Posted - The Live With Your Brain Turned On Show - 20230404
Your Children Are the Clear Target - The war against Children
The Live With Your Brain Turned On Show - 20230404
Your Children Are the Clear Target - The war against Children
The show is live on Tuesdays - sign up at the link below to listen live
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The goal of this show is not to tell you what to think but to learn how to think and and to help you discover information that leads to wise choices while we continue to wonder …
Where are we going and why are we in this hand basket?
It is important to remember that this show is brought to you on the People for People network which is a listener supported network. There are no large corporate sponsors as it appears that such sponsors do not see profit in the free exchange of information. I f you do see value in freedom of information please make it possible by donating to the people for people network.
I have titled today’s show —
Your Children Are the Clear Target - The war against Children
I chose the music at the beginning to go with today’s main topic. That topic is our children - your children and my children. Your Children Are the Clear Target of the battle over their souls, their minds and their bodies. This is not a new battle. It has been going on since the beginning.
And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.”
Gen 3:15
We specifically think of this as describing the birth and sacrifice of Christ but it also signifies that satan and his followers are at war with the children of mankind and seek to destroy them. Today I will explore some of the tactics that have become blatantly obvious to many of us. When you see it happening, stop telling yourself that it cant happen.
Wicked and evil men have gained unprecedented control at the global level.
What are some of the key targets?
Watch and find out …
Show notes and links
The music lead in is
"Gates Behind The Bars" by Five Times August | Official Music Video 2023 (on Rumble -
4 min
You probably noticed that April Fool’s Day was cancelled this year — because no one could make up a prank that could match the unbelievable BS going on in the world right now!
Where are we going and why are we in this hand basket?
Never Again is Now Global
I have said it many times, if you ever wondered what you would do when Hitler was taking over Germany you now know — because it is what you are doing now!
Pregnancy and Children
Infertility Crisis
New data on infertility prevalence worldwide: embargoed virtual press conference
CDC Admits It Never Monitored VAERS for COVID Vaccine Safety Signals
Fake Food
I am going to revisit something we talked about last week — fake food — but we are going to take it up a notch.
The Attack on Food Symposium + Solutions to Fight Back
7 hours 30 min
Mercola interview is at 1:59:00
The woolly mammoth is back to raise questions about the future of food
Jurassic park clip
your scientists were so preoccupied
Destroying children by telling them they can become what they are not to keep them from becoming who they were designed to be.
Transgender ideology
Few people do a better job of making the ridiculous sound ridiculous than JP Sears. In this video he explains with cutting wit the mutilation is not healthcare — but it is profitable for the perpetrators.
Vanderbuilt meeting from AwakenWIthJP video
Our Amazing Grace Court Case
Teen With Down Syndrome’s Family Files First Step In Landmark Lawsuit Against St. Elizabeth’s Hospital — Press Conference
Perhaps you can see now why I chose the song by Five Times August for this show. One of the global leaders in the destruction of our world is Bill Gates. I have long known that Gates was unethical in his business but it certainly did not occur to me in the 1980’s that he would be one of the point people destroying our children with vaccines and with the destruction of natural agriculture and food. He is in alliance with others destroying our financial systems and our humanity with transhumanism. Look no further than the WHO and the UN. They have tried to take control for years ut now they are succeeding. Make a difference. Grow your own food. Do not be enticed by impossible burgers and mammoth meatballs. Write your representatives and tell them to get out of the WHO and get all the “trans” people out of government and especially out of our education system. These ideas are literally killing us.
Visit the websites my friend Dr. Rima to take action
Thank you for spending some time thinking about some of the issues of today. I would truly like to go back to learning how to live a better life by aligning my thinking to the ways God designed instead of feeling like I am in a constant battle for the soul of mankind. But we do what God has set before us to do. Go this week and make a difference. I will see you back here again next to learn more about how to Live With Your Brain Turned On …
"Gates Behind The Bars" by Five Times August | Official Music Video 2023 (on Rumble -
4 min