Posted- The Live With Your Brain Turned On Show - 20230321
I Ask Scott Schara - Why Do the People in Charge Continue to Distract Us? Follow the Money...
The Live With Your Brain Turned On Show
TUESDAY March 21st, 2023
Hello my fellow critical thinkers. Welcome back to the Live With Your Brain Turned On Show.
Today’s music is brought to us by
Hi-Rez & Jimmy Levy - This Is A War (Official Video)
4 min
Where are we going and why are we in this hand basket?
It is important to remember that this show is brought to you on the People for People network which is a listener supported network. There are no large corporate sponsors as it appears that such sponsors do not see profit in the free exchange of information. If you do see value in freedom of information please make it possible by donating to the people for people network.
Go to and click the donate button.
Please also consider supporting my work by subscribing to this substack
I want to continue reminding you to watch the documentary produced by holocaust survivor Vera Sharav,
Never Again is Now
My topics today are an interview with Scott Schara, who is returning to talk with me about how to spot deception and protect yourself from being deceived by the false choices we are given in nearly every aspect of life from medical care to politics to news to food to finances and beyond. If you want to know the easiest way to tell what you are told is false it can be a simple as this … follow the money. WHO is paying the people that are attempting to deceive you? That is a pun - WHO — the WHO — The World Health Organization. Too bad it is not funny.
In the second part of the show I will take you on a journey through a Pfizer web page the gives a glowing review of the mRNA injections and how they are going to turn the world into a utopia. I will attempt to point out the lies and deception throughout the article. This is a systemic cancer of legal drug cartels. Learn how you can spot the lies for yourself. But first …
Scott Schara
If you remember from a prior show, Scott’s daughter, Grace, was murdered in a hospital in Wisconsin using hospital protocols and an illegal medical directive that was refused by the family known as a DNR - Do Not Resuscitate. The staff gave Grace a known lethal cocktail of drugs that would have killed anybody. Scott has the full medical records that show this was no accident and is seeking justice. Not retribution — but justice to prevent the corrupted drug and medical establishment from doing this to others and turn to focus of medicine back to God and the preservation of life and health.
Links to Scott Schara website, substack and podcast:
Web Site
Deprogramming With Graces Dad Show
Pfizer Review of mRNA Technology in their products
How This Once Little-Known Molecule Is Disrupting Medicine
Nucleoside-modified messenger RNA
David Martin documents The Fauci COVID 19 Dossier
I hope you see how you have been and are being programmed.
The Gospel in a nutshell
In the beginning God created man and woman, Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve wanting to be their own god, disobeyed God making us all, their descendants, sinners and releasing evil into the world.
God came to earth as the God-man, Jesus Christ, and lived a perfect life so He could be the perfect sacrifice for our sin which He paid for by His death on a cross. He was buried, but He was raised again on the third day conquering death. Believe in the finished work of Christ and your relationship with God will be restored and provide you with eternal life. You do not have to wait until you can make yourself acceptable, God did it all. By His grace we are saved by faith in Hos sacrifice. not by our “good” works.
If you don’t believe that, you are still my friend on this earth.
If you do believe, you are my friend forever and ever.
Become free!
Stay free!!!