‘I’ Before ‘E’ Except after ‘C’ Disproven by SCIENCE
Is science about science or about control?
‘I’ Before ‘E’ Except after ‘C’ Disproven by SCIENCE
Is science about science or about control?
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Live With Your Brain Turned On
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‘I’ Before ‘E’ Except after ‘C’ Disproven by SCIENCE
Today’s show is titled - ‘I’ Before ‘E’ Except after ‘C’ Disproven by SCIENCE. For those less familiar with my brand of humor notice that i is before the e in the word science in spite of it being after the letter c. It turns out that many other rules are broken by science in the world we live in. It is like we are under an attack.
But it is not an attack from just one angle. The attacks are from all angles at once.
My goal when I began the process of creating Live With Your Brain Turned On in 2020 was make a web site and a podcast that would share information to improve people’s health, like mine had been improved, by exploring the knowledge of how the body works and ways to turn away from modern, artificial junk food back to natural, healthy food and practices. I believed then and still believe now that God gave us everything we need to be alive and healthy. Man has done a good job of inventing conveniences but when he strays into inventing artificial food and medicine, he has crossed into a domain that is complex beyond his understanding. He can appear to fix a symptom or mimic a food but artificial food, artificial drugs and artificial immunity are inadequate for health and actually make people sick instead. Are people in modern society healthier or sicker than people were 50 years ago? If they were healthier, we wouldn’t be building clinics, drug stores and hospitals on every corner, would we?
This all started very early in our existence. It all started when man decided it was better to seek man’s wisdom and power independently of God and God’s wisdom.
6 Traditions You Believe are Biblical, but Never Were in the Bible
Did you know that man is actually trying to take control of Sunlight, Bee Pollination, and Photosynthesis among other things that do not belong to him and make them assets of the federal government.
Property rights are essential, protecting all other rights. If the government owns the land, they control the people. If the people own the land, we control the government.
Environmentalists say natural climate change is a crisis and use campaigns such as the 30×30 agenda of the WEF to impose radical land-use policies on Americans.
Property rights affect all of us. They are not just important to the people producing essential goods from the land. If the government or environmental organizations control the land, they will decide where we live, what car we drive, where we can drive, what we eat, what we can grow and when we can access the outdoors.
The Epoch Times did an interview with Margaret Byfield of the American Stewards of Liberty about that subject and the ongoing attempt to take control of nature.
( https://americanstewards.us/ )
The Federal Plan to Monetize Sunlight, Bee Pollination, and Photosynthesis on Your Land | Facts Matter
Have you noticed that when man becomes independent of God, he actually sees himself as replacing God and having power and control over nature. And he can exert a lot of power over nature but that has terrible consequences. Much of the chaos going on in so-called natural disasters is the result of man playing around with what he thinks he understands but does not.
This is not only trying to control nature but trying to control food through genetic modification, artificial fertilizers and actual artificial food.
Man is sacrificing his food to idols, in this case, idols of money and control. Many people are not OK with this and are fighting for a change. The Epoch Times did another interview with the Food Babe, Vani Hari, about how large corporations are lacing food with addictive chemicals to increase not just their profits, but to increase their control over what you can eat. And they dont care if that food makes you chronically sick as long as you keep eating it.
Americans Are Not Eating ‘Real Food’—Here’s What You Need to Know: Vani Hari
Food contains calories, energy from carbohydrates and building blocks from proteins and fats. But did you know that food is more than that?
Food is also information. The information in food communicates with your cells at the DNA level. This is why synthetic food and synthetic injectables are so toxic to life and health.
Many have been led to believe that DNA is the controller of life but did you know that DNA is only a blueprint, it is not the controller. Blueprints do not build buildings, builders do. Builders build a building USING the blueprints to control the construction and place orders for the parts. Do you know who the builder is that uses DNA to build your body? Scientists don’t know either. God has endowed you with a spirit or soul that knows how and when to use the DNA blueprints to build the necessary parts of the body. You probably don’t know how the cell knows what to turn off and what to turn on? Scientists, doctors and nutritionists don’t know either.
Did you know that another thing that controls what genes in the DNA are turned on and off in the body building process is the food that you eat? That’s right. The DNA in the food you eat communicates with your DNA to influence how the DNA works. That is one reason it is so critical to remove fake, synthetic foods from your diet. No one knows what gene expression those artificial chemicals are telling your builder to do. There is a name for the mysterious controller of gene expression - epigenetics.
Comparing life processes to computers is somewhat useful. Epigenetics is like the software program a computer runs. The DNA is like the data that the software processes to make proteins. The proteins encoded and made by the DNA becomes the hardware that the epigenetics uses to run the software. But unlike a computer, cells are the hardware that produce the software that is run on that hardware to produce the hardware and more software. Plus it is self-repairing, self-monitoring and self-powered. No computer can do all that. The design of life is way beyond anything that man has ever been able to invent.
You will hear the argument that the genome of organisms is a generative AI system. Unlike manmade generative AI though it makes the hardware that it runs on.
God spoke man into existence and the code of life is found to follow the same kind of modeling as language models. This is the the modeling that has caused to explosion in the large language model processing of artificial intelligence.
I built and used AI models in my job. The models are made from predictive analytic models. All of those models are based on probabilities, not on intelligence. It is based on language models and the predictability of linguistic patterns. It is impressive but it is not intelligence. Biological Info is also Organized in the same way a Language model is organized. It is almost as if we were spoken into existence. Almost like in the beginning was the word.
Biochemist Converts to Christianity After THIS Discovery | DDOW Podcast #23
LInks referenced in the above interview:
Reasons To Believe channel on YouTube
Documentary: Expelled
Computers have to be exactly alike to function, living beings are alike but different yet still function. A computer cannot do this.
The thought that random chance selection is the basis for the complex design we see in life just does not add up. It is like giving an answer that does not solve the problem. But the world is not going to make it easy to choose design as the answer to life because the world is not about the truth. The world is about control. Man’s control. Kind of like … alternative math.
Alternative Math | Short Film
I am sure you can see no similarity between that comical little short and our current world - smirk. It is all too familiar, isn’t it. BTW, the teacher should have asked for more severance at the end. Using the pattern of 2 + 2 = 22, she should have stated that 2000 + 2000 = 2000,2000, i.e. 20,002,000. That would have really made the principal’s head explode.
Speaking of math, I want to remind you that this show and other shows on the peopleforpeople network is supported by your donations, not by advertisers. So if you want to put 2 and 2 together and make a donation to People For People at peopleforpeople.ning.com that would help keep the lights on. You can decide whether that is $4, $22 or some other amount, there are very few places that bring you uncensored content and People For People is one of those places.
The mainstream media will not bring you the science nor will government bring you the science. But we will do our best to bring you content to help you discover the truth.
Did you know that true science does not contradict God? After all, He spoke everything into existence at the beginning of creation so how could His creation contradict Him?
We don’t need counterfeit food and counterfeit drugs and counterfeit weather and counterfeit fertilizer and all the other counterfeits in the world.
Leave the counterfeit world and return to the real world. Real money, real food, real health, real life.
Go out and live. Live with your brain turned on … and stay free…