Know Way
Recognize and Stop Group Think
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We all think that we make our own decisions. It is possible that you make some decisions independently but you and I are influenced to make most decisions more strongly than we realize. I am going to explore how people like you and I can be manipulated even if we are aware of the big plans going on around us. There are ways to recognize this and ways to escape. I believe I have made progress in escaping but I am pretty sure there is more that is influencing me than I can see. I hope by the end of the show you will know what some of these influences are and how we can escape them together.
Let’s start out with the PCR method which became labeled as a test and how as a test it is a fraud. James Roguski was on the Interest of Justice podcast and spoke about this in clear terms. It is important to understand this fraud because Mr Global is going to try using this deceptive practice again using it in scare tactics to make you believe in bird flu or monkey pox, now renamed mPox, pandemics. The current story is there are 1500 cases of mPox in Africa which makes it a pandemic. How is this a pandemic? Africa has 1.5 BILLION people. 1500 is 0.01% of that population and THAT is supposed to be a pandemic? But that number is going to grow via another PCR fraud.
This sets up one of the first methods of stopping group think. It is not enough just to know that something is a fraud you must say no to the fraud. Call it out and do not go along with the edicts that will be imposed. Do not go along with the crowd. Do not self-censor. That is uncomfortable but very necessary.
So the first step is to refuse to take any so-called PCR “test” and do not allow any of your animals to be tested.