Posted-The Live With Your Brain Turned On Show - The New Technocracy
The New Abnormal and Transhumanism
The Live With Your Brain Turned On Show - The New Technocracy
hosted by Randy Stewart and Travis Harbin
TUESDAY January 10th, 2023
Two hours of discussion centered on critical thinking about God, health, current events and topics raised by the listeners.
The New Abnormal: The Rise of the Biomedical Security State
by Dr. Aaron Kheriaty
We will be breaking down an interview of Dr. Kheriaty posted by The Epoch Times and talking about some of the highlights. We cannot ignore the Biomedical Security State, transhumanism and the tyranny of convenience. We are being manipulated using a perpetual state of fear and the never ending emergency state into accepting a New Abnormal without being aware of it.
Here is the interview we will discuss. Spend the dollar to join the Epoch Times and watch the whole thing. It is worth it. Then keep our subscription because you will continue to benefit from the critical thinking about what is truly happening.
Self-Spreading Vaccines, Transhumanism, Gag Orders, Hippocratic Medicine and the Nuremberg Code
1 hour 35 min
What is the strategy of the controllers, who are they and ideas about how we can stop them? The technocrats want
“to develop genetic engineering technologies and techniques to be able to write circuitry for cells and predictably program biology in the same way in which we write software and program computers.”
If you doubt this, that quote is from a U.S. Executive Order signed by Joe Biden signed September 12, 2022.
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Book of the Week
The New Abnormal: The Rise of the Biomedical Security State
by Dr. Aaron Kheriaty
Aaron Kheriaty, MD, is a Fellow and Director of the Program in Bioethics and American Democracy at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, and a Senior Scholar and Fellow at the Brownstone Institute. He also serves as Senior Fellow and Director of the Health and Human Flourishing Program at the Zephyr Institute. Dr. Kheriaty also holds the positions of Scholar at the Paul Ramsey Institute, Fellow at the National Catholic Bioethics Center, and serves on the advisory board at the Simone Weil Center for Political Philosophy. He is a psychiatrist in private practice in Orange County, California. Aaron and his wife, Jennifer, have five sons.
I watched the interview of Dr. Aaron Kheriaty by The Epoch Times which provides most of the clips we we listen to throughout the show. I highly recommend watching the full interview and buying the book.
Before we get into the meat of it, let’s look a few clips that give us a clue that much of what we are experiencing is going according to some plan and that we should maintain our critical thinking skills in the face of medical, media and government bullying.
Pandemic, The Simpsons knew all along.
5 min
Bill Maher Speaks up for Medical Freedom, Takes Shots at The Science™
2 min
Dr. Aaron Kheriaty: Self-Spreading Vaccines, Transhumanist Ideology, and Government Gag Orders—The New Technocracy Threatening Hippocratic Medicine and the Nuremberg Code
1 hour 35 min
SMART cities sound like a smart idea on the surface but you do not have to dig too deeply to find out that you have to accept an authoritarian surveillance state a.k.a the definition of a police state. What could go wrong? Plenty …
People tend to recoil at the Nazi regime and say that kind of thing could never happen here - which sets up the very conditions that allow it to happen (I was guilty of this - now I do not discount ANYTHING as being capable of happening)
Germany was taken over and remained a “democracy” during the reign of Hitler by living under a declared state of emergency for 12 years (awake yet?) and everything they did was “legal”, humane and expedient (were their experiments any worse then the childhood genital mutilations, the euthanasia and torturous medical protocols during covid.
Dr. Kheriaty remarked that the CDC will recognize natural immunity when someone figures out how to monetize it. Starting with covid we have been been brainwashed into believing that you are now presumed sick until you are “proved” healthy. Part of the Zero Trust state talked about last week. In addition we are constantly bombarded with the idea that somehow you are sub optimally healthy unless you get a particular injection or other medical intervention (when the reverse is true).
Medicine has traditionally considered you are a normal healthy human being until you get sick as indicated by symptoms. Then treatment or interventions are recommended to assist the body to heal or in acute situations fix things that were broken.
The technocratic view of health sees you as collection of processes that can be tinkered with and improved indefinitely to make you into a new class of human. But it has enormous potential to do harm. There is no manual so it is all experimentation. Either you become a human 2.0 superman or are dehumanized into a sub human. In my view it is always dehumanizing because either way because you are no longer pure because you have broken the DNA that makes you you.
You are not a piece of hardware that needs a software update every few months, like you have been propagandized and conditioned to accept and actually mandated to do in this executive order — Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe, and Secure American Bioeconomy
Dr. Kheriaty makes a reference made me think of the TV series from the 1970’s — The Six Million Dollar Man — to make people bigger, faster, stronger and smarter than before.
The Six Million Dollar Man Opening and Closing Theme (With Intro) HD Surround
Ray Kurweil is a big proponent of the “singularity”
Ray postulates that by 2029 computers will have achieved human levels of intelligence - this will happen by merging with it - putting it inside our bodies and directly connect to the cloud and make ourselves smarter 9:50 making the external drive (phone) your internal drive - Kurzweil says it is part of his brain (while a useful tool, it is NOT part of the brain)
He also says he swallowed a computer for diagnostic test like an endoscopy without the issues of using a flexible endoscope. No, he did not - it was a camera - I know what it is, I have held it in my hand. I know the system that collects and processes the photos - the company was my customer and they use the software I used to sell to transfer the images.
Equating fiction with virtual reality as Ray and his daughter Amy do in the above video is a false analogy - there are huge differences. Reading fiction involves your imagination, but Virtual Reality hijacks your senses and can be used to make you confuse imagination with true reality.
German medicine in the 1920s and 1930s was the best in the world.
But their concept was that the people are a social organism and as a whole are healthy or sick, so some people are cancers. Physicians in organized medicine are then tasked with carving the cancer out to enhance health of people as a whole leading to eugenics (now called gene editing technology).
Patients have to wonder who a doctor gives his loyalty to in the US now. Is it to the individual patient or to the authorities who force mandated protocols for “treatment”.
The book is about the rise of the biosecurity medical state. The evidence is in front of us that this view of health is a failure. It relies on:
Militarized public health
Digital surveillance
State power
None of which stop the spread or helped healing.
Declaring Covid a pandemic was an opportunity for the military to test out things they otherwise would not have been able to test. The one-size-fits-all response damaged trust in public health, government agencies, and organized medicine. Many people, myself included, who once trusted standard medicine now never want to see a physician or go to a hospital again. They want us to bow to some authoritarian protocol handed down from a boss rather than provide advice based on critical thinking and diagnosis.
Now companies are working on creating transgenic lettuce that could be used to “vaccinate” you for diseases. The is that viruses that infect humans are like computer viruses, but computer viruses and human viruses are nothing alike — people and computers are nothing alike when it comes to life.
Gene therapies may hold promise but they are extremely dangerous. Just changing something like height, weight, eye color, intelligence, etc. by modifying DNA will cause alerts to go off in your body. The body recognizes “self” and non-self is always attacked and cleared.
Our constant state of emergency stops the public debate that should be occurring and allows the control desired by transhumanists whose ultimate aim is immortality as a man-machine singularity or even to live forever in an uploaded state, forever in a cyber world.
Scientism - unquestioned “science” - is used to subvert true science and scientific research. Totalitarianism, basically the inability to ask certain questions or to have the “wrong ideas”, will lead to the place where even the idea to question science will no longer occur to people anymore.
Fear is used to accomplish this suppression. The idea of total safety vs rational risk taking. Avoidance of fear leads to a dark destination, as the last three years demonstrate rationally, courageously facing fears leads to a better life. Overcome fear, not by avoidance, but by exposure to face the fear.
Scientific progress is made when people are allowed to challenge theories and hypotheses.
There is much more but I leave it to you to watch the interview or read the book.
We do have hope. I dont think it is an exaggeration to say that never in our history have we seen this level of free speech violation by the federal government as in the last three years but people are coming around. WE have to resist before we lose the ability to resist our digital captors or lose the ability to even think about resisting.
Stay Free!!!