and discuss how we should interpret it.
Oppose Mandates
I think you will find it hard to question the digital control being put in place that will be used to imprison you and me by controlling our movements, our access to information and access our own money. In other words, we will no longer be free.
We are paradoxically being told by our controllers that the only way we can be free is by submitting to their control of all of these things. Remember the invisible fence marketed to keep your dog from wandering out of your control? You are now the dog. Fortunately, the controllers are not as invisible as they think they are.
So, why must you move to 5G?
Just in case you are confused, I am NOT saying you must move to 5G.
I am saying you must OPPOSE 5G. It is the controllers who say you must move to 5G (so you can be controlled).
Why do you need 5G when you can do everything you want to do with 4G technology with wireless technology? Feel free to leave comments about benefits of 5G over 4G that I have not thought of. The few I have given you are pretty alarming. Maybe I missed something. I believe there are probably many more reasons to oppose 5G including the harm 5G can cause to health.
But the bulk of my concern comes from the harm 5G can cause to freedom.
Stay Free!
The mass protests breaking out across China against the draconian lockdowns are both courageous and historic. The people have had enough. Authoritarianism never ends well. History has taught us that. The Chinese protestors are creating their own history.
EMERGENCY - China Has Erupted - REVOLUTION!!!
40 min