The Child Death Cult
You probably have already heard that the CDC advisory panel voted this week 15-0 to add COVID shots to the childhood and adult recommended schedules. If not, then you have now.
First of all, these shots are not vaccines. They are experimental gene therapy. That is fact but that fact is not allowed to be discussed although many of us already familiar with gene therapy research knew it from the beginning of the plandemic, even some on the liberal left admitted it and even tried to picture it as advancement in medicine.
Yes, some COVID vaccines use genetic engineering. Get over it.
Short term “side” effects from these genetic engineering shots have been clearly documented and the only reason we do not and cannot know what the long term effects might be is that the shots have not been out long enough. But the direction the evidence points in does not look good. Claiming that there are no long term effects to be concerned about is an assertion that appears tenuous at best. I will get to how to counter these effects.
There are no side effects, all effects are effects. The term “side effect” is used to marginalize any effect that goes against the claim you want to market. If fact, if you look at many medications and vaccines, the listed “side effects” are the very symptoms the drug is supposed to treat. That looks like a profitable, long term business model.
The CDC childhood vaccine schedule recommendation for the COV!D shot is not based on science, common sense or public debate. No consideration was given at all to the thousands of negative comments made by the public. It couldn’t have been. We know the comments made to the committee in the week leading up to the vote were not even looked at because there was insufficient time for that to happen.
Rigorous Research
Supposedly, a “rigorous” study was done on eight mice for an “extensive” period of time consisting of an entire few days which provided clear evidence for this unanimous decision. After all, two of the mice in the study did not die so it was obviously successful (let’s not talk about the six mice that did die from the shot.) There was no control group but something makes me think that if there had been an eight mouse control group none in that group would have died but eight more mice could not be found for testing.
This has absolutely nothing to do with health — it’s all about profit and power and, dare I say it, depopulation. This is child abuse on a massive scale. You might even call it child sacrifice because many children will die. Many already have.
Soaring Deaths of Even Younger Americans.
Mortality increases in the aftermath of the mass mRNA experiment more than it does during the alleged emergence of a novel pathogen, “in spite of” the claim that the medical intervention is Safe and Effective™.
In reality, there is absolutely no need for a child vaccine against COV!D. There is plenty of research that shows the complete lack of risk young people have from the disease labelled COV!D.
So if there is no risk of death from COV!D, there is no indication for prevention or a therapy.
On the other hand, there is plenty of evidence that chronicles the damage already done by these shots. In the reporting systems we have, like VAERS in the US, the Yellow Card Scheme in the UK and data from Israel, heart damage and death are at the largest rates and numbers in history. The mRNA shots have saved nobody because they killed at least 50 people from some “side effect” for every person claimed they might have saved from COV!D.
Many countries have already banned the shots for children and adolescents because of this data. I hope that you have not been coerced into taking the shots or giving them to your children. But if you have it is likely that you have seen or experienced negative effects that are obviously effects of the shot. I know people who were injured, people who had miscarriages and people in great health who died suddenly. If you are still telling yourself there is no connection you need to get some coffee, set an alarm clock or stick wet fingers in an electrical outlet — do something to wake yourself up! There is plenty of evidence these effects are from the shots.
And do not cower to the evil pushers of these drugs or their minions who may or may not understand what they are doing. The truth is on our side. Stand up and stand out. We will not win on defense. Intercept the ball and play offense.
There are athletes, media moguls and medical personnel dying suddenly of “unknown causes.” SADS — Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. We are told no one knows or can find out what the causes are because they are “so myterious.” Actually it is because the doctors are not looking for the causes. They are told not to look.
But what is the one thing that changed? Oh, oh, I know, I know the answer to this one … the great majority of those who died suddenly recently got a poison injected into their arm. I wonder if that could be related?
Canada seems to think so …
String of deaths among young Canadian doctors prompts call to end COVID-19 vaccine mandate
Fortunately, sudden death is only one “side” effect. However, other effects are debilitating and can last a long time. If you have ongoing issues there are some things you can do to help your body heal. The following are things to do. Even if you do not have issues from a shot you should do these things because they give your body the support and nutrition it needs to heal and stay healthy.
Stop eating artificial “food” (aka junk food or any pre-packaged or fast food), GMO food, seed oils (canola, corn, safflower, soybean, crisco, margarine), refined sugar, starch and flour. Almost everything with a nutrition label is fake food.
Give your body the nutrients and vitamins it needs for healing and peak function. This will involve supplementing with vitamins and minerals sourced from natural sources.
Practice time restricted eating also known as intermittent fasting.
Search my substack for articles that go into more detail on each of those topics.
Stop taking shots. Any shot.
These people in the federal agencies and the medical boards cannot be trusted. All shots called vaccines are and always have been toxic. It is just more clear now than ever before.
I used to be suspicious of shots but not suspicious enough to actually investigate them until a few years ago. What I discovered went against the “common sense” I heard from modern medicine about the “miracle” of vaccines my whole life. It took me a while to accept that what I previously accepted as “common sense” turns out to be common nonsense. I will never take another vaccine or shot called a vaccine
Good things can come through a needle like vitamin C or other non-toxic nutrients but in the current corrupt medical environment I will trust no one with a needle. There are too many documented cases of medical fraud, assault and battery by doctors and nurses in hospitals that are actually going to court and I am personally acquainted with some of them. And I am certainly not going to trust someone at the local Taco Hell or CVS to give me a shot. Where did they get their medical training?
Vaccines Were Never Safe
The 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act shields vaccine manufacturers from liability for harm from use of their products because in the act itself it is asserted that vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe.” It is actually written in the 1986 Act itself.
We are told vaccines are necessarily toxic to trigger a response that will protect us in the future. Where is the research that demonstrates that? There is none.
Every vaccine you have ever taken altered your immune system. That is what it is designed to do. You are told that the modification is going to be beneficial for you but ALL vaccines are toxic products — again by design. So is the alteration beneficial or harmful?
Then additional toxins are added to vaccines that have nothing to do with the pathogen being targeted. Why are toxins like aluminum and mercury put into vaccines? Do you expect to have aluminum or mercury exposure to your blood sometime in the future and need a handy immune response ready? (Of course, if you keep taking injections you should expect more exposure to them.)
On what basis do you believe that injecting a substance into your blood will generate an effective immune response to something that is infectious to your respiratory system? If you want to prime the immune system in the lungs to future exposure wouldn’t you deliver the vaccine using the same delivery method as natural exposure When you start thinking about it critically it does not make sense to prime a respiratory response using an injection.
There’s a sucker born every minute
Vaccines are the only medical product given to healthy people against a disease they do not have and may never be exposed to. That is a profitable business model if you can get people to believe it. The only qualification for vaccine eligibility is to be breathing and gullible. (I can say that because I used to be gullible, too.)
So any vaccine first must be safe and secondly must be effective. We are told they are both but no one will produce any evidence that supports either one of those claims. And neither claim is ever justified or even studied by the CDC.
We already know from National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 that no vaccine is safe.
So what about effective? Effective at what? Saying something is effective without saying what it is effective at doing is meaningless. If the shots kill you because that is the designed effect then it is effective if it kills. You do know what lethal injections are, don’t you? Aren’t they effective?
Making the claim “safe and effective” no longer inspires the same level of confidence, does it? The term “safe and effective” is simply a mantra, repeated over and over with the hope we will never ask why. This is the definition of propaganda.
The CDC says they can find no studies showing that shots cause harm. Why? Because they refuse to to do any studies — problem solved. I wonder why they won’t do them?
Always ask why.
When independent studies have been done on vaccines, the CDC and FDA do not pour out effusive praise of the diligent doctors doing great deeds. They respond instead by attacking the doctors and researchers who did study to get the true story, who had the gall to do actual science. Then the captured medical boards are used to remove the doctors and researchers from service.
Just ask Dr. Paul Thomas (THE VAXXED - UNVAXXED DATA
At The Speed of Science Fiction — Warped Speed
By early 2020 I had already learned enough to know that the COV!D shot being developed could not be trusted. Warp speed is a science fiction concept. It does not exist. It is not even related to biology. Warp speed is an hypothesis about faster than light travel, so how could it be applied to a biological product?
Isn’t it funny that that same TV show that had us dreaming of flying around in space with artificial gravity in a spaceship the size of cruise ship at warp speed also taught us to believe that in the future there will be an injection for every health issue anyone on the starship Enterprise contracted. Bones always had just the right injection ready to stick in someone’s arm, didn’t he. Were we already beginning to be conditioned to believe every ill could be fixed in the future with a shot?
Having worked with complex systems all of my career I know that changing something in a complex system without extensive engineering and testing the proposed change is a recipe for disaster. Biological systems like the human body are orders of magnitude more complex than the computer networks I worked with so I know I have no desire to be on the bleeding edge of a new technology aimed at my body. I had no doubt that introducing a significant change into the DNA of that complex system will cause significant and possibly catastrophic disruptions.
The Pharmafia
The medical system has been fully captured by the “pharmafia”. They cannot be trusted. Until there is systemic change in the medical community I will not trust my health to anyone I have not personally vetted.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s independent vaccine advisory committee tis week voted unanimously (15-0) to add COVID-19 shots called vaccines for children as young as 6 months old to the new Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedules, which will be rolled out in February 2023.
These are criminals to the extreme. It is time to shutter the CDC and put those in charge on trial and ultimately in prison. These actions are prima facia evidence. There is not even any legal basis in the action taken today. They may as well have added heroin or fentanyl to the childhood schedule. You would see that as an act of murder, wouldn’t you? This is no different.
Excess mortality hits +16%, highest 2022 value so far
What if you woke up one day and found out that what you thought was health care was actually a death cult?
Today is that day!
Commenting on this week’s vote, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., chairman of the board and chief legal counsel for Children’s Health Defense (CHD), said:
This reckless action is final proof of the cynicism, corruption and capture of a once exemplary public health agency. ACIP members have again demonstrated that fealty to their pharma overlords eclipses any residual concerns they may harbor for child welfare or public health. “This is an act of child abuse on a massive scale.
When asked if an EUA product could be added to the schedule, Dr. A. Patricia Wodi, a member of the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), said the U.S. Department of Justice Office of General Counsel confirmed for the CDC that EUA products can be added.
Based on what? Her opinion? Find it in the law.
Commenting on Wodi’s statement, Dr. Meryl Nass said, “And that was that. No legal justification. No moral or ethical justification. And definitely no medical or scientific justification.”
Nass said she isn’t aware of any EUA product ever being added to the schedule until today.
What can you do?
No job, no education, no sport is worth risking your life or freedom by bowing to a mandate or a tyrant. Mandates are made by tyrants to slaves, not to free men. Rise up. Do not comply. Stand on your principles. My employer wanted me to play Russian Roulette with the shot and fired me because I said “No”. I have no regret. Look for actions you can take and take them.
Follow my example!
I know you are outraged and want to take action immediately. There are two things you can do.
First, demand that the CDC and elected officials protect our children from COVID-19 vaccine mandates.
Next, get ahead of school mandates by reaching out to your own school district’s superintendent, and your state’s education commissioner to plead for their intercession on behalf of our children. Make clear to your superintendent and commissioner that exemptions are not enough and that you will be pulling your child from school if this shot called a vaccine is mandated for anyone in attendance. This will cost the district tens of thousands of dollars in funding which is all they care about. Parents hold the power — don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
The Informed Consent Action Network, ICAN, has directed its legal team to challenge every single state that mandates its students to receive a COVID-19 vaccine and will continue to be on the front lines defending your civil rights!
The head the ICAN legal team, Aaron Siri, has written an article about how, with ICAN’s support and funding, he and his team Will Be Challenging Any State’s Covid-19 Vaccine Requirement to Attend School ( We look forward to seeing these mandates knocked out in court!
To share this legal update, please use this link:
Hi-Rez & Jimmy Levy - Welcome To The Revolution
Finding Help If You Were Jabbed
Dr. Christine Northrup's book about the Covid Vaccine...
Dr. Jane Ruby's Blood Clot Photos and Pictures
Dr. Zelenko's Protocol
Dr. Sherwood's Covid Protocol
Get In Contact with Dr. Sherwood:
Dr. Peter McCullough Protocol
Dr. Ardis Protocol
Venom Links with Dr. Bryan Ardis
Dr. Buttar and Dr. Ardis Graphics
Ivermectin and HCQ from Dr Stella:
Dr. Thomas J Lewis Peer Reviewed Paper
Additional Resources on
Again — stop putting toxins in your body and give your body what it needs to heal.
Stop eating artificial “food” (aka junk food or any pre-packaged or fast food), GMO food, seed oils (canola, corn, safflower, soybean, crisco, margarine), refined sugar, starch and flour.
Give your body the nutrients and vitamins it needs for healing and peak function.
Practice time restricted eating also known as intermittent fasting.