The Biggest Lie and How To Expose It
Fear Not!!!
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As the show title suggests, I believe the biggest lie of satan is that we must live in fear. Fear of war, fear of disease, fear of government, fear of terror, and on and on. Have you ever noticed that when the media wants you to fear something the only story reported is the worst case scenario. But when the media wants you to take their advice on a product, a product made by their sponsor, all you hear is the best case scenario. Neither scenario is likely to be the truth or anywhere near the truth.
Do you really trust the mainstream media, CNN, ABC, CBS, FOX, etc. ? Have you ever heard them tell you a story that you KNEW was not true? But then you still took them at their word for the next news story?
There is actually a name for that. The Gell-Man Amnesia Effect - trusting the news about something you don’t know about but not trusting news about something you do know a lot about. Dr. Drew Pinksy explains in this video.
Exclusive Interview With Dr. Drew
1 h 10 m
Additional information on Gell-Man Amnesia.
On the website Stop World Control run by David Sorensen there is a well done 30 minute documentary, The Plan, that details that David has learned and summarized from interviews and research. IF you are awake There are still some surprising things you may learn here but mostly share this to wake up your friends and family that are still searching for what is happening and how to stop the coming dictatorship.
The UN is a key organization in implementing this dictatorship. Another recording on the Stop World Control site is an interview of a former UN Official, Calin Georgescu, about his beliefs about about the UN when he first went there and what he learned along the way that caused him to resign and expose their agenda, hidden in plain sight. Here is that documentary hosted by Reiner Fulmich of the Internation Crimes Investigative Committee.
Dark Secrets Of The United Nations Revealed By Top Official
This is what the USA should look like.
El Salvador President Nayib Bukele REJECTS THE ELITES and rebuilds his country
25 m
One of the most effective weapons of the oligarchs is the weapon of disease and fear of disease. The solution presented as your salvation from this crisis of disease is to get shot — with a vaccine. This has been taught to you and I from earliest childhood, to trust the doctors recommending shots and the pharmafia companies making them. And to keep you in fear and line up for the next shot, they make up the next disease and sell it as the. worst ever. Be afraid, be very afraid …
Here is one of the latest examples from the psychiatry field. In fact, I probably have this “mental disorder” if you think believing in truth makes you a mental case. Here is the condition as explained by Dr. Brian Ardis and a few of his colleagues.
A.G.E.S. Master Class #2 - Ozempic, Water Warning, & EMFs
2 h
Additional information on orthorexia
What are the Signs and Symptoms of Orthorexia?
Compulsive checking of ingredient lists and nutritional labels
An increase in concern about the health of ingredients
Cutting out an increasing number of food groups (all sugar, all carbs, all dairy, all meat, all animal products)
An inability to eat anything but a narrow group of foods that are deemed ‘healthy’ or ‘pure’
Unusual interest in the health of what others are eating
A feeling of superiority around their nutrition and intolerance of other people’s food behaviors and beliefs
High levels of perfectionism
Spending hours per day thinking about what food might be served at upcoming events
Showing high levels of distress when ‘safe’ or ‘healthy’ foods aren’t available
Obsessive following of food and ‘healthy lifestyle’ blogs on social media
Body image concerns may or may not be present
Psychosocial impairments in different areas of life
My thoughts are that orthorexia is an example of turning sin in mental disorders then flipping the script so that the absence of sin, truth, becomes a mental disorder
Notice the mental disorder here is eating healthy food, not the disorder that the person described as having orthorexia, who is a man, has a “husband” - perfectly normal — not! But neither is a mental illness. Orthorexia is thinking properly while the other is a sin.
Vaccines and drugs
Vaccines and drugs are the main weapons of the New World Order who use fear of disease to make you believe you need their poisons instead of relying upon God’s provisions for your health. Vaccines are the Holy Grail of the medical establishment but they are the exact opposite of what they are touted to be. I have talked about this before and the more I learn the more convinced I am that this is true. Vaccines are the destroyers of health, not the modern miracle of health. Miracles are from God, not from Pfizer.
1 h 45 m
CDC Releases Paper on Myocarditis After COVID Vaccination—and EVERY WORD Is Redacted
2 m
RC - Just Say No (Official Video)
So what is the biggest lie? FEAR!!! Fear is the biggest lie. One famous person said, there is nothing to fear but fear itself. And even more important, Whenever a messenger of God appears to man what is the first thing from his lips? Fear Not.
There is only one thing to fear and that is displeasing God.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,
And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.
Prov 9:10
I am Controlled Opposition
I am Controlled By God