Posted - This Week on on the “Live With Your Brain Turned On” Podcast Tuesday, October 25, 2022
A review of “The Plant Paradox” protocol for healthy weight loss and avoiding chronic disease
Travis Harbin joins me as co-host this week on the “Live With Your Brain Turned On” Podcast. This week is a review of “The Plant Paradox” protocol for healthy weight loss and how I have used the information about real food and the relationship to what Dr. Gundry calls our “gut buddies” to experience better health for my family and friends.
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Our guest last week, Leisha Martin, joined us to talk about nanoscale materials and the importance of light. She also talked about her research into the mouth and gut microbiome. That generated some questions about the gut microbiome. This week I will try to answer those question as we talk about the gut microbiome and how important it is to pay attention to it for good health. I am joined by co-host Travis who will keep me focused and interpret when I get too technical.
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