Posted- The Live With Your Brain Turned On Show - 20230314
Through the looking glass
The Live With Your Brain Turned On Show - 20230314
Through the looking glass
Hi-Rez & Jimmy Levy ~ We Will Not Comply
Fantastic music artists who know the truth and are not afraid to declare it !!!
Through the looking glass
The show is live on Tuesdays - sign up at the link below to listen live
1 PM Pacific — 2 PM Mountain — 3 PM Central — 4 PM Eastern — 9 PM UK- Wed 8 AM AEDT
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The goal of this show is not to tell you what to think but to learn how to think and and to help you discover information that leads to wise choices while we continue to wonder …
Where are we going and why are we in this hand basket?
It is important to remember that this show is brought to you on the People for People network which is a listener supported network. There are no large corporate sponsors as it appears that such sponsors do not see profit in the free exchange of information. I f you do see value in freedom of information please make it possible by donating to the people for people network.
Today’s Topics
We believe what we were raised to believe.
Mass programming — daylight savings time. People worldwide trained to accept a contrived idea with a minimum of complaint and with no studied evidence of benefit or harm that has been considered even though some show harm that should be checked into.
Did vaccines ever really work or do they damage health over all?
Withdraw from the WHO — now!
Legal drugs are made by criminal organizations..
What it is like for true experts.
What real health looks like.
CDC — The Center for Disease control
What disease are they controlling you with today?
Today I want to take another look at vaccines. No just one particular vaccines, but ALL vaccines. Do vaccines improve health or destroy health?
SHOCKING: Medical profession rolls out diagnosis code for the unjabbed
The Highwire
Search for “FDA scheduled vaccines” page
The first link used to take you directly to the table of vaccines. Now that more people are aware of it, It has moved way down in the results. Here is the direct link so you can actually get to it.
Vaccines Licensed for Use in the United States
Dr. Richard Pan announces new bill that would add COVID vaccine to list of mandatory vaccines needed
Daylight Saving Time Linked to Serious Negative Health Effects
Researchers are discovering that “springing ahead” each March is connected with serious negative health effects, including an uptick in heart attacks and teen sleep deprivation.
In contrast, the fall transition back to standard time is not associated with these health effects, as my co-authors and I noted in a 2020 commentary.
Here is a substack post from Robert Malonethat clearly outlines what is going on and action to take. If we do not take action, I am afraid that even the red pill suppositories are not going to wake enough people up in time.
Withdraw U.S. from the WHO now!
"Unless the USA withdraws from the W.H.O., we will be bound by whatever a majority of its members agree upon, to the detriment of our national sovereignty and personal freedoms."
Stanley Milgram’s shocking experiment
The Milgram Experiment: How Far Will You Go to Obey an Order?
Why am I concerned that we would follow illegal, unconstitutional and immoral orders from the WHO?
Western allopathic medicine is a giant Asch Conformity Experiment
The Asch Conformity Experiment
This experiment reminded me of a comedy sketch called “The Expert”
The Expert (Short Comedy Sketch)
Cases against drug manufacturers with convictions of criminal charges. Remember Vioxx, Lyrica, OxyContin?
Top 3
GlaxoSmithKline, $3 billion
956.8M was criminal
Drugs: Paxil, Wellbutrin, Avandia
Pfizer, $2.3 billion
1.3B wass criminal
Drugs: Bextra, Geodon, Zyvox, Lyrica
Johnson & Johnson, $2.2 billion
419MM was criminal
Drugs: Risperdal, Invega, Natrecor
show notes link
10 Biggest Pharmaceutical Settlements in History
To drug companies it is just a cost of doing business. No ono served any time.
As Klaus Schwab says …
Ve are in ze forse industrial revolution
Is he just mispronouncing fourth as force or does he really mean force?
Deprogramming from the Cult of Medicine - Special Guest Robert Scott Bell
1 hour
Joel Salatin: If you don't think you can afford organic, non-GMO food have you priced cancer lately?
Follow Robert Scott Bell
Trinity School of Natural Health on clinical homeopathy
Look for Clinical Homeopathy Intro 101 lecture on demand
Take action.
Withdraw U.S. From the WHO Now!
Do what you can do. Petition our government who works for us, the people. If we do not take action, I am afraid that even the red pill suppositories are not going to wake enough people up in time.
Thank for listening once again to the Live WTBTO show on the people for people network. Until next week.