No One Would Listen
After the last couple of years, we all know something is wrong. Even if you have not pinpointed the truth, it is abundantly clear what is NOT the truth — the one-sided story, the only one allowed to be heard. Since that story does not line up with reality, it is clearly not the truth.
I gave up entirely on mainstream information sources when they all started parroting a single mantra. It was like they were all reading the same script. In fact, they were. Watch this 2 minute montage …
Media Says 'Chinese Coronavirus' Term Is Xenophobic- Is That Why They've Used It?
If everyone agrees and says the same exact words, something is wrong. First, everything was about the virus.
Then the story changed and everyone fell in lock step with a new mantra. Suddenly, everything was about the shots. Notice all the straw man arguments tossed into this 2 minute video. Notice how often the two words “safe” and “effective” pop up.
These are safe and effective products': Dr Fauci addresses Covid vaccine fears
There used to be at least two, opposing views reported in media about important issues. But now only one view is prescribed. Different views are not tolerated. You must comply or you will be destroyed. Thinking is obvious evidence that you are a dissident. If you won’t think like you are told to think you cannot be trusted.
In spite of that, there have been freedom loving voices who are speaking up, speaking out, asking hard questions, exposing inconvenient truths and making rational arguments. These people still hold to the first definition of science seen below, not the new definitions.
The media all believe that inconvenient truths based on the scientific method are EXTREMELY Dangerous to Our Democracy because someone might interpret data in rational ways that counter what they say it means. Only the media holds the truth and daring to think otherwise threatens our freedom and democracy (you DID catch how absurd that statement is, didn’t you?) You are only free to think what WE, the media, tell you to think. No personal views are allowed.) Do you think there might be a a central script? Take a minute and a half to check it out.
What happened to debate?
The first to plead his case seems right,
Until another comes and examines him.
— Proverbs 18:17
If you have ever been to or watched a trial or a debate, you know how convincing the arguments of the first side are until you hear the arguments of the other side. You begin to understand a reasonable judgement is going to require careful consideration of the arguments of both sides to determine what makes the most sense. Rational thinkers who search out and study all the information they can find point out that what we are hearing in media is propaganda. It is only one side of the argument. There is information that is actively hidden and not being shared. These thinkers are trying to alert us there is more information and much of it disagrees with the media propaganda.
But no one would listen.
I read a book about a year ago about a real event that ended up creating economic ruin for the financial industry. They did not see it coming … but they should have. They were warned. They probably even suspected that something was wrong but they did not want to face that possibility because pretending nothing would happen was too profitable. Disaster seemed a distant risk but was not of imminent concern .. or so it was thought.
Disaster was closer than it appeared. The story I am talking about is the Bernie Madoff pyramid scheme which ended up crashing not only Madoff’s investment empire but the entire stock market, sending shock waves through the entire financial system for years, bankrupting companies with hundred-year histories and instantly turning wealthy families into homeless families.
“No One Would Listen” is told by Harry Markopolos, a little-known number cruncher from a Boston equity derivatives firm. People like Harry are known as a “Quant” in the financial industry. A quant is someone who has an uncanny ability to natively crunch numbers and see patterns and relationships in them that are too complex for most people to see.
When Harry Markopolos began his career in the securities industry, he used his mathematical skills to design investment products. His bosses wanted him to create instruments that competed with those offered by financier Bernie Madoff because Madoff’s fund was outperforming all the others in the market. But Markopolos found Madoff’s results impossible to match. He suspected that Madoff was not actually investing but was running a Ponzi scheme – collecting the money from new investors, then paying current investors with the new cash. This worked for Madoff until he ran out of new investors.
Harry’s suspicions, based on his knowledge, led to an investigative odyssey. Markopolos and his team uncovered not only the largest financial fraud in history, but also a dangerously dysfunctional U.S. regulatory system (sound familiar?) Markopolos recounts his frustrated, thwarted efforts to warn the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) about the threat Madoff posed to unwary investors. The SEC failed to respond to his detailed written evidence, although Markopolos submitted it five times, starting in 2000, long before Madoff finally confessed to his $65 billion Ponzi scheme in 2008. Unfortunately, no one would listen until the damage from the world's largest-ever financial fraud was irreversible. Madoff was tried and convicted and was serving 150 years until he died in jail last year in 2021.
No One Would Listen by Harry Markopolos
Does this sound familiar?
We find ourselves in the same situation now regarding healthcare and the response to a certain well-known illness.
In the Madoff story, it was the very people tasked with protecting investors from human greed and fraud, the SEC, that were not just complacent, they enabled the companies doing the deeds.
In the healthcare story, it is the CDC, FDA, NIH along with state and national governments who are compromised. The organizations we have been taught to trust to protect us against greed and fraud in the pharmaceutical companies are enabling and participating in the greed and fraud. Because of that, personal healthcare has been redefined to mean doctors treat all patients using provided checklists paying no attention to individual patient conditions, presentation or outcome. If doctors try to think like doctors they are cancelled.
Science is not the only word to get redefined. There have been many terms in healthcare redefined in the last 2 years. Pandemic, vaccine, disease, flu, health and others have been redefined. According to the CDC, health only comes from needles and drugs. I wonder how all the generations who came before us lived long enough to raise families without drugs and doctors. Going by the CDC’s new definition, I must be very unhealthy.
The outcome of the new definitions is one-size-fits-all ‘medicine” that has resulted in the worst death and disease rates in the USA in the entire world. So, of course being scientific Americans, instead heading the failing edicts coming from on high we listened to the real doctors who were finding more successful treatments and used those successful treatments to heal their patients.
NOT !!!
Because no one would listen
There have been many “Harry Markopolos’s” during the pandemic response disaster. I will highlight some here so you can check them out. Dr. Peter McCullough, Brannon Howse and Dr. David Martin are a few you may have heard among the scores I could name.
Dr. Peter McCullough
For some reason God chose for me to live in the area where the very first early treatment study on COVID-19 took place, led by Dr Peter McCullough. The family practice of Dr. Procter near my home where I am a patient was one of the practices involved in the study. When Dr. Procter got censored on Facebook for sharing lifesaving information from the study he was participating in, I wondered at the suppression of the truth. Facebook did not want it to get out for some reason. Here is the published study. Below is an early 20 minute podcast where Dr. McCullough testified to the Texas Senate to make this life saving information readily available to the people of Texas.
Peter McCullough, MD testifies to Texas Senate HHS Committee
Brannon Howse
Brannon Howse has been sounding the alarm for decades of a totalitarian movement on his Worldview Weekend program and in his books (“Marxianity”, “Grave Influence” and “One Nation Under Man”). He cites the erosion of truth and mixing of humanistic philosophies with Biblical worldview to soften the minds of Americans for complete control.
Brannon talks in this podcast about evangelical Christian leaders being subverted and sneaking non-Christian principles into Christian doctrine. When Evangelical Leaders Become Bridgers and Community Organizers for Marxianity
Dr. David Martin
Dr. David Martin has been prophetically sounding alarm about the deep state fear and crisis manipulation tactics for decades. In testimonies before congress, in seminars and conferences he would talk about how governments, agencies and big business were forming unholy alliances and interlocking directorates to consolidate control over people. He has followed the drug companys’ biological weapons patents of gain of function (GOF) research funded by government since before 2003. Not until 2 years ago, when his wife pushed him to get on social media, did his audience expand dramatically to include people outside of congress and financial circles. I was part of that new audience and recognized what he was saying was extraordinary, but true. This happened to be at the very same time I was awakening to the idea that something was wrong in the response to the “novel” virus coming on the scene because of my understanding of health. David’s message was the information I needed to confirm something was very wrong.
I saw it, others I trusted saw it, but I still did not want to believe it. Because if true, it would make life uncomfortable. I also believed we would ignore the scare tactics being implemented once again, just like in the previous “pandemic” scares every few years, and not get traction. This time was different.
Mikki Willis filmed a series named Plandemic. The second film, Plandemic InDoctorNation featured David and it is still relevant and worth watching.
David’s weekly podcast, called “Butterfly of the Week,” has somehow remained on YouTube at a time when YouTube censors anyone who says something they do not want said. A few of his posts did get censored but David seems to have super powers in avoiding getting cancelled altogether. He has created his own alternative platforms, Activate Humanity and Fully Live, just in case.
In my view, David Martin is the main “Harry Markopolos” of the “pandemic”. At a time when all of the “science” proclaimed by “I-am-the-science” Anthony Fauci has rung false, all of the information found and exposed by David Martin has rung true. Below is a link to one of the most comprehensive podcasts, where David lays out in detail the actual documents containing the information that backs his conclusions. This is on bitchute as it is one of the few that YouTube censored.
Butterfly of the Week, 18 January 2021: The Fauci Covid-19 Dossier
David has put together a dossier on Fauci containing evidence of the “plandemic” going back for years.
Del Bigtree and The Highwire
Del was a producer on the CBS TV show The Doctors. Many years ago, a whistleblower from the CDC, William Thomas, had documents proving vaccine safety data was being manipulated and destroyed, and Del wanted to break the story on The Doctors. But CBS would not run the story since it implicated their main sponsors, drug companies, in wrong doing. So, Del left CBS and started producing his own show, TheHighwire, to be able to broadcast the truth even when it is not popular. Sounds like true journalism.
I started listening to TheHighwire in January 2018 for reasons that did not involve the “plandemic.” It was just a part of my journey to find out the drivers and barriers of optimal health. If you want to keep up with the latest hard to find information you need to catch TheHighwire on Thursday afternoons.
Still no one would listen
Well, some have started to listen, but very few.
Sure, we are hearing the words. I heard the words. But truthfully, I did not want to believe the disaster was much closer than it appeared to be. I thought, certainly everyone else would see it was just another fear-based overreaction by media just like the last potential pandemic. I thought it would not get legs and would quickly fade. But it soon became obvious our supposed leaders were promoting the fear and leading us the wrong way. Even worse, it gained momentum as EVERYONE in the whole world was coerced to panic in fear all over the world.
It really was not a pandemic, not according to the definition at the time (I wonder why that changed). In reality, Doctors who acted like doctors and treated patients like they always did, instead of turning them away, quickly found very effective protocols. Those who turned patients away without helping them failed their patients. The “real” doctors discovered effective early treatment protocols and preventions that still work to prevent any flu-like illness and quickly heal those who have the symptoms. As previously stated, my family doctor was part of the first published clinical study of successful early treatment methods in 2020.
Clinical outcomes after early ambulatory multidrug therapy for high-risk SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) infection
Doctors and scientists took to the media to get this good news out to everyone - but no one would listen. Worse, they were mocked and vilified. Even the President of the USA was promoting things discovered to work but was actively shutdown.
It was political but it was more than political. The three letter “health” agencies suppressed the news of effective early treatments by hollering you cannot promote a protocol without first doing multiple independent, randomized, peer-reviewed studies on that protocol. You can’t just see that it works and use it. But they became the people to push and release an experimental injection without doing a single independent, randomized, peer-reviewed study. There was not even a single study that came close to the success that the effective treatment studies had. On spite of that, they broke their pontificated rules and insisted that the entire world be forced to take it without a single peer reviewed study. But try to point that out.
Why would studies be required for products that do no harm and obviously working, then turn around and not require studies for something that is recklessly rushed to market using technology never used before that has a very dangerous mechanism of action involving potentially deadly toxins?
Clear, unprecedented safety signals warning of the adverse events of the new experimental gene therapy showed up immediately. But anyone who tried to point that out was savagely attacked. As of March 2022, hundreds of thousands of adverse events have been reported in the US tracking system (VAERS), the US Military tracking systems (DMED) and tracking systems around the world - but
No one would listen!
Here are recent reports of adverse events from the shots. This is the official reporting system of the CDC.
Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System
Defense Medical Epidemiology Database
Is there hope?
Is someone beginning to listen?
Attorney Thomas Renz Announces That the Department of Defense Data Has Been Submitted to the Court
Full video of previous clip
Some attorneys like Thomas Renz, Aaron Siri, David Martin along with elected officials like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and U.S. Senator Ron Johnson are filing charges and holding hearings to investigate and prosecute the illegal acts and medical malpractice going on in front of our eyes. This is encouraging but it is up to us to help these actions gain momentum if we want to remain free. The endgame is tyranny and no one ever complied their way out of tyranny.
Are you listening?
I have provided a small sample of information available showing where you can find methods to prevent and treat infectious disease and figure out what is really going on. If this is new to you, why do you think you have not seen it before? This should be common knowledge — common sense. This information has been accumulated over the last 2 years. Attempts to distribute it are repressed. I believe many have still not seen it yet because of the systemic corruption of the government, the three letter agencies, big tech and big pharma. Share this so more can see it.
For more information about keeping yourself healthy along with methods to prevent illness that work for me check out another post on “Live With Your Brain Turned On.”
As always, do not take my word for any of this. Do your own due diligence and make your decision about what to think. That is the point.
Why has this happened?
Profiting from business is not wrong. But profiting without liability leads to corruption because there is no risk. Remember when you were a teenager and invincible? Humans are prone to corruption in this situation. No company in the world has ever profited from a single product like the companies making these shots have and with no risk. The contracts for these products are constructed so the manufacturers cannot be sued if anything bad happens. What could go wrong?
Big pharma has made the most obscene financial profits in the shortest time with the most dangerous product in the history of the world. We have watched as they have coordinated with government, media and the courts to seize control of every individual and invade personal privacy in the name of “safety” and fear of the unknown. It costs you nothing you are told — except almost all of your personal freedom.
“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety”
— Benjamin Franklin
Many of us had lost jobs other mandates. You may think you still have freedom because perhaps you have yet to be forced to do something you don’t want to do. Your freedom is only one mandate away from changing that. Mandates and freedom cannot co-exist. Emergency powers and mandates need to be cancelled forever. The same goes for executive orders. These are the mechanisms used by rulers to usurp power when our guard is down.
Trade the financial markets sometime. You will find out what results from making decisions in the middle of fearful and uncertain situations. “Temporary” powers are the way totalitarian bad actors take over free societies every time. “Two weeks to flatten the curve” anybody?
Centralizing financial systems are another route to make sure no one will be able to listen because if they do listen they will be denied access to their finances. But that is another post.
Is anyone listening?
Many are beginning to listen now. This is progress and I welcome the progress but we should not let down our guard. The powers behind this did not take advantage of it only to fail now. Some have written plans for it.
I have thought and written about returning to normal once already and probably will again. You can find my previous post here.
With that in mind, it is not time to allow this point in time go to waste. I like to stand cliches on their head and project them back on those that throw them at me. For example, “never let a good crisis go to waste!” can be used for the truth just as it is used for opponents to our freedom.
Instead of using the crisis to push an agenda that is against humanity, we can use it to wake people up to what is truly important. Now that the tinsel has been stripped away we can focus on true values to strengthen the good things within us and in society, the values of God, family and others. We can also use it to clearly identify and deal with the bad actors and put them where they cannot co-opt the weak and fearful for their purpose any more — ever.
Believe me, I would love to relax. This is not how I envisioned retirement. But this is not a time to relax and go back to being comfortable just yet. If we do that, the freedoms we have lost and continue to lose will not be given back to us. We must use this time to take them back, hold on to them and ensure they cannot be lost again. It is time to identify the criminals and hold them accountable. Letting them slink away into the background without paying for the destruction only puts them in the position to learn from their mistakes and come back again stronger to complete a take over with another push. That cannot be allowed to happen. There are multiple Bernie Madoffs in this situation and all of them need to be put away.
What can we do?
Listen to God. God tells us what to do.
Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might.
— Ecclesiastes 9:10
Bondage of one leads to bondage for all. Freedom of one leads to freedom for all. Two more great resources with information about what you can do are from Catherine Austin Fitts at The Solari Report for financial preparedness and Mike Adams at Natural Health for many other preparedness material. Mike has free podcasts and ebooks on how to be more prepared.
Who should we listen to?
We don’t need to look for a savior. I already have a Savior in Jesus Christ. Looking to a single man or man-made entity as a savior will only result in bondage. Allegiance to man leads to slavery. Allegiance to God leads to freedom.
“For you were called to freedom, brothers and sisters; only do not turn your freedom into an opportunity for the flesh, but serve one another through love.”
— Galatians 5:13
Wow, well written Randy!! Keeping the faith and hope alive :)