Holocaust Survivor Vera Sharav Premiers ‘Never Again Is Now Global’ On CHD.TV
Never Again is Now Global
Five-part Docuseries World Premiere
We are in the midst of a worldwide Holocaust
Vera, an 85 year old holocaust survivor herself, recognized the evil brewing early and has sought to warn people for years of the approaching danger. But until the latest successful attempts at the takeover of freedom across the globe by the globalists using fear of an invisible health emergency, many were blissfully unaware. Vera interviews many survivors of the German holocaust to highlight this truth — we are in a battle few of us want to acknowledge and unless you have experienced it before it seems that it cannot be true. A battle of tyranny versus freedom … world wide!
There is no place to escape to this time to avoid the current evil. This time, we MUST recognize, resist and eradicate this evil. Education produces different actions, including resistance to tyranny. I hope today will start an insatiable desire to not be in the dark any longer.
You have a responsibility to become educated AND TO ACT according to the talents that God has given you!
Fantastic documentary. Vera is amazing.
I have seen the first 4 episodes, and I do appreciate seeing Dr. Zelenko interviewed, a fitting tribute. I have yet to send the series to my jabbed family members, but now is the time. Folks still stuck in legacy media, part of me cannot believe they are that gullable, I have to assume their minds are vax comprimised, or that they are simply dying and have no energy for any new idea. But I will send it. Best and thanks