What did you dream of becoming when you grew up?
I bet it was not a virus. Actually, I did not either. I thought I would be either a pastor like my Dad or a research chemist or a veterinarian.
So where am I going with this?
Three years ago were you constantly thinking of viruses and how to avoid them? Did you think of viruses at all? Were you worried about catching a cold or the flu everywhere you went or from everyone you met? Was anybody looking for some miracle shot to keep them well? I know I wasn’t.
But that all changed. How did it happen?
Warning — sharp turns ahead.
I want to be perfectly clear. There is no “us” versus “them” for me when it comes to the shot. Whether you have decided to take the shot or to opt out, you made your choice based on the incomplete information given to us about whether it was good for you or bad for you. I made my choice, you made yours. That is how it should be.
The problem comes when that choice is taken away.
The biggest thing missing was the complete information needed to make a truly informed decision. Why was it missing? Was information being hidden from us? Where was the late night infomercial that spends the last half breathlessly listing all the side effects, including death, from the advertised drug while people are laughing and playing beach volleyball?
For purposes known only to God, He chose to lead me in a new direction three years ago regarding health and wellness. This opened my eyes to things I had not considered before about what supported good health. It became clearer how the motive of conventional medicine had turned away from the mission of getting people well and moved in the direction of marketing drugs and services to people for profit. Recognizing that marketing is typically focused on the most profitable products, not the healthiest ones, literally changed my life. I am not against making a fair profit but you tell me, is profiting by keeping people unhealthy fair?
It is not that I think I am smarter than anyone else because of what I learned or what I saw or what I decided. I just hope that if you understand what has been hidden from you that you will see the wisdom in turning down any future shots and ask more questions about life long drug prescriptions. This is essential not only for health but for freedom. We are all in this together.
I and many others have been working hard to find ways to stop and reverse the damage caused by the shot that should have never been released. Some good friends of mine have been affected by this shot and continue to deal with long term issues. I am grateful they have not suffered more damage than they have. I will point you to several of the researchers who have learned ways to counter the effects of the shot so you can keep up with this, too. I will get to the truth, even if it is hard to hear, but first …
Some Hope
I start with hope. In my health and biohacking journey over the last few years I have learned and experienced things I did not think possible. (Healthy Lifestyle Habits) Because I began to realize that the food I put into my body really did make a difference I experienced the difference. My arthritis healed, brain fog and nerve damage issues healed, myalgia healed, hair color began to return, pre-diabetes reversed and is gone, blood pressure returned to normal, allergies left, hearing improved and many other things. And somewhere along the way I lost 110 pounds that I don’t plan to find again. I have seen others experience similar things.
I am not against those in the healthcare system but I am going to be very hard on them along with some praise. I will give reasons for both. Many pharmaceutical products are good. But I have learned that a lot of what is prescribed in mainstream medicine is designed only to manage symptoms of disease and not designed nor expected to cure disease. They may even induce side effects that require additional pharmaceutical products. But they do make a profit and keep you as a customer. This is designed to make you dependent on the system. It is called “compliance” in the industry. You would be healthier without most of these pharmaceuticals. It is almost legalized drug dealing.
If there are pharmaceutical products you would like to be freed from, be sure and work with a knowledgeable doctor who can review your needs and help free you safely. Many pharmaceuticals create dependencies and it is wise to get experienced guidance.
I have met many people in the healthcare system who appear to be there only for the bottom line. It seems to be the administrators who tend to be more concerned with profit than with health. It was part of my job to meet with these people.
In contrast, physicians, and especially nurses, tend to be more concerned with the health of the patient. They are looking out for you. But many have become indentured to the people who hold the purse strings, making it difficult to act in the best interest of their patients. The number one complaint I hear from good doctors I know is more and more of their time is spent taking care of mundane tasks that keep them from quality time with their patients.
Full disclosure — I am not a doctor but I am a critical thinker, a detective and a troubleshooter. I am also not against doctors or patient-centric health care systems. Some of my heroes in life are fantastic doctors. I owe some of them a great debt of gratitude. But as one of my friends, who had a medical degree, used to ask me:
Do you know what they call a person who graduates at the bottom of his class in medical school?
So, when you find a doctor who is a critical thinker and graduated near the top of his class, stay with that doctor. They are harder to find but they are out there. This is even more important now. In any case, do your own due diligence researching diagnoses and recommended treatments or cures. Always get at least a second opinion about anything you have serious questions about. I will give you some clues as to where I look for information. In the end, you must make your decisions. I won’t tell you what to think. Your body will help you discern what works and what does not.
Does diet matter?
Here is an example of a question to ask when you are looking for a good doctor. Ask the doctor if what you eat matters to your health. If he says no, find another doctor.
Have you ever had hospital food? That should tell you right away whether they are health conscious or not. When my Dad would be in the hospital and supposedly on a low sugar diet per his chart, the meals that were brought to him were anything but low sugar. Fruit juice (sugar-added), cereal, pastries, pancakes with syrup, biscuits with jelly, and grits might sound like breakfast foods but not low sugar breakfast foods. I would have sent them back and asked for something that would not spike my blood sugar levels. After breakfast they would then want to give him medication to control his blood sugar spike. I will resist the temptation to chase that rabbit further. You probably have your own stories.
It comes down to this. You must have the right raw materials if you are going to get well. If you put into your body the natural, complete nutrition needed for energy and repair, stop ingesting toxins and junk food, remove toxins that have accumulated over the years and live with natural light and circadian rhythms God designed for you, your body will thrive and heal when injured or sick. Your body will last a lifetime.
You will not escape aging but aging will not occur at the accelerated rate seen in modern society. If you provide your body with the food and environment it needs — and stop with the junk food already — you can reverse much of the accelerated aging you may have already experienced from a “normal” toxic modern lifestyle. I will provide additional details about how to begin to change this at the end.
Modern medicine can be very effective in acute situations like an accident or intense illness when your system is overwhelmed for a short time. But there is no need to visit the doctor for every little thing.
Are you on a drug that you will need to take for the rest of your life? Why would that be? No one was ever born with a drug or vaccine deficiency. (Some are born without the ability to make critical hormones that need to be replaced like insulin but insulin is neither a drug nor a vaccine.) Often lab numbers are used to induce you to take certain drugs for control. Some lab numbers are important to monitor for your health but typically if the health care system cannot profit from those numbers you will not hear about them. Instead the plan is for you to use drugs for the rest of your life (sounds suspiciously like a cartel) to achieve some imaginary numbers that are supposed to determine your destiny. But most of the time good nutrition and lifestyle will have you hitting the numbers that do matter. I know how many of those numbers are determined and they are based on average values not optimum values. One of my previous customers is a world leader in lab samples, but that is another story. Maybe we can explore that in a future article — the numbers that really matter.
Now for some truth about the shot.
You can handle the truth!
I formed an hypothesis over a year ago and floated it out to several reliable researchers who agreed it made sense and warranted research. One of President Trump’s own advisors told me:
This is a tremendous hypothesis and explanation. It may actually be the issue at hand in this ADE. So grateful for sharing your knowledge. Some have argued that as part of the building of the spike by your cell's metabolic machinery, that there is molecular metabolic waste deposited outside the cell. And the natural Killer- T lymphocytes are trained to recognize any waste as indicative of some aberrant process taking place inside the cell like anomalous production of virus or parts of a virus or irregular protein and the T cells are trained to attack the cell for destruction. It lines up very well with what you are saying.
Just recently I found out that research has actually been done and to my dismay, it supports my hypothesis. (Dr. Panagis Polykretis paper) These gene therapy shots do turn your immune system against yourself and damage occurs in every single shot. No exceptions. It is inevitable due to the mechanism of action. It turns your own cells into a virus — at least as far as your immune system is concerned. Talk about the ultimate autoimmune disease.
The only question is how much damage occurs before the process can be stopped and is the damage reversible? Given the experience of my own health journey over the last few years, which includes repairing and reversing things that standard medical care says cannot be cured, I am optimistic that much of the damage can be reversed. I am in awe of the healing power God built into our bodies. Your body is amazingly resilient.
If you have been injected, stay with me until the end for ideas on ways to mitigate damage, stop damage and repair damage. I hate to say it, but unless you got a placebo, there was damage. Regardless of shot status, we all need to do the right things to keep our bodies in tip top shape to remain healthy and free of disease.
Gene Therapy
Over the last two years every early treatment for COV!D using safe and already approved drugs and protocols was dismissed as black magic and often outright banned. The “standard” required, which never existed before for already approved drugs, was that already safe drugs must past multiple double-blind, independent, peer-reviewed, published studies specifically for COV!D in order to be adopted. What sense did that make if we really were in a pandemic and needed to react quickly? Doctors are used to choosing the most promising treatments when facing emerging diseases. The drugs demonized were already literally the safest ones ever seen in the history of modern medicine.
There were a few exceptions to this spurious rule for double-blind studies. Expensive, experimental drugs that had failed previous trials but were still on patent. The government even incentivized their use. These soon became the only pharmaceuticals allowed if you wanted to get paid or keep your job.
And then came the shot. You know, the one where no corners were cut and we used warp speed to bend 10 years of trial time into a single 28-day, non-independent, non-peer-reviewed study for a gene therapy which had never worked or been released before to prove that it must be required for everyone in the world. It is so good you must keep taking additional doses of it.
And on the off-chance that you do get injured from it, no one knows how to cure you or even admit that your were injured. They will not even try.
Sorry for the soapbox. This just seems so obviously wrong to me.
You should know by now these COV!D shots are different from any previous shots ever given. They are not made from a virus, they are made from a computer generated genetic sequence supposedly derived from an already genetically engineered virus. That sounds convoluted but it is true, except that the sequence used in the shots is really not even from a sample of the virus but from code sent to the U.S. from China. Even that code has been modified for the shot.
The shots are gene therapy (Yes, some COV!D vaccines use genetic engineering. Get over it) generated from that genetic sequence. Which means you are injected with artificial genetic material (mRNA) that will re-program any cell it gets into to make an artificial, non-human protein. It does not have to change your DNA to do this. But your cells treat it as if it came from your DNA. It does not know any different.
I have also learned that while mRNA typically stands for messenger RNA in the case of these shots it means modified RNA. Another definition change.
Simply put, this mRNA hijacks cells and turns them into virus factories. How is that different from what a virus does?
Your immune system doesn’t see any difference. It will treat those cells like viruses. When your immune system sees any cell producing non-human, toxic proteins it naturally assumes that cell is a pathogen and kills it. What clue would the natural immune system use to determine that something is different this time? Or that this cell turned spike factory is just producing a single toxin in order to trigger an immune response only to that toxin?
Nothing! No human body has ever seen this before in history. Not ever!
This injection contains many things besides the genetic material (none of them good for you) and one of them is a lipid nanoparticle. This is a minuscule fat droplet that contains and distributes the mRNA. It can go anywhere and infect any cell in your body, even artery walls, the brain, nerves, any cell.
Any cell infected with this nanoparticle will produce as much viral protein as it can, as fast as it can, for as long as it can until your immune system detects and kills that cell. The natural mechanisms inside a cell that normally destroys mRNA after a single use has been subverted by modifications in this artificial mRNA. No off switch is included. The only way it can be turned off is for the immune system to kill the cell or eventually wear through the protective end caps on the mRNA.
Stick with me. There are some things to help reverse this at the end of this post.
At best the injection goes into the muscle and only distributes slowly to other parts of the body. But many untrained people are giving shots now, in drive through situations along with your fast food order. If this accidentally gets injected intravenously, the distribution is immediate and catastrophic. The more tissues are turned into spike factories from the shot the worse the damage will be. This would explain the Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome never before seen in children prior to this shot.
Unfortunately, the stronger your immune system is, the stronger and faster it will react to the shot to both make as much spike as it can as well as create the strongest immune response to the cells turned into spike factories. This is described as ADE (Antibody Dependent Enhancement) or Enhanced Immune Response. This is a well known response studied for decades that has never been overcome for any corona virus vaccine or any gene therapy - this shot is both of those in one.
Research has shown that spike production goes on for months, even over a year, in some individuals. Again, there is hope. Read to the end. But in the mean time, I implore you not to continue to take more shots. The damage accumulates causing additional damage and setbacks.
Another component in the shot turns off the normal CD8 and T4 immune cells to allow the lipid nanoparticle containing MRNA to slip past the innate immune system. The problem here is this is the part of the immune system that also regulates and prevents cancer. There is nothing in the shot to turn those immune cells back on so you are unprotected from cancer for an unknown period of time until your system recovers. No one knows yet what will turn it back on. But because of my faith in God’s wonderful design of the human body and His knowledge of everything that will ever happen, I believe He made a way and we will find it.
Here is something I did not know until a little over a year ago. I mentioned that the mRNA is artificial. I said that because it is not only man made but it is truly artificial, it is unnatural, it is totally man-made mRNA. It uses an amino acid base in the mRNA sequence that does not occur in nature, pseudouradine (1-methyl-3'-pseudouridylyl).
If you are not a geek like me you might skip this part but I suggest at least slogging through this one time. DNA basically uses four bases to code the proteins of life — adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and thymine (T). mRNA uses three of those same bases but replaces the T with U — Adenine (‘A’), Guanine (‘G’), Cytosine (‘C’) and Uracil (‘U’). One of the big problems in mRNA research is that as soon as an animal’s innate immune system detects mRNA outside of cells it destroys it immediately, in seconds or even sub seconds. It is NOT tolerated.
Someone found that by replacing the Uracil with Pseudouradine in mRNA, it keeps the innate immune system (the same system that detects cancer cells) from immediately recognizing this free mRNA but the cell can still read it like natural mRNA. Neat, huh? If you are a mad scientist.
If you look at the code for the mRNA in the shots you will see that there are no “U”s in the code. They are replaced with the greek letter psi, “ψ” representing Pseudouradine. This, along with the extra caps at both ends of the mRNA, prevent the mRNA from being broken down by the cell’s natural processes. Clever, huh? Or evil?
Follow the white rabbit through this link and see what you think.
Reverse Engineering the source code of the BioNTech/Pfizer SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine
What did they know and when did they know it?
You probably don’t know that Moderna filed their patent application for the mRNA shot in March … of 2019! How did they know a pandemic from a particular virus was just around the corner in 2019? The patent was finally granted in July of 2020. Thanks to Dr. David Martin I knew about this in September 2020, so like him, I was suspicious.
It is suspicious because the patent application as well as the patent itself says
“Because of a concern for reemergence or a deliberate release of the SARS coronavirus, vaccine development was initiated.”
See page 11 in the patent link. Development was initiated. When? When the patent application was filed in 2019? These guys are good. I want them to tell me more about what they see coming. Instead we are told, “Nothing to see here folks, please move along.”
We are now finding out the knowledge may go back even further.
COV!D-19 Spike Protein Sequence ‘100% Match’ to Sequence Patented in 2016 by Moderna, Study Shows
Does it make sense to use the spike protein in a shot?
In case you wonder, the spike protein is not benign. It is the most damaging part of SARS-CoV-2 and the artificial version of it coded in the mRNA shot is locked in the most dangerous and toxic configuration. It is not the unlocked version said to be found in the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Do you think this was by accident? I don’t. The claim is it will make the shot more effective. My question is, more effective at what? This spike protein will cause damage. It has to. It is locked and loaded.
The immune system will kill cells producing this spike protein as soon as it is recognized as non-human and the immune system has time to ramp up. Only your immune system can stop the damage from the spike. But it typically takes a day or two for it to get ramped up.
In the mean time this toxin is causing blood clot issues (thrombosis) throughout the body in very dangerous places like the capillaries. This can be checked for with a simple blood test called the D-Dimer test. It is good to get that checked. Ways to mitigate clotting if it comes back elevated are covered below.
The damage can be worse if you had COV!D and recovered and then take the shot. Because the body already knows about the spike and is primed to produce a response it will be able to destroy infected cells faster. This reduces the thrombosis but increases tissue damage since cells get killed faster. How bad that gets depends on which tissues took up the lipid nanoparticles. In the best case the damage remains localized to the injection site and you get a sore arm.
So not only is there no reason to get a shot if you are COV!D recovered, it is more dangerous for you to get the shot.
There is still hope to reduce and repair the damage if you took it. Please read the end.
Here is where the autoimmune reaction called ADE comes in to play. The immune system will not only recognize the spike as foreign but also the distinctive features of the cell producing the non-human spike protein. That is what the immune system was designed to do. The immune system analyzes a pathogen, in this case your own cell, to detect multiple features to aid identification and designs antibodies and other immune defense mechanisms to neutralize it. It files that recipe in your immune system database. When the live pathogen is encountered later, the familiar features are recognized triggering a preprogrammed response from the stored recipe to prevent disease expression.
So, if muscle cells are producing the spike your body will start attacking all similar muscle cells. If nerve cells, similar nerve cells. If heart cells, similar heart cells. If blood vessel cells, similar blood vessel cells. You get the picture. This is not what you were told would happen.
The body is designed to reject anything that is not self. And it does not look only at one part of a pathogen to create a response, it looks at the whole pathogen. That is why there is organ transplant rejection. The body is extremely good at recognizing non-self even if it is from another human.
The immune system has no way of knowing that cells producing a non-human protein should be considered partially human. It has never encountered a cell that is only “partially’ toxic so it is not designed to recognize and attack only the toxic part, it attacks the whole cell as a pathogen. This triggers autoimmunity against normal cells, even those not producing spike protein, as they are now considered non-human. Don’t trust me. Read the research. Read the studies. See if you come to the same conclusion or a different one.
This paper references over 1,000 peer reviewed studies on vaccine injury to discover the common themes.
Dr. Panagis Polykretis confirmed in this review of published studies that every cell that expresses spike protein will be recognized and killed by the immune system. This is already well known in research. In fact it is so well known he adds the snarky statement, “this is called science” after his conclusion. The extent of damage depends on the biodistribution after the shot, i.e. how far away from the injection site the lipid nanoparticles get. For more detail listen to this podcast starting at minute mark 34:00 to hear the lead in and interview with Dr. Polykretis.
Attack from within After COV!D-19 Vaccination
Below are some of the key points from the podcast if you don’t have time to listen.
The human body has an amazing system of cell surface recognition molecules called the major histocompatibility complex (MHC), which is designed to allow our immune cells to recognize our own healthy cells from pathogens such as bacteria or other invading micro-organisms.
With the genetic vaccines, particularly mRNA, for the first-time human cells are forced to produce a highly abnormal, pathogenic Spike protein. The body reacts to this almost immediately with an attack on any cell that has taken up mRNA and expressing the Spike protein.
In this week’s show, we have Dr. Panagis Polykretis from Florence, Italy, who explains how this happens. He expresses with great certainty that every human cell, tissue, organ, and body that has taken a COV!D-19 vaccine has been damaged. He told us that he was shocked that such a basic concept was overlooked (either a scientific blunder or willful blindness) when the vaccines were in development and proposed for the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.
The vax is injected into the deltoid muscle and should target the lymph nodes. But muscles are well supplied with blood in sportsmen who have a strong well working circulation and can take the particles from the injection site and transfer all over the body.
When the vax particles get into the cell and express and translate the genetic material into prolines, those cells are targeted to be killed by the immune system. This is something called science.
Anyone COV!D recovered will react to the spike immediately since it is already recognized, causing damage faster as it kills the infected cells. The shot is not only not needed in COV!D recovered, it should not be allowed. COV!D recovered were not allowed in the trials.
Dr. Panagis remarks that he is surprised he had to be the one to write this paper. He had been watching for one to be published for over a year and finally had to write it himself as the published research kept mounting. The data was there but no one was willing to put it all together and publish it in a journal.
Del Bigtree reported on Dr. Panagis’ study on a recent Highwire episode.
You are fearfully and wonderfully made.
Again, God made the human body to be amazingly resilient. Many things we are told are not curable are curable. I am not claiming that everything is curable, but the earlier you start to effect a cure, the better your chances are. You might be surprised at what can be reversed and even cured. Things like Alzheimers, MS, nerve damage, type II diabetes, Autism, Parkinson’s, and brain damage. I even had a tooth heal once. At some point we do eventually wear out. There is just no need to accelerate the process.
I cannot promise full recovery but there is a lot that can be done to move in that direction.
If you took the shots this is my advice as a critical thinker, not as a doctor, for what it is worth. But it is your decision, not mine.
Do at least two things:
Never take another shot
Do everything you can to support your body’s health and recovery
Targets for recovery
Shut down distribution of spike protein.
The spike protein typically lodges in the wall of the cell producing it but some gets free in the blood from destroyed cells. It can actually be shed to other people. Don’t believe the lies that the producers did not know. Look at the protocol for the original Pfizer clinical trial protocol to find out what they expected.
Look at pages 67 through 69. Close contact between a person who took the shot and someone who did not take it, called occupational exposure in the protocol, is an SAE, a Severe Adverse Event that must be recorded and monitored. They wrote three pages in the trial protocol about something they did not know might happen? They did not think the spike could be shed to an unborn baby or a nursing baby by the mother or by skin to skin contact to any other person? Yes, they knew. Things that have been shown to bind and deactivate the spike protein are apple pectin supplements and NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) both found in well-stocked supplement departments or stores. If you can get Ivermectin prescribed, this drug is the most tightly binding to the spike protein according to Dr. Peter Kory.Shutdown replication of spike protein in cells.
If you can get Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine prescribed, use these along with Zinc to shutdown the replication process. This also treats COV!D.
If you cannot get a prescription you can shut down replication with the supplements Zinc, Quercetin, Vitamin C, Vitamin D3 and EGCG (can get as a supplement or simply drink green tea).Repair scar damage.
This one is based on my own biohacking experience that enhances collagen production for tissue repair. I have 60-year-old scars disappearing. The results take time to realize but they have been amazing to me. Your mileage may vary. Basically, take 4000 mg of time-release Vitamin C broken into 4 doses evenly spaced throughout the day, silica once a day and good quality collagen powder (Bulletproof Collagen) once a day and vitamin B7 aka biotin. Just taking collagen is not enough. It does contain the amino acids your body needs to build collagen but without the vitamin C, silica and biotin your body will not reassemble those amino acids back into collagen and will use them for something else. If you want to build or rebuild tissue you must make collagen. Dr. Gundry explains it in more detail in this podcast which put me on this path two years ago.
Can your diet help you "age" backwards?| Ep49
Start listening at minute mark 11:00 about how to reknit collagen with high dose vitamin C, silica and biotin. Polyphenols from dark fruits and vegetables also help.
Reverse blood clotting.
Several supplements help here. NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) is a great one and can be taken daily or twice a day. I know of no side effects at those levels. Very low dose, enteric coated aspirin is another option but because of aspirin’s tendency to cause gastric bleeding take it under the care of your doctor. Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine also have anti-clotting effects but require a prescription. I have also heard heparin, also prescription, is recommended by doctors but I prefer options with less potential side effects myself unless the blood clotting is quite severe.
Increase mitochondrial energy production.
This is done by increasing the availability of the precursors needed for producing ATP, the energy currency of your cells. Glutathione is essential for this along with vitamin C. There are glutathione supplements but they just don’t get past the digestive system very well so the glutathione does not get absorbed. NR (nicotinamide riboside) and NMN (nicotinamide mononucleotide) are good precursors for glutathione production but recent research shows that Niacinamide (basically the active form of niacin, vitamin B3) gives the best results seen in clinical trials so far. I provide links below so you can see what you think for yourself. Here is a summary on niacinamide.
This nutrient, basically a form of vitamin B3, is a key component in a strategy to increase the glutathione available that drives the krebs energy cycle in mitochondria that produces the energy currency of life — ATP. More energy means faster repair and increased resistance to disease among many other improvements. The key strategy is to up-regulate NAD which is absolutely necessary to produce ATP. It sounds simple but if you think energy production in the body is simple, think again. If I gave you a summary of what is known through research it would make your head spin. And it is clear there is more to learn. What follows is based on recent research that sounds very promising.
Production for Optimal Health A Special Interview With Nichola Conlon, Ph.D.
Here is the Mercola article that featured that podcast.Here are links to products discussed in that podcast.
Where to go to get help.
Pierre Kory
This is a doctor who cares and will do all he can to help a patient. Great interview starting about 30 minutes in but the first part can tell you a lot, too. If you can only watch one podcast from this post, make it this one. He will tell you how to get help from him at the end.
EP 24: LIVE in Studio in L.A. - Dr. Pierre Kory
Time to wrap it up
By the way, I did not exhaust all of the toxic ingredients in these terribly designed shots but I have to stop somewhere. I can go on and on. A post of all the people you should know is in the works and will be posted soon. If you want to start down the rabbit hole now here are a few places to look.
Judy Mikovits
The Link Between Human Retroviruses and Chronic Disease - Interview With Judy Mikovitz
Robert Malone
Robert Malone - How does it feel to be vindicated?
Karen Kingston
URGENT: Karen Kingston - Next Bioweapon Release, Hemorrhagic Fever & The Endgame
Del Bigtree The Highwire
The Highwire EPISODE 262: THE BIG PUSH
Dr. Vladamir Zelenko
The Plan To Tag Us For The New World Order Slave System - Interview With Dr. Vladamir Zelenko
Think Critically
As always, I do not want to tell you what to think. I want to encourage you to think for yourself. I do write what I have come to believe and think for myself, providing access to the information that fuels those beliefs. Do your own research, combine, compare or contrast it with mine and let me know the conclusions you make. Take anything that sounds like advice here and research it yourself before trusting it. I can tend to make adamant statements.
We are all in this together. Fear God not man. Because of the fear mongering over the last couple of years I now understand what that means better than I ever have before. Fear God simply means listen to what God says, not man, because God is the ultimate judge.
The Word of God
And do not be afraid of those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
— Matthew 10:28Furthermore, you shall select out of all the people able men who fear God, men of truth, those who hate dishonest gain; and you shall place these over them as leaders of thousands, of hundreds, of fifties, and of tens. Let them judge the people at all times;
— Exodus 18:21-22