Posted - The Live With Your Brain Turned On Show - 20230117
The signals are there. Are you paying attention?
The Live With Your Brain Turned On Show - The signals are there. Are you paying attention?
hosted by Randy Stewart and Travis Harbin
Link to today’s show:
TUESDAY January 17th, 2023
Two hours of discussion centered on critical thinking about God, health, current events and topics raised by the listeners.
Our guest today has been here before — Albert Benavides, aka Welcome The Eagle
Albert has dedicated his time to providing configurable charts that make sense of VAERS data to understand the adverse reaction signals to the COV!D shots that are found there. He will give us an update on the things he has been involved with lately which include:
VAERS is throttling published reports (UP TO ~600 DAYS BEFORE PUBLICATION)
VAERS - under coding instead of putting the codes at the critical level they belong - thousands of reports (cardiac arrest, strokes, emboli, myocarditis, etc.) in the lowest level AE aka "None of Above"
VAERS is stripping data and/or not helping to populate data where applicable.
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Our guest today has been here before — Albert Benavides
Albert has dedicated his time to providing configurable charts of adverse reactions to the COV!D shots from the VAERS data
If you have questions or accolades for Albert …
Albert can be contacted at
See more interviews and explanations by Albert on BitChute
As a 25 year medical biller they now say Albert is a revenue cycle management expert able run the billing operations of the largest hospitals in the nation. Helped run billing operations for fourth largest laboratory in the nation (Bio-Reference Laboratories) sending out 15K-23K insurance claims a day! Two million VAERS reports in no big deal. It's just sad. Certified Professional Coder. God Bless
Data visualization is a necessary tool in big medical data, usually left for "IT" team. Albert always found his niche between Medical & IT. A medical guy who can talk tech.
Links to Some short interviews so you get to know Albert
WelcomeTheEagle Speaks VAERS To Wolfgang Wodarg!
11 min
Here is an interview of Dr. Ealy and Naomi Wolf who he has been working with lately and will talk about.
A ‘Cover-Up of Evidence of Mass Murder’: The CDC Appears to Be Removing VAERS Records
11 min
Albert's Dashboard
First, comment on this
BREAKING: CDC to Investigate Link Between Strokes & COVID-19 Vaccines
Ask Albert about what number of strokes that might be

Correlation and Causation
Be careful of common wisdom dismissal of evidence like correlation is not causation. On the surface that is a good skeptical approach, but it should encourage research, not dismissal of the correlation. Why? Because if you have causation you WILL have correlation.
That could never happen here - examples
I met Dr. Douglas Frank at an event about voter fraud, how it occurs, how to detect it, how to turn people into believers and finally how to prevent it. Travis would love to talk to Dr. Frank about higher math, the guy is a genius in formulas
Dr. Douglas G. Frank Speaks at The Moment of Truth Summit
Skip to time mark 12:00 to get right into the analytics
Everything Hitler did in Germany was “legal” because it was done under the emergency powers written in the German constitution. The emergency powers lasted for 12 years until the end of the war. Avg American thinks that could never happen here. We do not even have an emergency powers clause in the US Constitution. However, an emergency was declared anyway with a promise of 2 weeks to flatten the curve — which has now been extended 11 times and has been in place for 3 years. IT IS HAPPENING HERE!!! But the avg American stills think it cant happen, therefore it isn't happening.
This reminds me of 2 quotes:
We must always tell what we see. Above all, and this is the more difficult, we must always see what we see. — Charles Péguy
We accept the reality of the world with which we are presented — from the Truman Show movie
The World Economic Forum is meeting now in Davos. Over 1000 private jets flew in for the meeting. There are officials attending from the US. Who are they?
US Officials at Davos
These are the U.S. Officials and Reps Attending Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum in Davos
The U.S. is controlled by ten cartels
QR code - this is a way to track and control you - just say no
Vitamin of the Week
Vitamin D
You Cannot Make Vitamin D Without Cholesterol
5 min
More about Vitamin D not covered in the show.
Vitamin D Update
33 min
Vitamin D and Covid-19
Synthesized in the dermis under the effect of ultraviolet light contained in sunlight.
Transported to the liver and kidneys, where it is transformed into an active hormone
Responsible for intestinal absorption of calcium and bone health.
Modulates the functioning of the immune system by stimulating macrophages and dendritic cells
Plays a role in regulating and suppressing the cytokine inflammatory response
A significant correlation between low serum vitamin D levels and mortality from Covid- 19. Serum levels should be 60 ng/mL or greater as measured by blood test for optimal immune function.
Not a preventive or a therapeutic. It is essential human hormone.
Loading dose of 50,000 to 100,000 IU in case of deficiency, which could help limit respiratory complications;
Recommends vitamin D supplementation of 800 to 1000 IU/day in people under 60. DO your own research, but I typically take 5000 IU twice a day. You still have to get into sunlight to activate Vitamin D.
Foods that provide vitamin D include:
International units per serving.
Beef liver (cooked). 3 ounces: 42 IU.
Cereal, fortified with 10% of the daily value of vitamin D. 0.75 to 1 cup: 40 IU.
Cod liver oil. 1 tablespoon: 1360 IU.
Egg yolk. 1 large egg: 41 IU.
Milk, fortified. 1 cup: 115-124 IU.
Orange juice, fortified. 1 cup: 137 IU.
Salmon (sockeye, cooked). 3 ounces: 447 IU.
Sardines (canned in oil, drained). 2 sardines: 46 IU.
Swiss cheese. 1 ounce: 6 IU.
Swordfish (cooked). 3 ounces: 566 IU.
Tuna (canned in water, drained). 3 ounces: 154 IU.
Yogurt, fortified with 20% of the daily value of vitamin D. 6 ounces: 80 IU.
Vitamin D is important for a healthy immune system.
Vitamin D gets activated by magnesium.
Vitamin K2 should also be paired with Vitamin D.
Remember that when you go to take your vitamin D pill.
Low vitamin D levels promote diseases — statins destroy your ability to make vitamin D. When my doctor wanted me to take statins she wanted me to take high dose Vitamin D and coQ-10 because the statin would keep me from making them. I said, then why would I take a statin knowing the it will destroy the ability to make key components I need for health. The pathway crippled by stains is responsible for over 600 downstream components your body needs to make. Do your research and see if you want to destroy your health with statins.