Nanobots Are More Real Than You Think
Saying Goodbye to Humanity
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Links to podcast segments shared during the show
What happened to Ido Bachelet? He started working with Pfizer in 2015. I wonder what they have been up to.
Pfizer Partnering with Ido Bachelet
How do you justify the research you want to do that you know will raise ethical red flags? You claim it could be the next cure for cancer. “Next cure for cancer”? Where is the first cure to cancer from research done for almost a hundred years?
How Nanobots Could Cure Cancer
Some people may not accept that research into AI and nanobots is more than a fringe pursuit in research. That may have been true 10 years ago. But with the advent of DNA manipulation via CRSPR-CAS-9 and DNA Origami techniques, The scientific “in” crowd knows that is where the funding is. It gives them the chance to play god and it gives the controllers a chance to help them play god and produce more detailed and hidden control layers.
How DNA Origami Disrupts Medicine and Becomes the New Cornerstone of Nano Robotics
There is an even bigger picture on why the bodies of animals and plants do what they do. The DNA contains programs for building blocks, but what directs the building blocks. It is no the DNA. It is something else. Some have recognized this and use their tim e time figure this out. What you will see may seems incredulous but remember what it is that controls what tisusues are formed, to where they form and what contrains them. Do yo see how this might be hijacked using the frequencies in our environment to cause disruption as well as good?
What Bodies Think About: Bioelectric Computation Outside the Nervous System - NeurIPS Facebook AI Research 2018
Medical Coding
Zoe describes what I know very well from my experience with medical coding and what hospitals have been doing with protocols over the last 4 years and even before then.
Medical Coder During COVID
The haunting intro music is a reminder that the ultimate goal of the transhuman agenda is to say the last goodbye to your humanity as designed by God and replace it with the artificial, with man-made things that do not measure up to the creation of God. Do not be deceived into thinking this is human progress.