The Live With Your Brain Turned On Show - 20230411
Truth - what is truth? You can’t handle the truth …
The Live With Your Brain Turned On Show - 20230411
Truth - what is truth?
What if you can’t handle the truth …
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The goal of this show is not to tell you what to think but to learn how to think and and to help you discover information that leads to wise choices while we continue to wonder …
Where are we going and why are we in this hand basket?
It is important to remember that this show is brought to you on the People for People network which is a listener supported network. There are no large corporate sponsors as it appears that such sponsors do not see profit in the free exchange of information. I f you do see value in freedom of information please make it possible by donating to the people for people network.
I have titled today’s show —
Truth - what is truth?
What if you can’t handle the truth …
Watch the documentary produced by holocaust survivor Vera Sharav, Never Again is Now Global, which can be found at the Children’s Health Defense website in the Movies section. A link is in today’s show notes. Watch it with your family and share it with your friends and learn just how dangerous our current situation is. I am constantly amazed at the people who are clueless to what is happening around us and what it means. Learn to recognize the signs of the times before the trap springs closed — before it is too late.
Never Again is Now Global
You Can't Handle the Truth! - A Few Good Men (7/8) Movie CLIP (1992) HD
3 m
"Fight For You" by Five Times August (Official Video) 2022 | Oracle Films
We need to support artists like Five Times August who are willing to uphold the truth when the truth is not popular.
Perhaps you have figured out what the theme of today’s show is about — truth!
Many are familiar with a famous quote from President Dwight Eisenhower’s Farewell Address bout the military industrial complex. But I bet you are not familiar with what he said just two minutes later in the same address … but it is just as critical - no - I would say it is even more critical …
President Dwight Eisenhower Farewell Address
… we guard against public policy become captive to a scientific technological elite!
Sound familiar?
Next is a video from a recent meeting where it was postulated that we can create man from scratch? Does this sound like an idea from the scientific technological elite point of view? The idea here is that in order to create, all you need is unlimited time. But just prior to that thought the idea was that we need design and intelligence to create life Where does the imagination come from? Where do the raw materials come from? What am I missing? There is a huge disconnect between these ideas — All you need for creation of life is infinite time versus all you need is the pieces and the design versus you need an infinite, all powerful God.
When it comes to recognizing the tyranny taking place in the medicine, government, media and finance Dr. Nagase is spot on. However, when he turns to speaking about truth on spiritual topics and man’s ability to act as a god, I disagree with him. What do you think?
Dr Daniel Nagase
32:00 Discussion about ability to create life …
Look for the Nano Sapiens documentary trailer at the end of the show. The show is good, too.
LIVE: Drag Show Mayor SUES STEW, Bragg Interfering With Election, EXCLUSIVE LOOK AT New Documentary
56:00 Nano Sapiens documentary trailer
Truth never changes. my understanding of the truth may vary as I gather more information and sharpen my ability to discern fact from fiction but the actual truth will never change. My assertion is that the ultimate measure of truth is the Christian Bible. So it is important to start with knowledge and discernment of that. My understanding from 66+ years maintains that God is truth and He reveals His truth in the Bible. It is not my truth it is THE truth. Jesus said “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father but by Me.”
The abyss of evil does not disprove God and His truth but rather demonstrates how bad evil can be when man loses touch with the Creator. This has escaped the notice of many Pastors who seem to be comfortable preaching the truth of God when it is comfortable and can put on a great “worship show.” But they fail to proclaim His truth when it may cost them their comfort in this perverse time when it is precisely the time it is needed— a time when even many who did not really believe in God have come to see God … like Naomi Wolf.
What's in the Pfizer Documents?
Naomi Wolf
CEO, The Daily Clout
Vaccines and new delivery Methods
I did not start into this journey with the thought that I would take up a mission to end vaccines but that has become one of my top issues now. Might there be a way to prepare our immune system against specific diseases. Possibly. But the current system is so corrupt it must be stopped and restarted from scratch. The corruption is so bad it goes back decades if not centuries. The evidence is that injuries outweigh potential benefits and are actively hidden and in many cases drugs and vaccines are designed around disease causes that are not proven to cause the targeted disease. A good resource to study this is the book Turtles All the Way Down.
Proteins can be poisons.
When you hear the word protein, you are conditioned to think about something that is good for you. But do you know that some of the deadliest poisons are protein.? All snake venoms are proteins, all animal venoms are proteins. Your body treats ANY protein that is not coded for in your own genes as a foreign invader and will try to destroy it. So why would you want to put instructions to make any protein in your cells that is not you or is artificial? Both will have immune reaction effects and worse. We do not want artificial or novel proteins in our food. We are being fed lies - quite literally.
How to Stop MRNA Vaccines From Going Into Pigs and Cattle in Your State
The truth people can't handle ...
Globalists are fighting our population growth rate of 385,000 new babies per day. Or 215,000 new consumers per day accounting for deaths. The truth is: They have an arguable point.
The truth is: We cannot have that discussion, we avoid the truth because we think it's an argument we can't win (and we might be correct in that). That is, we know in our hearts the globalists are probably correct to be worrying that it may threaten Earth's survival.
The truth we can't handle: The most likely main ingredient in the jabs ... Pzp immunocontraceptive mammal sterilization, matching the Pfizer/Moderna protocol. Secondly GonaCon, same while different mechanism matching J&J and Astrazeneca.
We can't handle that so we ignore it, preferring to focus on every other co-experiment distraction like 5G, graphene oxide, snake venom etc