Posted - The Live With Your Brain Turned On Show - 20230307
The march to transhumanism, The Great Reset and holding the willful perpetrators accountable
The Live With Your Brain Turned On Show - 20230307
The march to transhumanism, The Great Reset and holding the willful perpetrators accountable
The show is live on Tuesdays - sign up at the link below to listen live
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The goal of this show is not to tell you what to think but to learn how to think and and to help you discover information that leads to wise choices while we continue to wonder
Where are we going and why are we in this hand basket?
It is important to remember that this show is brought to you on the People for People network which is a listener supported network. There are no large corporate sponsors as it appears that such sponsors do not see profit in the free exchange of information. I f you do see value in freedom of information please make it possible by donating to the people for people network.
Vera Sharav Never Again is Now
Major show topics today are
Crystals and transhumanism
John Lennox on God become man vs man trying to become gods
Action - Become aware of the International Health Regulations and attempt to give away US sovereignty by Biden
Mat Staver and Liberty Council
David Martin and the smoking gun
Contact your Senators and Representatives
Book: Smarter Not Harder by Dave Asprey
The Great Reset
Information Resources
True faith and trust in God
One of my favorite movies
The Dark Crystal
A thousand years ago on the planet Thra, two new races appeared, the Mystics and the Skeksis, when a Shard was shattered from the Crystal of Truth. The plot revolves around Jen and Kira, two Gelflings raised by the Mystics. Jen and Kira are on a quest to overthrow the evil, ruling Skeksis by restoring the powerful broken Crystal of Truth, first by finding and retrieving the missing Shard then taking it to the Crystal to make it whole again. The cruel Skeksis, who use the corruption of the Crystal to extend their lives by stealing the essence of life from the Geflings, are using all their power and cruelty to stop Jen. As the Great Conjunction of planet Thra's three suns draws near, the dying Mystic leader instructs Jen to fulfill the prophecy of restoration. If Jen fails to complete his quest before the three suns meet, the Skeksis will rule forever.
When the crystal of truth is restored by replacing the shard, the world is restored to paradise.
Crystals in Science and Culture
Clay Clark: Todd Callender & Jeffrey Prather - Great Reset | Surveillance Under the Skin
1 hour 24 min
Cardi B on top of a 5G tower in NYC
Start at 1:20 mark for Cardi B clip
Feet of iron mixed with clay
Daniel 2:43-44
Yuval Noah Harari
Start at 9:30 mark for Harari clip
Man wants to become God or at least a god and he thinks that by mixing iron with clay, cyborg, AI, internet of things, singularity - what ever you want to call it - he will be able to live forever and become god
AI, Man & God | Prof. John Lennox
54 min
Go to 48:00 for clip shared in the show
Your scientists were so preoccupied … they did not stop to think if they should
1 min
Mat Staver of Liberty Council email
Email Summary
Two Presidents -- one big mess . . .
This is an end run around our courts and our Constitution. The only thing that can stop this loss of freedom is YOU!
Joe Biden is going global. Using the G20 and the World Health Organization (WHO), he is scheming to give global despots the tyranny they crave, hoping to sidestep our constitutionally guaranteed freedom.
To get around the treaty requirement for Senate ratification, Biden is using the term “accord” or “agreement” regarding the proposed International Health Regulations (IHR) of the WHO. Like George W. Bush (who got us into this mess), Biden will try to use the U.S. membership in the WHO as the basis to unilaterally give expansive authority to WHO over anything that has the “potential to impact public health.”
Send URGENT FAXES to Congress to demand they stop Biden from handing over American sovereignty to WHO. — Mat
Tell me in the comments you want to see the full email and I will forward it to you.
We have the goods.
Technocracy, hooking humans up to a network and controlling them with AI is not my idea of a fulfilling life. It is as scary as thinking that I would run my life with Alexa.
If HAL9000 was's Alexa
2 min
David Martin
The bad news is nobody is doing anything.
Transparently Hiding...Again
30 min
Go to 4:30 for the clip
Contact your senators and congressmen. Use the resources from Liberty Council at or David Martin at
More actions you can take not presented in the show to
James Roguski
Biden regime surrenders U.S. sovereignty to WHO – no more medical freedom, especially during a “health emergency”
Smarter Not Harder
Last week I recommended the new book by Dave Asprey, Smarter Not Harder. which I did not have yet because it was being released that day. I got it and started reading it. One of the main premises is to remove the things that are holding you back before adding the things that can move you forward. One good illustration is on page 76 where Dave compares negative results of drugs vs vitamins
Supplements are profoundly safer than drugs. In the past 27 years, there have been zero recorded deaths from vitamins but about 3 million deaths from pharmaceuticals.
The Great Reset is made up of many Mini Resets, which all need there micro Crises to not allow to go to waste, such as …
Health Reset (one size fits all, no choice,. all synthetic medicine )
Vaccine Reset (no testing, no safety, mRNA, no choice)
Food Reset (crickets, GMO, complete move to factory “farming”, fake nutrition charts like the Tuft’s food compass)
Farm Reset (destroy farmland, kill chickens, burn processing plants)
Financial Reset (CBDC - Central Bank Digital Currency)
Car Reset (electric cars)
Power Reset (”green”, unreliable energy)
Environment Reset (toxic chemical “accidents”, glyphosate, CO2 sequestration)
Surveillance Reset (brain chips, other implants, cell phones, wearables, cameras everywhere)
Gender Reset (transgender, no gender)
Human Reset (Transhuman, biodigital — man and machine convergence)
Spiritual Reset (scientism, man becoming god, worship of creation not creator, church lockdowns)
Know where to look and where to tell your friends and family to look if you do not believe there is a Great Reset in progress. Most of these are disguised as mistakes.
People locked out of the church
Just three years ago, almost all pastors allowed the government to lock their churches and the gladly complied. But you say - the disease. Did you ever lock down all churches in America before for people who are well because of the flu or a cold? Maybe you would have preferred it in Daniels day - if you worship God rather than the king you get burned alive. I am sure our churches today would use that as an excuse to comply. What do you think?
More Information
There is much, much more information that will not fit into the show. Use a search engine like Freespoke or Brave or DuckDuckgo and search for the following web sites so you can stay informed. This is not an exhaustive list but it will get you started. I do have a Section on the Live With Your Brain Turned On substack called You Should Know that is more exhaustive.
Good news sites and broadcasts to catch regularly are
Children’s Health Defense - CHD
Brannon Howse
Natural News
Censored News
Epoch Times
Stew Peters TV
Steve Kirsch on substaack
Robert Malone on substack
AwakenWithJP on Rumble and YouTube
David Martin world on YouTube
Websites you should know