The Live With Your Brain Turned On Show - 20230207
Critical Thoughts on the Pandemic and Medical Practice
Critical Thoughts on the Pandemic and Medical Practice
Live With Your Brain Turned On Show for 2023-02-07
Never Again Is Now Global Trailer
Book of the Week
The Epoch Times
Supplement of the week
Nattokinase with Bromelain
The theme of this show is Critical Thoughts on the Pandemic and Medical Practice with special attention to the entire vaccine program going back a century.
The first half of the show is reviewing the latest episode of the HighWire about vaccines and behind the scenes of the plandemic setup.
Full episode
2 hours 15 min
Clip 1 - Vaccine Trials
15 min
Jeffrey Jackson Report on VRBAC Vaccine reporting
Clip 2 - Yes there were labs in Ukraine
8 min
Dr. Andrew Huff
About Huff
On September 11th, 2001, I was walking to class as a freshmen in college when the first airplane struck the World Trade Center. That horrendous day motivated me to serve with my friends in the military as an infantryman. From 2003-2006, I served in combat operations in Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom. This is where I learned how to manage and lead as a servant leader.
I earned degrees in psychology (BA), security technologies and geographic information systems (MS), and a doctorate in environmental health science in an emerging infectious disease specialty track (PhD) at the University of Minnesota. After graduation, I continued my education at MIT in complex systems modeling and analysis. This is how I learned to use qualitative and quantitative methods to analyze complex problems.
I have also worked as a research fellow at a Department of Homeland Security Center of Excellence, a senior member of the technical staff at Sandia National Laboratories, as an executive at EcoHealth Alliance, as adjunct faculty at Columbia University, as faculty and hospital epidemiologist at Michigan State University, as an executive at JUUL LABS, and have founded two advanced technology startups (hardware, software, and systems). This is how I learned to fund, develop, and implement advanced technologies and analytics.
Links to follow Dr. Huff
Have you ever wondered who funded the google maps and google earth apps when there was no revenue stream yet for either?
In-Q-Tel CIA venture capital fund - Ecohealth Alliance - Dr. Andrew Huff, former VP of EcoHealth
Dr. Andrew Huff posts unredacted emails on Twitter
Clip 3 - Timeline of events and gun fight
11 min
Now maybe you understand why some people including myself see that what is called a pandemic was created and many have bought into it. In this last clip, Dr. Huff will give us more information on the timeline leading up to the “pandemic” then explain some of the pressure he has had to deal with by telling his story.
Pfizer confesses to FDA that it really doesn’t know how the COVID-19 vaccine works
The second half of the show continues to explore the story of vaccines and how doctors are taught to think (or not think) in medical school. I will play clips of this interview between Dr. Brian Hooker and Dr. Pierre Koory with some commentary in between. The link to the full interview is provided.
Dr. Pierre Kory journey
Vaccine Injury Syndrome: The New Evolving Field of Science With Dr. Pierre Kory
1 hour
What a great behind the scenes look behind how a truly good doctor thinks things out. It also give insight into the effectiveness of the Pharmafia propaganda and marketing about vaccines along with the demonization of those who questioned them that was strong enough to cause heated discussions among those who are in the medical system. Hopefully you see why I like to hear what Dr. Kory and Brian Hooker think and why I believe they are moving in the direction of the truth.
Now Dr. Kory goes into his experience with vaccines in the practice of pediatrics. He goes into the history of vaccines that many people do not know or acknowledge that may make you skeptical of any vaccine. He uses the word fraud which is significant as it has a strong legal meaning. My research leads me to believe he is correct. The whole vaccine program is built on fraud. You can agree or disagree with me but don’t make up your mind until you look into the details yourself.
Finally Dr. Kory talks about natural and holistic medicine and how the practice of natural medicine is ignored or even demonized the medical system. Many of the things he talks about are things I have learned from biohacking since 2018 following Dave Asprey of Bulletproof, Dr. Steven Gundry, Dr. Joseph Mercola and many many others. That knowledge has drastically changed my health, my wife’s health and many friends for the better.
Clip 1 - VAERS - Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System
8 min
I write software - VAERS is written to be bad by design
The problem with VAERS is underreporting, not over-reporting.
ALL vaccines are dangerous. If there is a system for reporting vaccine harm that is a tacit admission that vaccines cause harm.
What we hear from doctors and media today is not science, it is marketing. I know the difference between marketing and true data and science. I recognize it almost immediately. I have never seen any vax message that resembles science. Any data should be freely available. Instead it is actively withheld. It is all marketing aka propaganda. Marketing IS by definition propaganda.
Oxford dictionary:
the activity of presenting, advertising and selling a company’s products or services in the best possible way.
From my time in sales I know “the best possible way” means, do not talk about anything that can be construed as negative. Answer any objection with a rebuttal that ignores or downplays negatives.
Clip 2
Vax injury has ALWAYS been covered up. Polio vax coverup in 40’s and 50’s
9 min
Books referenced
Turtles All the Way Down
Dissolving Illusions
Vax “science” is completely built on myth
Clip 3 Look the Other Way
So after that encouraging information, this final clip gives us a behind the scenes look at how doctors within the medical system are reacting to this information and the media message that has hidden the truth. The evidence is clear but many have the problem that they think it can’'t happen therefore it isn’t happening. What do you think?
12 min
Dr. Kory’s 4 categories of doctors
Many don’t see it (because they are not allowed to)
Some see the data and are coming awake but not yet convinced
Another group sees it but remains quiet
The last group started skeptical but have now seen it and have to speak
This is just the biggest fraud in the long history of vaccine fraud.
I loved the observation made by Dr. Kory
The medical system turns slowly, like a battle ship powered by an outboard motor.
The FLCCC website gives you access to doctors like Dr. Kory. There is a lot of free information about treatment on their website.
Today’s show should give you much to think about and I hope it raises many questions about what you have been taught about health, medicine and medical practice all of your life. Send those questions to me. One easy way is to comment on this post and I will address them on future shows.