Posted - The Live With Your Brain Turned On Show - 20230228
Funeral Services for Nutrition Brought to You by Fake Food, plus Who is Dr. WHO
Funeral Services for Nutrition Brought to You by Fake Food, plus Who is Dr. WHO
Big Brother is delivering the death blow to nutrition ultimately leading to many early funerals and poor health.
The World Health Organization wants to be the doctor for the world -- Dr. WHO -- and they are not asking for permission, they are just planning to declare it.
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Never Again Is Now Global Trailer
Health and Nutrition
I want to begin with a subject very dear to my heart - health and nutrition.
Optimizing Health
Healthy Lifestyle Habits
Unsettled Science
Tufts' Food Compass...It's Worse Than You Thought
Propaganda Today
Do any of you here subscribe to Propaganda Today magazine? No? As far as I know. there is not really a Propaganda Today magazine, but maybe there should be. But that does not mean there aren’t publications, like the Tuft’s Food Compass, that deserve the title.
Nutrition Funeral
New food pyramid is setting up our children for failure: Nina Teicholz
3 min
Big Data, Big Pharma, Big Food, Big Ag, Big Government, Big Money could all combine then empower Big Brother.
Dr Mercola has also talked about this in multiple recent articles on his substack,
Fake Food Industry Wants Cradle to Grave Control
It's becoming quite clear that the fake food industry is seeking to monopolize the food industry from cradle to grave. As detailed in "Got MilQ?" they're even working on synthetic breast milk. Biomilq, for example, is made from cultured breast tissue, and is funded by a long list of ultrawealthy globalists, including Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Richard Branson, Masayoshi Son, Jack Ma, Michael Bloomberg and Marc Benioff.
Just yesterday, Mike Adams, The Health Ranger warned us about dangers in lab grown meat.
Situation Update, Feb 27, 2023 - EPA halts toxic chemical transport after huge public outcry
1 hour 35 min
43:00 Mike talks about lab grown meat using immortal cells (cancer cells)
Gabe Brown links
Brown’s Ranch
We do not have to have industrial agriculture to survive
Not-So-Green Solutions
Industrial agriculture uses 75% of available farmland yet produces just 30% of food consumed globally. This shocking statistic is part of the narrative for why we need a new and more sustainable food system.
What's left out of the conversation, however, is that small biodiverse farms use just 25% of land yet provide 70% of our diet,* this so eliminating traditional farming altogether is like throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
What's more, studies have repeatedly shown that regenerative and biodynamic farming practices effectively lower demand on valuable resources like water, don't require synthetic fertilizers and produce greater yields than GMO monocultures. It also rebuilds rather than destroys soil, supports animal welfare and promotes biodiversity of plants and wildlife.
When animals are raised according to regenerative agriculture, a complete ecosystem is created, one that is both healing for the land and productive for the farmers who keep it. Eating meat is not synonymous with harming the environment: It's industrial farming practices that inflict the damage.
If the goal was to safeguard the environment, combat climate change and optimize food production and human nutrition, then transitioning to biodynamic farming methods would be the obvious solution. Yet it's made out to be the enemy of the planet and mankind.
Fake Food, Fake Meat: Big Food’s Desperate Attempt to Further the Industrialisation of Food
EPISODE #1024 : Dave Asprey Shares All Things “Smarter Not Harder” – interviewed by Rich Diviney
1 hour
45:00 how does one know what great feels like
Ohio Train Wreck and Environmental dangers
If you are still living in east Palestine Ohio - why?
Doc Pete Chambers returns from Ohio front lines for a post-catastrophe situation report - with Michael Yon and Mike Adams
9:30 planned event and dog kings
Situation Update, Feb 27, 2023 - EPA halts toxic chemical transport after huge public outcry
51:00 Fetterman (a dog king)
Emergency Manager: It’s Much WORSE Than They Say, and China May Be Behind It
Don Loucks, an ex-military hazardous materials expert and emergency manager.
6:00 national disaster, canary in a coal mine and malicious intent — air brakes failed, why?
Plan to Inject Toxic Ohio Wastewater Underground in Texas
It is in the power of Congress to direct these apparently criminal agencies to do the job they are given money for and actually clean up a toxic event and provide assistance to the population harmed.
Contact your congressman to look into this and take action. I have.
IHR amendments to the WHO Agreement
America's Sovereignty Hanging in the Balance - Michele Bachmann - Freedom Alive Ep73
30 min
Script too crazy
Liars and Truthtellers
A princess visits an island inhabited by two tribes. Members of one tribe always tell the truth, and members of the other tribe always lie.
The princess comes to a fork in the road. She needs to know which road leads to the castle so as to avoid the fire-breathing dragon and rescue the prince from the wizard holding him captive in the castle. (Although the princess doesn't know it, the south road leads to the castle and the north road leads to the dragon.)
Standing at this fork in the road is a member of each tribe, but the princess can't tell which tribe each belongs to. What question should she ask to find the road to the castle?
Simply asking which road leads to the castle won't help. The answer won't tell us which native is lying and which native is telling the truth. However, we really only need to talk to one of the natives. The trick is to ask a question where the response will be the same from both natives: a question that incorporates how a member of the tribe not answering would respond to the same question.
For example, what if we say to one of the natives, "If I asked a member of the tribe you don't belong to which road I should take to get to the castle, what would he say?"
If we ask a truthteller, the response will be: "He would say to take the north road." The road to the castle is the south road so the liar will tell us to take the north road, and the truthteller will faithfully report this to us.
If we ask a liar, the response will be: "He would say to take the north road." The road to the castle is the south road and the truthteller will tell us to take the south road, but the liar will not report this faithfully to us - he will say the opposite.
In both cases we'll get the same response. We should do the opposite of what we have been told because, regardless of whether we are speaking to a liar or a truthteller, our question will always produce the wrong answer to which road we should take.
In a rare act of censorship all newspapers cancel Dilbert for exposing the truth.
Pandemic Treaty Negotiations Begin Again Feb 27 - March 3. Wait! Remember When Newsweek Explained The World Health Organization Is Not Salvageable?
One of the rare times Newsweek was worth reading!