Johnny YouTuber Defends Elon Musk
This podcast covers a lot of ground in an hour. If you wonder if you are being manipulated to put your trust in people who seem good but so things that do not fit the stance they portray this will give you plenty of material to think about. James Corbett and Whitney Webb are two clear critical thinkers. I have heard Jason Bermas several times now and believe he things clearly, The other two people on this round table are new to me but I will see what else they are saying because they had clear thoughts here. This is a good one to use to come up to speed fast if you have questions about propaganda, and transhumamism.
1 hour 10 min
The Most BRUTAL Toxin That Has Obliterated Our Health
5 min
Vitamin D Update
33 min
Fauci's Shameless Lies
Chris Martinsen is a very good critical thinker. Being part of the medical community blinded him early on to what was going on but he is awake to the propaganda now and can clearly point it out. In fact, he does in this podcast. A good on to watch to learn what to look for.
40 min
Full Episode #62: "Young Hearts Are Breaking" with Dr. Kirk Milhoan, MD, PhD.
1 hour 45 min
Mercola 20230114
'Anecdotals' Documentary
Defeating the Bulldozer With Love: We Will Win
Vitamin D in the Prevention of COVID-19
Exclusive: WHO Proposals Could Strip Nations of Their Sovereignty, Create Worldwide Totalitarian State, Expert Warns
Mass Surveillance Technologies Put in Place During Pandemic Aren’t Going Away
Fake Meat Produced by Genetically Engineered Fruit Flies?
How Big Pharma Benefits From Our Industrial Food Diet