Names You Should Know
This is the first list in the “you should know” series. Most of these are people I label as the “good guys” but there are a few names here I list to watch out for because they are at or near the top of the “bad guys” and knowing what they have to think and say is important to be aware of and understand. They will be clearly labeled.
Check back periodically to monitor updates and additions to the names. If there are people you know or know of that should be added to this list alert me in the comments. I have read, listened to, spoken with or met all of the people on this list over the last few years. Following them has kept me up-to-date with what is going on in current events, real health, freedom and God.
With each name I will summarize something on the expertise of that person and how to find them. Until that is completed, search on their name with an uncensored search engine (Brave, or DuckDuckGo) to turn up links you can follow. If there is someone in particular I have not gotten to yet, just ask and I will get to it right away.
The names are alphabetical by first name.
Aaron Siri
Freedom Attorney working with Del Bigtree of The Highwire and ICAN Decide vaccine safety organizations
Dr. Alan Keyes
Alex Jones
Longtime voice warning of the new world order and government capture and corruption
Alex Neuman
Another host on Alex Jones’ network
Alfie Oakes - Owner OakesMarket in Brandon, FL who is pro freedom and pro non- industrial food. Alfie never mandated anything to his employees or customers and never shut down his business.
Oakes Farms
Dr. Andy Wakefield
Whistleblower of the vaccine origin of increased autism cases
Dr. Andrew Corbett
Crtical thinker and podcaster
The Corbett Report
Ann Vandersteele
Truth about freedom and health
Steel Truth Podcast
Anna Khait
Archbishop Vigano
Bishop in Rome exposing false teaching in the Catholic Church
Pastor Artur Powlowski
Dr. Avery Brinkley
Bob Hall
Texas state senator
Brannon Howse
Worldview Weekend host and long time voice warning of false teaching in the Christian church particularly involving Marxism
Worldview Radio
Worldview Report Podcast
Worldview Radio Podcast
Brett Weinstein
Scientist with evolutionary perspective who sees the falsehood in the latest plandemic
Dark Horse Podcast
Brian Ardis
Dr. Ardis has been sounding the alarm about hospital treatment protocols using remdesivir, vents, and the poison shots
The Dr. Ardis Show
The Dr. Ardis Show Web Site
Dr. Brian Hooker
The doctor that connected the original whistleblower, Dr. William Thompson from the CDC, on the autism caused by MMR vaccines to Del Bigtree. He continues to expose graft and fraud in the medical industry and has a revealing podcast on Children’s Health Defense. He invites some of the leading voices in science and medicine to break down the studies and weigh in on the controversies so the rest of us have an opportunity to understand the science that drives public health policy and medical progress.
Doctors & Scientists Podcast
Brian Rose
Podcaster of London Real who seeks the truth with interesting and controversial guests in long form uncensored interviews
London Real
Dr. Brian Urso
Dr. Carole Baggerly
Dr. Carrie Madej
Catherine Austin Fitts
Financial analyst with the mission is to help you live a free and inspired life. This includes building wealth in ways that build real wealth in the wider economy. We believe that personal and family wealth is a critical ingredient of both individual freedom and community health and well being.
Solari Report
Chad Prather
Charlene Bollinger
Charlie Kirk
Chris Martinsen
Financial podcaster with a medical background, too.
Peak Prosperity
Youtube Channel
Clay Clark
Business coach turned activist to restore freedom and truth to combat election fraud, medical fraud and spiritual fraud. Producer along with General Michael Flynn of the ReAwaken America Tour
Time to Free America
No Jab Jobs
Rumble The Thrivetime Show
Dr. Christiane Northrup
Dr. Cordie Williams
Dave Asprey
The Father of Biohacking, Health and Longevity guru known well for his invention of Bulletproof Coffee also known as Butter Coffee
The Human Upgrade Podcast (formerly Bulletproof Radio)
Bulletproof Product and Supplement Web Site
Dr. David Martin
Renaissance man with deep knowledge of financial, political, scientific. medical, legal and black operations. He has followed the patents behind the current problems as they developed over the last 25+ years and has identified the perpetrators, has written evidence of the criminal acts, has filed lawsuits and affidavits and built infrastructures to move people forward to claim our freedom.
Activate Humanity
Fully Live Academy
Butterfly of the Week
Dr. David Perlmutter
Dr. David Sinclair
Harvard Longevity Researcher who discovered Resveratrol
Del Bigtree
Advocate for vaccine safety and important source of information on the current “plandemic” - You should listen to his podcast called The Highwire EVERY WEEK!
Del also runs the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) for vaccine safety, exposing medical fraud and ensuring that everyone has informed consent before taking any medical product.
The Highwire
ICAN Decide
Dr. Dhru Purohit
Naturopathic doctor who works closely with Dr. Mark Hyman
Doug Billings
Edward Dowd
Former Blackrock fund manager turned whistleblower about the control Blackrock is after.
Dr. Eric Nepute
Doctor in Missouri who was banned early from Facebook for recommending early, effective treatments for a virus
G. Edward Griffin
Health and critical thinking hotspot. Unlike daily news, these items will always be relevant because they reveal history, reality, human nature, and eternal truths.
Red Pill University
Gene Ho
Pastor Greg Locke
Pastor in TN who is a freedom pastor. Understands that Christians have a duty to stand inside and outside the church and be involved in our government for the preservation and protection of our God given freedoms. He has been on most of the Reawaken Tours with Clay Clark.
Dr. Harvey Risch
One of the first doctors along with Dr. Peter McCullough who worked to treat c19 patients and work out therapies that worked and kept patients out of the hospital. Formed a coalition and invited doctors, lawyers and others to participate in finding the truth about what is going on and how to combat it. I know this group well. They have done this at the risk and condemnation of their peers in the captured big medicine, big pharma healthcare system.
Dr. Henry Ealy
Researcher and data analyst who has used the data available, as corrupted, censored and dirty as it is to derive useful information about what is truly going on. The manipulation of the data is one of the things he has been able to show since he has tracked it over time.
Dr. Jack Kruse
Neurosurgeon who discovered the importance of light which he was switched on to by reading the book “Health and Light” by John Ott.
Nourish Vermont 2016 // Dr. Jack Kruse: How to Bio-Hack Your Zip Code for Optimal Health
Dr. Jack Kruse / Nourish Vermont 2017
Dr. Jane Ruby
Doctor and researcher associated with the Stew Peters Show.
James DiNicolantonio
Dr. James Lyons-Weiler
Dr. James Neuenschwander aka Dr. Neu
Dr. Jason Fung
Dr. Jay Bhattacharya
Dr. Jeffrey Barke
Dr. Jessica Rose
Fabulous doctor, researcher and podcaster who has collaborated with Dr. Peter McCullough since early research into c19 treatments
Jim Breurer
Comedian with a moral perspective who is awake to what is going on
Dr. Jim Meehan
JD Rucker
Truth podcaster
J. B. Handley and Jamison Handley
Book: Underestimated: An Autism Miracle
An Autism Miracle Interview on The Highwire
Joe Oltmann
Joe Rogan
Dr. John Campbell
Jonathan Landsman
JP Sears
Comedian with a moral backbone
Awaken With JP on Rumble
Awaken With JP on Youtube
Dr. Judy Mikovits
One of the clearest voices on the nature of viruses and how to deal with all of them. Long time opponent of Anthony Fauci since her early work in HIV AIDS research.
‘Tea Time’ Episode 23: Judy Mikovits, Ph.D., on HIV + COVID Vaccination
Ian Smith
Karen Kingston
Pharmaceutical marketing consultant exposing their fraudulent practice. Look for her interviews on multiple platforms from the podcasters on this list.
Karen Kingston | Biden Giving U.S. Sovereignty to W.H.O.? Trump Jr. Joins ReAwaken Tour!!!
Kash Patel
Ken Paxton
Attorney General of Texas
Kent Heckenlively
Dr. Kevin Jenkins
Klaus Schwab (bad guy)
Leader of the World Economic Forum (WEF), The Great Reset and The New World Order. Author of the book: COVID-19: The Great Reset
Lara Logan
Old school investigative journalist who does her own legwork and clearly relates the true news. Look for interviews of Lara from the podcasters on this list.
Dr. Lee Merritt
Army medical doctor with strong insights, experience treating patients with commitment to freedom
Leigh Dundas
Human rights attorney
Lewis Howes
Maajid Nawaz
Dr. Mark Hyman
Dr. Mark Sherwood
Mark Victor
Martin Armstrong
Dr. Martin Kulldorff
Mel K
Melissa Tate
Mikki Willis
Film maker, Producer of the “Plandemic” film series
Plandemic Series
The Rabbit Hole -
General Michael Flynn
Freedom fighting general and co-organizer of the Reawaken America Tour with Clay Clark.
Dr. Michael Yeadon
Former CFO of Pfizer who left because of the ethics and has a clear vision of what is happening
‘Friday Roundtable’ Episode 4: COVID LIES With Former Pfizer Vice President + Chief Scientific Officer Michael Yeadon
Mike Adams
The Health Ranger, scientist, thinker, survivalist, educator, creator of for uncensored live streaming and for uncensored podcasts. Host your own channel free for up to 50 videos.
The Health Ranger
Natural News
Censored News
Mike Armstrong
Mike Lindell
Business man, follower of God and leader in the fight against election fraud. Setup a broadcast online network in response to get the truth out about election fraud
Naomi Wolf
Naomi Whittel
Friend of Dave Asprey and fellow biohacker focusing on women’s unique health challenges and the keys to eating a healthy keto diet as a woman.
Dr. Natasha Trenev
Researcher and producer of probiotics and prebiotics wth deep knowledge of the microbiome and its relation to full health
Doctors & Scientists Episode 16: Gut Health And Bacteria 101 With Natasha Trenev, "The Mother Of Probiotics"
Natren probiotics
Dr. Natasha Winters
Cancer survivor who believes cancer can be cured but not by the “war on cancer” methods
Interviewed on Dave Asprey podcast: Kick Cancer’s Ass with Keto: Dr. Nasha Winters #528
Nick Vujicic
Owen Shroyer
Patrick Bet-David -
Valuetainment podcast seeking truth from top sources via long form interviews
Patrick Byrne
Patrick M. Wood
Author of “Technocracy Rising and Global Transformation.” Patrick Wood is a leading and critical expert on Sustainable Development, Green Economy, Agenda 21, 2030 Agenda and historic Technocracy.
‘Friday Roundtable’ Episode 7: The Technocratic Agenda With Patrick Wood
Pastor Jackson Lahmeyer
Dr. Paul Alexander
Advisor to President Trump as part of the NIH as a researcher during the inception of the C19 fiasco and contributor to The Brownstone Institute.
The Inhumanity of Compulsory Virus Control
Twenty Steps to End the Madness
Paul Alexander Substack
Dr. Paul Thomas
Science and medicine are at a crossroad and courageous health practitioners are standing up to ensure that humanity and integrity aren’t left behind in the name of “progress.” Dr. Paul Thomas is one of those leading the way and amplifying the voice of brave scientists and health care practitioners who are willing to put their careers on the line to make sure “health” and “care” are restored to healthcare.
Against The Wind
Against The Wind Podcast
Dr. Pete Chambers
Special Operations Flight Surgeon
Pete Santilli
Dr. Peter McCullough
Cardiologist and champion of medical freedom
America Out Loud
AAPS - Association of American Physicians and Surgeons
Dr. Piere Peter Kory
An outspoken American Frontline Doctor who has treated many thousands of c19 patients successfully with early protocols and common sense medicine
America’s Frontline Doctors
Peter Navarro
President Trump advisor
Dr. Rashid A. Buttar
Reiner Füllmich
German attorney building case against the c19 perpetrators in ah international court of law. Has many hours of testimony recorded.
Corona Investigative Committee
Dr. Richard Bartlett
Dr. Richard Fleming
Sheriff Richard Mack
Dr. Robert Malone
Key researcher and original discoverer of mRNA technology who has become red-pilled to the industry he played such a key part of for most of his career.
How Does It Feel To Be Vindicated
Robert F Kennedy, Jr.
Children’s Health Defense - advocates of health and vaccine safety
Children’s Health Defense
Roger Stone
Dr. Ryan Cole
A doctor and runs a testing lab. His experience and clear communication can help anyone understand what is going on in health. Look for his name being interviewed on many podcasts.
Sam Hansen
Dr. Scott Jensen
Senator and practicing doctor in Minnesota who sounded the alarm about CDC changing protocols and definitions
Scott McKay -
The Patriot Streetfighter
Sean SGT Report
Seth Holehouse
Seth Keshel
substack account, voter fraud expert with some clear presentations
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
Sidney Powell
Siim Land
Dr. Simone Gold
Dr. Stefanie Seneff
MIT researcher that has been speaking out about the dangers of glyphosate (Round-Up) for years. She is also spending a lot of time now researching things related to c19. Look for her interviews from many of the podcasters on this list.
Dr. Stella Immanuel
Dr. Steven Gundry
Cardiologist, heart surgeon and now naturopathic, keto based, lectin free health advocate
Steve Kirsch
Vaccine Safety Research Foundation (VSRF), Odessy and Substack -
Silicon Valley entrepreneur, inventor of the optical computer mouse, critical thinker and goal oriented promotor of spreading information to wake people up
Steve Kirsch Substack
Steve Looney
funeral home director in the UK talking about unusual causes of death in young healthy people
Stew Peters
Hard hitting independent uncensored news caster seeking the truth and spurring action in alignment to it
Red Voice Media Stew Peters Show
Sucharit Bhakti
Tamara Scott
Tessa Lena
Todd Coconato
Tony Ronnins
Thomas Renz
Attorney filing cases of medical fraud against the CDC and other government agencies. One of the best legal advocates on our side. He can be found on a lot of podcast interviews. He has filed multiple lawsuits that are in progress but our legal system is corrupt.
Renz Law
Ty Bollinger
Dr. Vernon Coleman
Dr. Vladimir “Zev” Zelenko
The doctor that told Trump of his success treating patients with HCQ at the beginning of the c19 response.
Wendy Rogers
Wim Hof
Also known as “The Iceman” Wim is a promotor of holistic medical practices and a unique breathing method he developed that is used by many, including me, to make their health vibrant
Wim Hof The Iceman Demonstrates His Breathing Technique with Lewis Howes
Yuval Noah Harari (bad guy)
Infamous evolutionary science professor who is the chief science advisor to Klaus Schwab promoting a dystopian technocratic movement to take over the world
Zack Vorhies
Google insider turned whistleblower. Created a website as a landing page to curate the latest podcasts about fighting the new world order
What an amazing comprehensive list. Thank you Randy. Yesterday I looked up Dr. Jack Kruse to see if he'd done another Nourish in Vermont in 2018 and he did. I've only seen about 20 minutes of it so far but you may want to take a look and see what you think and if you feel this would be a good addition for folks to look at.