The Ability of a Company to Remove Product Liability Using Their Lie-Ability
The Ability of a Company to Remove Product Liability Using Their Lie-Ability
Foundational truth.
In case you are wondering, one of the two foundational truths of the creation of humans is that God created man and woman. The other foundational truth is that we were created in the image of God.
Is it any wonder that if the plan is to destroy God’s creation the foundational truths are under attack?
26 Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness, so that they will have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” 27 And God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.
Gen 1:26-27
5:1 This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him;
2 Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.
Gen 5:1-2
View the show on one of these links
Links to segments shared during the show
Laura Aboli Transhumanism Speech (UK, 2023)
What have we learned about society over the last three and a half years?
How Big Pharma Captured Public Health: Toby Rogers
Propaganda Exposed.
In Episode 9 of the series by Ty and Charlene Bollinger, Dr. Peter McCullough answered the question about if the shots are causing the outbreak of deaths from unknown causes happening around us. He uses well know criteria to arrive at his opinion. Listen to what he has to say …
Episode 9
Mark 1:13:00 Dr. Peter McCullough on Bradford Hill criteria applied to Covid shot
Temporal Association
Strength of Signal
Consistency and Reproducible
Experimental Evidence
The Engineered Financial Collapse
The pieces for an engineered financial collapse have been put into place over decades, maybe even centuries. What is going on with the financial system? Jobs are scarcer than hens teeth, yet the financial markets continue to rally, home prices continue to rise well beyond the reach of the middle class buyer, food prices (if you can call what is sold in food stores food any more) and energy prices continue to skyrocket.
I trade financial markets everyday so I am well aware of WHAT is going on in the markets from day to day, but the question that matters is WHY is it going on? There is no structural support to explain the reason for the price increase in the stock market. If something were to happen that spooked the market into a collapse it could cause a major collapse.
I am not trying to fear monger, I have just done this long enough to sense a trap in the markets when it is being set. It actually may be worse than what I think.
David Webb is a former fund manager who has some sobering research he shared in several meetings I have been in in the last few weeks. You can see recordings of these meetings on Rumble on the Charles Kovess channel.
David Webb 1
2 h 53 m
David Webb 2
1 h 47 m
Dr Gerry Brady, David Rogers Webb, Mads Palsvig and Alex Krainer
Learn about how to use affidavits to live in the jurisdiction the ensures your freedom
Natural / Spiritual Law into practice InPower Episode 2 A Mass Action of Liability
Cutting off the Head of the Snake in Geneva
Pascal Najadi released a video titled Cutting Off the Head of the Snake In Geneva in which he calls upon Swiss authorities to arrest the heads of various institutions in Geneva that are key participants in the creation and mass deployment of COVID-19 vaccines.
Initially believing COVID-19 vaccines propaganda, Pascal received the Pfizer injections and shortly thereafter fell ill with a general feeling of malaise and fatigue that was later diagnosed as an auto-immune syndrome.
The former Swiss Banker is the son of Hussain Najadi—a merchant banker born in Bahrain to parents of Persian ancestry. The elder Najadi co-founded the World Economic Forum with Klaus Schwab, with whom he later had a falling out.
Pascal’s declaration in this brief documentary is as bold as it gets.