Returning to normal?
You have probably thought about when things will return to what we used to call normal. But do we really want things to return to the old normal?
Returning to normal?
You have probably thought about when things will return to what we used to call normal.
But do we really want things to return to the old normal? Yes, it was comfortable and we knew our way around and did not have to put forth much effort to exist in the old status quo. Many of us were thinking of kicking back and retiring. But look where that thinking got us. We found out that the adage, "Freedom is not free," really is true. It comes at the cost of eternal vigilance and I have to admit that I was complacent along with a majority of people. I was not vigilant the way I should have been.
But now is the time to change that. Rather than going back to the "same ol’, same ol," which probably is not an option anyway, what if we leapt ahead to Super Normal? That is what our Super Natural Father created us for in the beginning. Rather than accepting the super authoritarianism being pushed upon us, let’s embrace Super Natural Super Freedom.
When our modern discoveries and advancements relieved us from the grind of every day living, we relaxed, we became complacent, we let go of too much of our freedom. We delegated it but failed to challenge the delegates. That is part of the human condition. When we go unchallenged, we get weak and vulnerable. Our body needs daily challenges to stay fit. It is the same with our relationships and our freedom.
I get it. I do not like facing constant challenges and having to work hard to maintain what I own but look where that landed us.
Are you awake yet?
Now that you are, let’s move forward, not backward. Nostalgia can be nice for sitting by the fire sipping something refreshing but it is not a lifestyle or a destination. Remembering where we have been should compel us to use the power and wisdom God endowed us with to create an environment that is better than what we had.
There are many that want to reset normal without respecting our individual freedom. There are some who are pressuring us to want to accept more control. But if we are not willing to want more control or to at least back down and accept more control, attempts will be made to force that control upon us anyway.
That is not the direction I want to go. I want less control. Boundaries are necessary but God already gave us those boundaries. Many wise men set down on paper in the U. S. Declaration of Independence and U. S. Constitution the guarantee of that freedom so many years ago. That freedom has been eroded to the breaking point. This is our chance to revive the wisdom in those documents and safeguard our God-given rights and freedom and take it to a level we have not been to before.
Do not trust those who promise to do that for you if you will just relinquish your control of freedom to them - those who promise free stuff, freedom from responsibility and freedom from having to make your own decisions or think for yourself. Those "free" things are NOT free. They will cost you EVERYTHING. They will cost you life, liberty and all property - including your body itself. Do not give it away! Do not sell your birthright for the next bowl of soup or promise of safety. If you do not own your body, what do you own?
Return to the Super Natural!
Return to the Super Normal!
Return to God!