How to Sell Drugs to People Who Are Well
How can you build a drug empire if everyone gets well?
Vaccines — a treatment looking for a disease
If the purpose of your business is to make products that make people healthier how do you continue to grow and expand your business as sick people get well? There are multiple ways. Since people have no problem getting sick or injured that should be enough but a sure method to insure consistent growth is by planned obsolescence. What I mean is by making products to medicate symptoms but fail to provide real health benefits. People feel better temporarily while taking the medication but do not become healthy and continue having the need for the medication. Patients are trapped into buying drugs for life.
Since the underlying cause of the symptoms is not addressed, health actually declines providing opportunity for even more medications. As health declines the need for more medications due to the “unintentional” or “inescapable” side effects of the first medication provide additional sales. Do you think I am just being cynical or is this what really happens? Keep reading for some thoughts but be absolutely sure to listen to the 10 minute clip in the Weapons of Mass Disruption section.
How many people do you know who are 65 that take zero prescription drugs? Well, you know at least one now. Me. If you want to know why, I have written other posts here and here about the reasons are for that. It is much more common to know people who take 5, 10, 15 or more prescription drugs. The older they get the larger the number of prescriptions. Is this by accident — or by design?
Welcome to the World of Big Pharma.
Wouldn’t you love being able to make money selling things to people they have no need for but line up to buy anyway at premium prices?
This is a critical thinking article based on thousands of hours of research. It is my opinion the line of reasoning I present is better supported by the data than the mainstream narrative most people have been conditioned to accept. Some of my opinions are different than some beliefs of many doctors and researchers who I trust and whose opinions I value greatly and who happen to be the source of much of my information. But there are other trusted doctors who agree with my conclusions. We do not have to agree on every detail. I base my conclusions from patterns I see in the the data.
For instance, most people continue to talk about virus variants and the failure or negative efficacy of shots. I believe variants are bogus and the shots are not failing, they are doing just what they were designed to do. It is just not what we expected them to be designed to do. Former Pfizer VP Mike Yeadon believes the same.
Of course, we know that drug companies would be ethical enough not use their position and wealth to control the research behind “evidence-based medicine,” would they? As Bugs Bunny used to say, “He don’t know me vewy well.”
Evaluate the arguments presented below and form your honest opinion. I may be right and I may be wrong but I honestly want to know your thoughts. I ask questions, evaluate data and propose hypotheses without the pressure of a company paying for those conclusions.
Why Vaccines?
Why does the Pharmafia love vaccines so much? Could it be because vaccines are a treatment that can be sold to someone without the need for them to be sick? All you need for motivation is fear. People tend to be hypochondriacs and fear getting sick. Remember the TV show “Monk”? The Pharmafia has turned more people into Monk than I would have believed. I know people who cannot pass a hand sanitizer station without imbibing. It is no longer funny. It is, in fact, dangerous to health.
Vaccines are the foot in the door and we have been trained in America that no baby will survive without a plethora of injections. The fear of getting sick is so great that we have been indoctrinated to believe that the first thing a newborn baby needs besides that first breath is a battery of shots called vaccines. But has anyone ever been born with a drug or vaccine deficiency?
Babies do not even have a mature immune system yet. Their mother provides most of the pathogen immunity that a baby needs for the first year of life through her milk and close contact. So how can an undeveloped immune system be stimulated to produce an immune response? It can’t. It makes no sense.
But the “vaccine” shots can (and do) cause immune damage and prime a child to need other medical attention and drugs. Babies are not even at risk for many of the diseases universally vaccinated against. CDC CONCEDES IT HAS NO DATA REGARDING HEPATITIS B TRANSMISSION IN SCHOOL SETTINGS.
Did your children have ear infections and colds from the beginning of life? Very few studies have been done between vaccinated and unvaccinated children. One was done recently by Dr. Paul Thomas that reveals unvaccinated children in his practice have far less disease than the vaccinated. No category is even close. The vaccinated children have multiple times more disease than the unvaccinated. This practice is a big practice with decades of data so the results are significant. Here is the study. Pay attention to the graphs about halfway through the study that show the curves for different ailments between the two groups. It is stunning.
The CDC and medical board was pressuring Dr. Paul to give them proof that his informed consent policy at his practice was not injuring children. Once Dr. Paul did the study and shared with the board and the CDC they responded by trying to take his medical license away. So much for “follow the science.”
You won’t find many of these studies because the drug companies will not pay for them and the CDC does not want to do them. Makes you wonder what they don’t want you to know. In fact, the CDC has said they have not and will not do such a study.
CDC Concedes It Has Never Conducted Study Of Vaccinated VS. Unvaccinated Children
A Study Can Support Science or Scientism
My Dad told me many times “you cannot prove a negative.” The “proof” that any vaccine works is negative proof. You prove effectiveness by not getting the disease. Yet, there are many reasons you might not get the disease besides the fact you got a shot. These are known as confounding factors.
Examples might be:
You were not exposed to the disease so you never got it or you have not been exposed yet. How many diseases have you never had that you were never vaccinated for? See, never having them proves nothing.
You were exposed and your innate immune system kept you from getting sick.
You were exposed, got sick, recovered and are now protected by natural immunity.
Your immune system may protect you if you get exposed to the disease with or without the vaccine.
Do you see why you cannot “prove” a negative?
Another huge problem is that since an injection cannot be undone you can never compare your un-injected self to your injected self. Therefore you will never really know if the injection was good or bad for you personally — unless you have sudden, unexpected, negative effects in close proximity to the shot. If nothing else significantly changed in your life, the shot is a prime candidate to examine.
If you do contract the disease after taking a vaccine it is defined as a rare “breakthrough” case so it can be dismissed without a definition of rare.
In any case, long after a disease or disease scare is gone many people will continue to line up for a vaccine forever. They should get loyalty cards with a free happy meal after 10 shots. It will probably harm your health less.
By the time a person has three or four of the same shot about the only place they could possibly get the disease is from the vaccine itself. That is the only place the pathogen is still found. It is cultured in labs for vaccines but that is the only place it still exists. Recent outbreaks of measles, polio and small pox show that the strains infecting the patient are the strains used the vaccines. More polio cases now caused by vaccine than by wild virus. Strange. So we eliminated polio and small pox — except for the strains used in the vaccines.
Another strange thing is that the symptoms of transverse myelitis, Guillian-Barre syndrome and neuropathy are the same as symptoms of (eradicated) polio. (Follow the rabbit down this hole if you want: The Curious Case of Polio, DDT and Vaccines)
We have been led to believe that vaccines are fully tested using a representative group of volunteers divided into two equal groups, one group given a placebo and one group given the vaccine being studied. The trial should last several years so the long term effects can be observed for safety first and also for effectiveness.
The problem is the CDC cannot give you evidence that this ever happens. In fact, by their own admission they cannot provide any data that this testing happens even though the law requires them to in the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986. Even worse than that, when bad reactions are expected from the trial, the trial is often corrupted by destroying the placebo group by injecting them with the product being tested. This is a trick used many times by Dr. Tony Fauci’s sponsored trials, including the trials for the recent warp speed shot. There was a true placebo group in the study (thanks to a lawsuit forcing it) but at the end of the “extensive” study period of two months they were given the real shot, too. So the long term comparison between the placebo group and the real shot group cannot ever be known. Keep in mind the trial was only 2 months. Any claims to safety based on the trials are bogus as there is no data.
Clinical trials sponsored by the CDC do not use a genuine, benign placebo such as saline. The only reason the COV!D trials did was because the Informed Consent Action Network of Del Bigtree sued to make them have one. Typically a “faux” placebo that contains a toxic adjuvant, appearing in the test vaccine as well, is used in trials. The cover story for this is that it “equalizes” the the effects of the shot in each arm of the trial. But the reason adjuvants are added to a vaccine is an adjuvant CAUSES a reaction in the immune system because the typical killed or weakened pathogen does not trigger an immune response in the body. The way to ensure a response is with the adjuvant, which being truly toxic, does provoke one. Do you see anything suspicious here?
During a trial both arms go about their normal lives which may be very different individual to individual. These are confounding factors that skew the results of a trial. Any exposure participants get to the pathogen under trial, exposure to other pathogens or things like eating healthy or junk food or good or bad life style is totally random. Sleep patterns, other drugs, nutrition differences, genetics and many other important differences can cause more reactions than the vaccines. How can this ever give you useable data unless the clinical trials are extremely large, last a very long time and control confounding factors — none of which typically happens?
For many years the pharmafia has promulgated the lie that it is unethical to test a vaccine by direct exposure trial participants to the pathogen. Are they afraid of what we might find out?
The truth is that naturally acquired immunity is always superior to vaccine acquired. Always. We would not have billions of people on earth otherwise. So how is actively exposing someone to the pathogen more unethical than exposing them to the same pathogen in a shot because that is what a vaccination does. Explain this to me. Seriously.
Plus injecting the pathogen bypasses multiple laters of innate immune protection you have that keeps the pathogen from getting into your body in the first place. Would you drink a vaccine? If not, then why would you inject it?
Testing for a pathogen in the mucus of the nose is senseless even if it were a reliable test because the mucus is the body’s first line of defense against invaders. You WANT your mucus to contain what you are exposed to. That is what keeps it from getting inside you and causing disease. Remember how how kids tend to have snotty noses? That is their main line of defense against pathogens while their adaptive immune systems are maturing.
Once a pathogen gets past the external defenses different systems get triggered. When a pathogen is injected the body goes “what the heck just happened?” It is alarmed because this thing just showed up without warning. Where did it come from? Why did it get no early warning from the external defenses. This tends to create an over reactive immune response which is not a good thing. Does the phrase “cytokine storm” sound familiar to you?
Does any vaccine really do anything?
A vaccine does modify your immune system. The pharmafia tells you it modifies it beneficially. What does the majority of the data show?
Dr. Rashid Buttar talked about this at the Clay Clark ReAwaken Tour Event in Virginia Beach ( and reported that natural immunity has been measured to be 27 times more effective than ANY vaccine (2700%) in clinical studies. You can follow the link to hear more from Dr. Buttar.
There Are No Side Effects
Are you vaccinated against thinking?
Vaccines only have EFFECTS. Calling an effect a “side effect” is simple a redefinition trick to make make it appear insignificant because it is not an effect you want to market. But if you have 50 side effects for the one marketable effect why would a truth-in-science based company focus on that single seemingly beneficial effect? It sounds like misdirection to me. Misdirection is fun when watching a magician but not fun for your health.
Have you heard any drug commercials that fit this pattern? Have you ever heard one that didn’t? How much fun is it to count the number of “side effects” at the end of the commercial if you can keep up with the fast talking announcer? Counting is more fun when you are not taking the drug and actually experiencing those effects.
Remember, just because it is not the advertised effect does not mean it is a “side” effect. If an effect happens, it is an effect and either good or bad.
Vaccines do not have negative efficacy
Every effect is a “positive” or causative effect even if it is negative in the sense that it is a non-beneficial effect caused by the injected product. The question is whether it is the desired effect or not. If you pick the single effect you want to market out of a forest of effects that cause disease or increase the chances of getting disease, is it truthful to call that single desired effect beneficial? If only one effect out of ten is beneficial how is that causing more good than harm? If the undesired effects outweigh the desired effects the product is harmful and does not belong on the market.
Negative Efficacy: How Many Vaccinated People Get Infected for Every Unvaccinated Individual?
Dr. Harvey Risch: "[According to UK public health data], the rates of symptomatic infection in each age group were approximately threefold higher in the vaccinated people than the unvaccinated people."
You can think differently but I do not accept the idea of negative efficacy. What is called negative efficacy is just the flip side of the causation of undesired effects in my thinking. Or maybe the “undesired” effects are actually the desired effects but hidden from us! A 3x higher infection from a shot, like the COV!D shot, tells me the infection more than likely came from the injection not exposure to a pathogen that left the building over a year ago, if it existed.
Don’t do illegal drugs, Do my legal drugs
We have been trained by media, advertisers, doctors and social pressures to accept the belief that vaccines are “safe and effective” our whole lives. We are led to believe they promote health while containing nothing that promotes health. Almost all drugs are either toxins or process disruptors that cover up symptoms instead of fixing the root cause. Your body heals itself if given the proper nutrients and supportive supplements once any contributing toxins are removed. No doctor ever healed a patient. The body is self healing and doctors assist the healing process or remove toxins or pressures that disrupt that healing.
The Wizard of Odds
The drug industry has played the man behind the curtain promoting their story while doing a good job hiding the harm. But with this last jab, the gloves have come off. They no longer care because too many people will still reach for the carrot now even when they know it is not real and even when the harm is right before their eyes. That Kool-Aid sure is good!
Thanks to Debra Birx everyone should now know our government is serving the Kool-Aid. Debra brags in her new book that she hid the real data from the White House and the public while it was in plain sight. It was arranged it so most people would not see it or pay attention to it. Lead with the propaganda and put the truth at the end. No one reads to the end (except me and a handful of others.) She calls it “sleight of hand” and “subterfuge”. I have other words for it.
Dr. Birx Praises Herself While Revealing Ignorance, Treachery, and Deceit
After the heavily edited documents were returned to me, I’d reinsert what they had objected to, but place it in those different locations. I’d also reorder and restructure the bullet points so the most salient—the points the administration objected to most—no longer fell at the start of the bullet points. I shared these strategies with the three members of the data team also writing these reports. Our Saturday and Sunday report-writing routine soon became: write, submit, revise, hide, resubmit.
Fortunately, this strategic sleight-of-hand worked. That they never seemed to catch this subterfuge left me to conclude that, either they read the finished reports too quickly or they neglected to do the word search that would have revealed the language to which they objected. In slipping these changes past the gatekeepers and continuing to inform the governors of the need for the big-three mitigations—masks, sentinel testing, and limits on indoor social gatherings—I felt confident I was giving the states permission to escalate public health mitigation with the fall and winter coming.
This wasn’t the only bit of subterfuge I had to engage in. Immediately after the Atlas-influenced revised CDC testing guidance went up in late August, I contacted Bob Redfield…. Less than a week later, Bob [Redfield] and I had finished our rewrite of the guidance and surreptitiously posted it. We had restored the emphasis on testing to detect areas where silent spread was occurring. It was a risky move, and we hoped everyone in the White House would be too busy campaigning to realize what Bob and I had done. We weren’t being transparent with the powers that be in the White House…
So, why is the pharmafia in love with vaccines?
Because the vaccine maker has no liability thanks to the 1986 Vaccine Act and the Patriot Act.
Because a person needs no disease to be eligible for a vaccine.
You can designate groups of “at risk” people and coerce them into taking the shot using fear, shaming, “science” or “the greater good.”
You can target people with weakened immune systems with the erroneous idea that a toxic shot will somehow improve their already weakened immune system.
No one can ever truly prove that the person getting the shot receives benefit or harm. Since the person started out healthy, it is difficult to prove any harm or disease that comes after the shot came from the shot. It could be a random event (although if a vaccine does not provide protection there should be NO event, random or otherwise)
All vaccines are toxic — no exception. There is nothing in a vaccine that supports your natural immune system. Unlike something like a natural vitamin or supplement, vaccines are toxic by design. The cover story is it strengthens your immune system by weakening it.
And if that doesn’t work there is always another pill or shot to “manage” the damage. You become a customer for life. A life that is less healthy than you are led to believe.
Did I already mention the vaccine maker has no liability?
Everything that is good is vilified, everything that is bad is championed
Things so beneficial as to be practically miraculous are vilified as snake oil or too good to be true. Things that have barely measurable results for treatment, yet have a sea of undesirable results, are sold as beneficial. (Think Ivermectin versus Remdesivir.) A drug with barely measurable efficacy is often sold as the next miracle drug. Doubt me? Watch the evening news and listen to the single advertised “benefit” compared with the plethora of “side effects” that take up half the and spoken at double speed. Talk about double talk …
The good being vilified
You are told that cholesterol and carbon dioxide are bad for you when the truth is you would literally die without either one.
Your body makes cholesterol for a reason. Every cell in your body is constructed with cholesterol. Oxidized cholesterol can be a marker of a problem but ANY uncontrolled oxidation product in the body is a problem. Things like vitamin C help to neutralize oxidized products.
Without carbon dioxide there would be no plants. Without plants there would be no oxygen. The only reason there is free oxygen in our atmosphere is plants free it from a compound — carbon dioxide. Oxygen will not remain free even without animals to breathe it. It is too reactive to remain free for any length of time in the atmosphere an reacts with practically everything. In the balanced system God designed, plants need the carbon dioxide we exhale and we need to oxygen that plants exhale. More animals support more plants. More plants support more animals. You would almost think they were created for each other.
When is come to drugs Ivermectin, which everyone has heard of, and Suramin, which almost no one has heard of, are two very effective drugs. One is vilified, one is hidden.
Ivermectin is the safest drug in medical history with negative effects near 0%. The positive effects against multiple diseases is so good it is hard to believe. The doctors that have used it consistently to treat COV!D report success rates in the range of 97% to 99% cure rates. Most pharmafia drugs have the exact opposite risk-benefit profile but since those drugs are still under patent and expensive while Ivermectin of off patent and costs pennies guess which one gets a monetary incentive if it is used?
Suramin - this is a miracle drug but you have never heard of it.
Suramin treats so many conditions it is almost miraculous. If you are familiar with Dr. Judy Mikovits you know she talks abut Suramin all the time. It can have undesired effects but they are few, typically not severe and truly occur a low percentage of the time. A paper, 100 years of Suramin, published Jan. 2020 on American Society of Microbiology - Antimicrobial Agents and Chemothery describes Suramin effective as:
An anitparasitic drug
An antiviral agent
An anticancer drug
An antidote to poisons like snake venom
Suramin was found to have beneficial effects in a rat arthritis model and to suppress fear responses in the rat. It also promoted the expansion of T cells during immunization of mice and was therefore considered as a small-molecule adjuvant for vaccination. Based on the cell danger hypothesis, Suramin has recently been tested for the treatment of autism spectrum disorders (ASD). The cell danger hypothesis suggests that a systemic stress response that involves mitochondria and purinergic signaling contributes to the development of psychopathologies like autism. Suramin had been shown to act as an inhibitor of purinergic signaling and mitochondrial function and was therefore proposed as a potential therapy for ASD. First tests in mouse models showed correction of symptoms in juveniles, as well as in adults. A first small human trial was carried out and, even though difficult to quantify, showed improvement of ASD symptoms.
<snarky comment> Obviously Suramin should NOT be available. </snarky comment>
And it isn’t.
The bad
Statins - This is a killer
The short story is statins reduce cholesterol. That is true, they do. But is that a good thing? Cholesterol is the basic building block of every cell membrane in the body, it is the basis for ALL steroidal hormones in the body, it is needed to make vitamin D, and a whole lot more. There is a post in the works just on the dangers of statins and the benefits of cholesterol. Stains also block a host of other necessary processes in the body other than just the process that makes cholesterol.
The ugly
Pharma companies have been untrustworthy for a very long time. The list is long here. For the sake of this article I will give this one example.
A recent study that showed 60% of SIDS deaths (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) occurred within 3 days of a vaccine. And now we also have SADS (Sudden Adult Death Syndrome), also linked to a shot called a vaccine? Is anyone studying SADS?
Changing definitions
When the story is about to go away or turn against the selected narrative, the definitions are changed and the goal posts are moved. I could write a whole post on the definition changes during COV!D, starting with the definition of a pandemic. Speaking of that, the definition was just changed again. Apparently, a pandemic is now defined by one man at the WHO who sees 5 deaths worldwide and decides to declare it a pandemic — or to use the more sophisticated terminology, a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC).
“Vaccines are safe and effective” is brainwashing
This is about mind control. If the shot called a vaccine worked it would kill off the disease, instead the disease actually increases which makes the “need” for the shot seem more necessary to maintain herd immunity which perpetuates the lie. BTW, there is already a shot for the just declared Mon(k)eypox PHEIC. Are you seeing a pattern?
Run away!!!
This is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System that was required by the 1986 Vaccine Act. It was good enough for Pfizer as the tracking system of record in October 2020 when the trial information was presented to the CDC for authorization. So why does Pfizer and the media say it is not reliable now?
A license to Kill - the 1986 Vaccine Act.
This act removed liability from the drug companies for adverse reactions to vaccines. It also required a system to track vaccine injuries and is the beloved Vaccine Adverse Reaction Reporting System (VAERS). Physicians are REQUIRED to report ANY and ALL suspected vaccine injuries to VAERS. It is up to VAERS to validate it and investigate it. How well has that worked?
The Harvard Lazarus Study (Advanced Clinical Decision Support for Vaccine Adverse Event Detection and Reporting) revealed that vaccine adverse events are grossly UNDER REPORTED over the last 30 years, discovering that less than 1% of events make it into VAERS. But there is absolutely no indication events are over reported so the sound bites about over reporting on evening news is simply not happening. There is clear evidence that reporting of COV!D shot reports are actually being suppressed and even deleted (Welcome the Eagle VAERS Analysis) .
Even though VAERS is a poorly utilized and managed system it still shows there has been more injury from the COV!D shots in 18 months, a single disease, than for ALL shots for ALL diseases in the last 30 years. If that does not alarm you, it should. Who would think it a good idea to make sure everyone in the world must get it? This shot should have been stopped long ago!
If the SARS-CoV-2 virus is real, why would anyone still be pushing a shot for a virus that no longer exists.
What possible benefit could there be for taking a shot for something that has supposed mutated out of existence? According to the story all the variants no longer match the original strain. But they still want you to get the shot. Why?
What if the virus never existed anyway, except as some deliberate release in selected areas? Maybe they want you to get it because there is something in it they want to be in every person on the planet. Does that not sound just a little suspicious?
Did you notice the virus and particularly the variants of it spread at the speed of the Internet. Suddenly people in East Armpit, AK are claiming to have Omicron two weeks after it is “identified” in South Africa. Wow! That virus sure gets around. It is almost like a “con-puter” virus. It is almost as if someone wants you to be so scared that you will beg for vaccines and wait in long lines to get it.
Déjà vu … do not fall for this.
The exact numbers vary but it is reported that we live in a sea of trillions of small organisms and viruses, most of which are benign, beneficial or protective. The microorganisms that live in our body outnumber the number of human cells. So why is everyone afraid of a single virus? The protective organisms shield us from the pathogenic organisms. Plus a strong immune system will recognize a single new virus so you will probably never know there was one. But if you kill off the protective ones (like by using sanitizer all the time and on everything) and weaken your immune systems (with poor diet, little exercise and immune dis-regulating injections) then the defenses that would protect you are gone. When you get sick, you get really sick. So stop with the sanitizer already, regular soap and water is better.
Weapons of Mass Disruption
If you listen to any clip in this article make it this 10 minute clip from the Army Mad Scientist Team from 2017!!! I am not kidding, that is what they call themselves, The Army Mad Scientist Team.
Weapons of Mass Disruption ( This starts out talking about EMF devices (does 5G come to mind?) followed by drugs disguised as illnesses (does COV!D come to mind) then he gets to weaponizing insects like the DARPA Beetle. I cut it there but you can find the whole video here if interested to know more. Did I mention this is from 2017?
I have seen and experienced some of these technologies personally and have met the inventor of some of them. They are real.
If the shots were designed to combat a virus, wouldn’t variants make a difference to the drug pushers? I believe that since it does not make a difference, that tells you something very important. Variants are merely a distraction — a magician’s trick. The data show the shot has nothing to do with protection.
When has it ever protected? Never. The language used to hide this is “negative efficacy.” There is no such thing as negative efficacy. We covered this. The shot either stops the disease or it causes the disease. Since it does not stop it … (your conclusion here).
What is COV!D-19?
How do you distinguish COV!D-19 from colds, the flu, pneumonia, accidents, heart attacks, or a chronic degenerative disease? True diagnostics depend on the presentation and symptoms of a disease in a patient. Let’s see how the diagnostic process fares.
COV!D-19 vs. the Flu
Back in January 27, 2022 Johns Hopkins published a page that is still available for you to view so you can definitively determine whether you have COV!D-19 or the flu. Here is the link.
I will excerpt some of the important information so you can always make a clear diagnosis.
COVID Symptoms — Frequently Asked Questions Share
What are symptoms of COVID-19?
The most common symptoms are:
Fever or chills
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscle or body aches
Sore throat
New loss of taste or smell
Nausea or vomiting
Congestion or runny nose
Some of these symptoms are very common and can occur due to many conditions other than COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus called SARS CoV-2. If you have any of the symptoms, contact a doctor or other health care provider, who can assess your risk and help you determine the next steps.
Emergency Warning Signs of Severe COVID-19 — When to Call 911
If you or someone in your household is experiencing any of the following symptoms, call 911 or your local emergency room right away and let the operator know that you are calling for someone who might have COVID-19:
Difficulty breathing
Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
New confusion
Inability to wake up or stay awake
Bluish lips or face
There are other possible symptoms of COVID-19. Call your doctor or health care center regarding any symptoms that are severe or concerning to you.
Here is the key — the only “indication” that you have COV!D-19 and not the flu
If you feel ill, call your doctor’s office or health care center and explain your symptoms over the phone. The next steps will be discussed, including whether you should have a coronavirus test . If it turns out that you have COVID-19, mild cases can be managed at home with rest and self-isolation. If you become severely ill, you may need hospital care.
Did you catch it? The ONLY difference between the flu and COV!D-19 is the coronavirus test !!! Note: Remember, this post on John Hopkins web site was written in January 27, 2020. How do you have a valid test for a “novel” disease within 30 days of “discovery” of the pathogen. I will give you a hint — you don’t.
The only indication you have COV!D-19 is a test which is so flaky and open to manipulation that no matter what you do you will get COV!D-19. You cannot avoid it — at least you will test positive for it. It makes the makes the pandemic situation look hopeless. If you buy into the propaganda, it is. But the only way you get COV!D-19 is from (taking) the test. You are helpless against it — unless you refuse to get tested.
Note, I am not saying that if you have symptoms of disease to do nothing. There are lots of effective things to do for a cold or flu like illness whether it is called COV!D or not. (FLCCC) Just do not allow any COV!D-19 specific hospital protocols to be used in your treatment like Remdesivir, intubation, lack of fluids and nutrition, opioids, etc. Those protocols are designed to kill you and have been very effective at it.
If you believe the WHO and Trusted News Initiative propaganda you will do anything you are told to comply to avoid the “virus”, which is then guaranteed to be unavoidable — just take a test and you will see. Then, just to be sure, get the shot to guarantee you test positive since it instructs your cells to make the actual fragments the test is used for.
Until I see proof this is incorrect, this is the only conclusion I can come to: there is no specific COV!D-19 disease, it is just every other disease we have always contracted misidentified as COV!D-19 because of an unreliable test that has been proven unreliable and was dropped at the end of 2021. So why are we still using it? There is just one reason — to keep people in fear and compliant to propaganda.
Where did we get this test? China.
What are we testing for? One piece of a puzzle that contains 30,000 pieces and if we find it we say we have the whole puzzle.
Why are we testing at the place in the immune system that is designed to trap pathogens and protect you from them? Even if COV!D-19 is real and it is trapped in your sinuses, your immune system did its job.
What pandemic was ever stopped by a shot?
None. There has never been a pandemic stopped by a vaccine. One reason is because it takes too long to develop a vaccine so the pandemic is long gone before a vaccine is available. And it is clear the this one is no exception. Another reason is even if vaccines were effective, the disease is active so you are playing whack-a-mole and weakening working immune systems by having them fight something injected rather than remaining strong to fight the circulating pathogen.
How many of you want to be a test pilot.
Not many people are cut out to be test pilots. So why would world leaders want to turn all 7 billion on earth into test pilots for a gene therapy shots? What could go wrong?
After a year of seeing what is happening across the world with these shots here are some questions I would ask before signing up. Indeed, I did ask these questions last year which is why I refused to be a test pilot.
Are the shots designed to kill and maim or is it just poorly designed for COV!D?
Are the shots designed for a purpose other than COV!D and the makers don’t care about how much harm might be caused for that purpose?
I have my opinion but I can’t see a positive option. It is either some version of one or two. So do you want to be a test pilot for this type of product? If you were not aware at first and seduced into participating are you ready to opt out from now forward?
Why is every business monopoly interested in healthcare?
I wondered for years why Google, Wal-Mart and everybody’s brother and sister wanted to be in the healthcare space. I worked in data and integration in the healthcare space and it was very puzzling why grocery stores and box stores thought they could be doctors. Now I am confident I know the reason. Health has nothing to do with it. It is only a vehicle to make a profit. I know what grocery store and retail margins are and they are not high. I also know what medical product margins are and they are high. There is a reason why drug stores popup on every corner like banks. Drugs have huge margins and are highly subsidized by government and insurance.
Have you ever noticed that no one ever wins the wars we have declared on drugs and diseases?
The war on drugs
The war on cancer
The war on heart disease
The war on Alzheimer’s
The war on xyz
All these wars are marketing campaigns that suck participants and their money in and addict them for the remainder of their lives. War is profitable for the weapons suppliers. Not all diseases have a cure but there are a lot more that are curable than you are led to believe.
Those cures are rarely found in the system constructed to thrive on disease management rather than disease cures. The cures are usually vilified by the system to make you suspicious of trusting them. Hucksters do exist but they exist on both sides and the richer ones are on the disease management side. Probably the only thing that drugs cure is pharmaceutical poverty.
Because we are not fighting to win, we are losing the wars on these diseases for over 50 years during the same time that technology increased at an exponential rate. Out of the top 43 industrialized countries the USA spends more money per capita on health care but ranked 42nd in health. Are medical scientists and researchers really that stupid? They certainly have the financial resources to do better. I will grant that life science is much more complex than computer science but really — nothing new or effective in 50 years and ranked next to last to show for it?
The USA is dead last in infant mortality. Why? We are a country of drug users and drug pushers.
When Tony Fauci came into office, 6% of American children had chronic disease. By 2006, it was 54%.
— Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Actually there are many things that work and actually cure but if they were allowed the expensive fake treatments would go away. So they get labelled as snake oil because everyone knows that you cannot really cure disease. It can’t happen therefore it didn’t happen.
But that is not true.
Then we are led to believe that the only way to treat disease is with toxins and toxic protocols that cost millions of dollars to develop. Then they destroy our health while promising that damaging your health will build it back up. But the protocols and nutrition that are required to support health and healing from damage are vilified. They do not want you to believe that giving the body the things it needs to heal itself are effective.
Association is not causation
Association is not causation but causation cannot happen without association. So association can be a tool to reveal causation.
Here is the curious thing. Why is anything that shows a positive association but is against the lock step narrative labelled as random association while the weakest if things associated with the accepted narrative is causation? When something happens that never happened before, like sudden death syndrome, why is it not prudent to check to see if there is a possible causative link with a new, untested shot that seems to show up at the scene of every event?
Here is a prime example from an interview with Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Peter McCullough | Full Interview | Planet Lockdown Series. The relevant section is from time mark 42:00 to 46:00.
In this section Dr. McCullough contrasts the stark difference between deaths labeled a death with COV!D but coded as the cause of death, although there were many other larger contributors of death, to a death after the COV!D shot, where the death occurred in a healthy individual within hours or days of the shot. No one in authority seems to think the shot caused it even though nothing else in the person’s life had changed, i.e. no confounding factors. Dr. McCullough continues with the reasons this is happening from studies that have been done.
No one has adjudicated deaths with COV!D to see if it is indeed the primary cause of death. Some deaths after the shot have been adjudicated by pathologists by autopsy and show the proximate and only cause of death is the COV!D-19 injection. The shot is a killer. It is like Russian Roulette. Not everyone dies but the probability is very high that someone will. I cannot guarantee much but I can guarantee that if you never play Russian Roulette you will never die from playing Russian Roulette. In the case of this shot you do not even know how many chambers may be loaded but the statistics reveal it is more than one. I will not play COV!D Shot Roulette.
Do someone want to damage your health? Could it be there is a bigger agenda?
How many people died at home or work
from COV!D — approximately 0, they almost exclusively died in institutions
from the COV!D shot — approximately 25,000+ according to VAERS
How many people died while playing a competitive sport
from COV!D shot — approximately 0
from the COV!D shot shot — more than 700 so far through July 2022
Your Choice: Potential Injury or Death - versus a Cold?
Do not give in to the fear. More fear is coming and is here as I write this. Stay tuned for Pandemic 2.0 — Mon(k)eypox. The Globalists are pushing the next gate to see if you will fall for it. If you read what is being said about it the lies are so obvious. It is the same playbook used for COV!D with cut-and-paste used to replace COV!D shot with Mon(k)eypox.
Now that so many have woken up to understand that COV!D is no longer a threat (if it ever was) and should no longer be feared …
simpler site to understand, short and to the point needed in this drug induced adhd world.
need activists in the streets with flyers on cars ! germs do not cause illness !! easy mini flyers ready to print. and free pdf to book Contagion Myth !