Today, Tue August 16, 2022 at 5:00 PM Central time, I will be interviewed on the Open Source Truth podcast hosted by Dr. Rima Laibow
I will be telling the story of standing for my own medical and religious freedom and the reasons for that stand
Today, Tue August 16, 2022 at 5:00 PM Central time, I will be interviewed on the Open Source Truth podcast hosted by Dr. Rima Laibow. I will be telling the story of standing for my own medical and religious freedom and the reasons for that stand, which are my belief in standing for truth and principle regardless of the temporal consequences. There was a financial cost but my health and my commitment to Christ and eternal consequences were more important to me. I am not judging anyone else’s informed decisions but my hope is I can provide data you may not be aware of as we go into this dystopian future.
If you cannot listen to the podcast it will be available later on Rumble. Join if you can (no video during the podcast) or later on Rumble (the video is available then).
Here is how to sign up for the live podcast (it is audio only during the live podcast) and the link to listen to the replay (the replay contains the video portion, too). There is no charge to sign up. The sign up is done because this is a private membership association (PMA) which protects our ability to talk about truth without censorship. A PMA is interesting in itself to look into to protect yourself and your business from government intrusions. Substack is a PMA which is how it can defend against censorship.
How to sign up to hear the live podcast
Dr. Rima Laibow at People for People
Podcasts are archived on Rumble at
When you are on the podcast website you will see a PLAY button like on a audio playback device. Click that to hear. There is a chat you will see as well that you can post comments and wuestion into.
Please visit my substack page on critical thinking, health and worldview
Live With Your Brain Turned On
Most recent posts that escaped are about the Pharmafia and shots adn more shots called “vaccines”
How to Sell Drugs to People Who Are Well
Planet of the Apes
Hopefully these will provide fuel you can distribute.
Email me, Randy Stewart, at:
Thank you, Helena! As we talk about, it is not about me. For some reason God has put me in a position to be a resource and an example to others. I have to be true to Him. Your encouragement means a lot.
Great Interview Randy! Of course there was a lot I already knew cause we talk! Thank you for your courage and your willingness to be used by God in this way.