Whatever is your view of our current world situation, this three part series by one of the premier American critical thinkers points out critical points that you should consider. Mark Crispin Miller has a profound understanding of propaganda having taught about it for years as a college professor. I believe we are in a global coup with the goal to digitally enslave us while manipulating us think that it is a good idea. I highly recommend this series! You will not be sorry you watched and shared it with all of your friends!
2020: A Propaganda Masterpiece, Prof Mark Crispin Miller, Perspectives on the Pandemic, Episode 17, Part One
30 min
2020 A Propaganda Masterpiece Part 2 - Perspectives on the Pandemic
37 min
2020 A Propaganda Masterpiece Perspectives on The Pandemic Mark Crispin Miller Episode 23
1 hour
Similar to the last three videos, this video contains good information on propaganda.
Covid is a Global Propaganda Operation
45 min
British Comedy Classics
Learning to read an Analog Clock.
After 35 years, his timing and delivery were perfect!
Mercola 20231213
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