My friend Scott Schara has researched and written a document that dives deeply into how to discern truth during times of testing. You may have noticed — we are in a time of testing unlike any other in my lifetime. Scott, myself and many others have come to realize that much of our lives have been shaped by created situations designed to direct us into of of two false choices in order to hide the truth. News, healthcare, media, sports, food — all areas of life — are being manipulated. Much, if no most, of what we have been taught is propaganda masquerading as “science.” I know that sounds crazy and delusional when I say that, but I see no other explanation. Let me know if you do.
When I consider that God warned us to watch for this kind of deception from Satan, especially near the end of the age, it gains credibility.
God also promises that many prophets will arise during the such a time. A prophet is simply a man of God who sees truth and speaks it. You may not consider yourself a prophet, but if you understand the truth and speak it, then you are by definition a prophet.
Use the links below to read to Scott’s document on his substack page or listen to him read and discuss it on his podcast. Even better, do both. Listen to the podcast while you read along. Please share with everyone you know.
Check back often. The plan is to continue to share examples and ideas about how to recognize the false choices all around us. Example abound — just watch any mainstream news cast. Practically every story is a study in false narrative and presenting “opposing views” for you to argue about to hide the real issues.
Revelation, Revolution, or Submission to Satan?