This brought a tear to my eye. I have a coffee cup my wife gave me for Father’s Day when my son was very young. While we were doing something else my son “decorated” it with a permanent Sharpie. I still have it. Thank you son ! I love you !!!
Remember the old guy on a tricycle from “Laugh In” in the late 60’s and early 70’s who would ride a few feet and then fall over? Why do I ask? Oh, just curious …
The only problem I see here is picking only one to vote on.
Based on a true study
Officially Coded as “iatrogenic death”
We have achieved herd immunity to the truth.
Crypto in 2022
4 min - This video speaks for itself and should be re-shared far and wide.
BOMBSHELL: Dr. Clare Craig Exposes How Pfizer Twisted Their Clinical Trial Data for Young Children
Here’s why no one trusts CNN (on Rumble)
What We DON’T Want You To Know! - News Update (on Rumble)
The coffee cup.
Anyone can be a father but it takes someone special to be a Daddy!
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