Truth - Can AI Tell Us the Truth? - 20230425
The Live With Your Brain Turned On Show
The Live With Your Brain Turned On Show - 20230425
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Truth - Can AI Tell Us the Truth?
The show is live on Tuesdays - sign up at the link below to listen live
1 PM Pacific — 2 PM Mountain — 3 PM Central — 4 PM Eastern — 9 PM UK- Wed 8 AM AEDT
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The goal of this show is not to tell you what to think but to learn how to think and and to help you discover information that leads to wise choices while we continue to wonder …
Where are we going and why are we in this hand basket?
It is important to remember that this show is brought to you on the People for People network which is a listener supported network. There are no large corporate sponsors as it appears that such sponsors do not see profit in the free exchange of information. I f you do see value in freedom of information please make it possible by donating to the people for people network.
I have titled today’s show —
Truth - Can AI Tell Us the Truth?
Watch and find out …
Links to information and videos referenced in the show.
You Can't Handle the Truth! - A Few Good Men (7/8) Movie CLIP (1992) HD
3 m
I am sure you are familiar with the famous quote from the courtroom scene in the movie “A Few Good Men”. The music after that is
"Fight For You" by Five Times August (Official Video) 2022 | Oracle Films
At the end of the show I will play the entire song. The link is in the show notes so you can find and support artists like Five Times August who are willing to uphold the truth when truth is not popular.
Never Again is Now Global
If you ever wondered what you would do when Hitler was taking over Germany you now know — because it is what you are doing now!
This Is How ChatGPT Actually Works
4 m
Are AI Lawyers Coming for Us? What We Need to Know
Private Membership Associations are a type of company that can excape censorship and government intrusion and is used by Dr. Mercola to preserve his ability to bring uncensored information to him.
The White Coats Are Coming. The white coats are coming!
Let’s look at another article by Babylon Bee that uses sarcasm and wit to make the point I want to emphasize.
'AI Is Totally Safe And Development Should Continue Rapidly,' Says Totally Genuine, 100% Human Scientist
Scott schara interview
LIVE: FBI Hides Anti-CHRISTIAN Manifesto, Hospital MURDERS Daughter, AUTISM Is American EPIDEMIC
Scott Schara interview starts around minute 27
I know many of you still wonder if can there really be people who are knowingly putting toxins into the water, the food or have a health care system that would actually be evil enough to murder you. It seems so contrary to your own ethical mindset (at least I hope it is p it is contrary to mine). But think about this … if it is possible for poisons to be put in the food and water without us knowing it might we even be convinced it is being done for our good with our approval?
If you still think I am delusional then how do you explain these accepted, and even celebrated, poisons being used on us in the eidr open:
Fluoride in water
Chlorine in the water
Aluminum in vaccines
Mercury in fillings
GMO (genetically modified organism) food
Roundup on and in everything
Lead and arsenic in pesticides
Thousands of other pesticides whose damage to us has not been studied or measured
Poisonous hand sanitizer everywhere
Antibiotic overuse for things not even indicated
Fake nutrition guides, like the Tuft’s Food Compass
Dangerous drugs and procedures for easily fixed nutritional issues
Mutilation of children for imaginary genders
Toxic artificial dyes, flavorings and preservatives in food
Increasing non-native EMF exposure from 4G, 5G, atrificial blue light and microwaves
Have a great day and remember to live with your brain turned on because … you are only as good as you think.
Stay Free!