Where are we going and why am I in this handbasket?
In a little over a week, on Tue August 16, 2022 at 5:00 PM Central time, I will be interviewed on the Open Source Truth podcast hosted by Dr. Rima Laibow. I will be telling the story of standing for my own medical and religious freedom and the reasons for that stand, which are my belief in standing for truth and principle regardless of the temporal consequences. There was a financial cost but my health and my commitment to Christ and eternal consequences were more important to me. I am not judging anyone else’s informed decisions but my hope is I can provide data you may not be aware of as we go into this dystopian future.
The basis for my particular perspective comes from my long history of data analysis in the computer industry coupled with my own journey to optimal health and seeing the commitment to God’s truth modelled by my Dad. This allowed me to see the absurdity of the COV!D response from the beginning. In fact I could not unsee it. The rest of the discussion in this interview could veer off in so many directions. A lot can happen in the next week and I have interest and life experience in a large number of domains that have relevance. My goal is to inspire people and impart some of the critical thinking skills useful to me in recognizing valid data to make informed choices. As you know, there is a lot of conflicting information.
Below I link to a recent Maria Zeee podcast interviewing Dr. Rima so you can learn Dr. Rima’s backstory which is very interesting. After that link I post some links to her Open Source Truth site and Natural Solutions Foundation group on telegram. If you want to attend the podcast live you need to signup at the link I provided. There is no charge. The live podcast is audio only plus a chat window but the archive posted to Rumble will include the video portion and does not require a signup. There is a podcast every Tuesday at the same time and it is probably worth your while to catch the one coming up tomorrow which looks like it will be a conversation with Dr. Rima Laibow and South Africans taking a stand for health and freedom.
This is exciting and pivotal at the same time. I do not want people to focus on me but I do want to inspire courage from seeing someone else standing for what he believes. Our courage needs to be overwhelming. I desire to be a resource people can learn from to know what to trust for their courage. I want people to be able to use the information I dig out and curate on a daily basis, information that can be used to take the action needed to protect our freedom. Pray for my sensitivity to God’s guidance.
Some might say that I am only listening to what I want to hear. My response is, no, I am listening to what I DON’T want to hear. Do you think I am not like everyone else who wants to believe that by just ignoring this, it will all go away? That’s what always happened in the past, right?
Well, open your eyes. Things are not like they were in the past. When before in the USA have you had lawless, brainless, tyrannical, even traitorous leaders at all the highest levels? Kangaroo courts are now normal. The law is broken with impunity by the elite power class but used as a weapon against those who respect it. Our language is being changed right in front us by “the ministry of truth.” If you don’t like the definition of recession, don’t fix the recession, just change the definition.
Believe me, I wish we could relax but we cannot relax. Those who want to enslave us are going for broke and we are the ones who will find ourselves broke. You see it in front of your eyes. We need a strategy and Dr. Rima has a good one she has developed over a long time. Each of us needs to contribute our unique gifts. Dr. Rima understands strategy better than me. I tend to be more tactical and deep in the details. Tactical details are necessary but only if they are in the direction of a strategy in tune with our destination. We are part of an orchestra and we all have our part to play. My part may be to pass out the score, arrange the orchestration or play my part.
What is your part?
Here is Maria Zee interviewing Dr. Rima Laibow
Dr. Rima Laibow - DEVASTATING! 90% of the Global Population Will Die - Globalist Agenda
1 hour
Dr. Rima Laibow at People for People
How to sign up
Podcasts are archived on Rumble at
More medical brainwashing ahead.
Association of American Medical Colleges unleashes new curriculum standards that force medical students to go woke in order to practice medicine
If you have questions about EMR - Electro Magnetic Radiation (also called EMF - Electro Magnetic Frequency) this is a good podcast to learn more details. Shane Reilly goes into the issues with clear, understandable, actionable discussion. Shane understands the negative effects of EMR and contrasts it with the natural radiation we should be exposed to, something I have learned over the last few years. He and I are reading from the same playbook. I practice a lot of what he is informing us of already and have plans to implement all of it in time. Shane has a website at optimaldwellingspaces.com for more information.
At 45:00 Dr. Paul interviews Suzanne Gallagher of Parents Rights in Education. Suzanne starts with an interesting concept. How to choose a name for an organization. Choose a name that does not limit you and name it for the issue the group is formed to support. This reminds me of a lot of Christian organizations who started out with good names but have recently changed their names to wishy washy, nonsense names. One I can think of is Campus Crusade for Christ, now CRU. Supposedly CRU is a better name because it allows them to expand their mission. I never liked that change and now I see why. The original one fits Suzanne’s criteria pretty well. The only limiting factor was “campus” but I see that as targeted to the original mission rather than limiting. A campus can be any school or even other organization that describes themselves as a campus. But what does CRU mean - absolutely nothing. If they wanted to expand their mission just call it World Crusade for Christ, that should be enough expansion for a while and maintain the clear purpose.
Back to parental rights, Suzanne details the methods that public schools have been using to steal children from their parents. Mental health, what you think, is extremely important and needs to be in control of parents not schools. Thoughts turn into memories which turn into beliefs which turn into actions.
My thought - you are born with some mental pathways set pretty strongly in place by genetics but your thoughts form all the future pathways. You are only as good as you think. That is because your thoughts become hard-wired into your brain. That is why God is so big on meditation. True meditation is not just clearing your mind. Yes, the first step is to clear your mind of of toxic thoughts and less important thoughts but the most important part is to focus on the good, perfect, life-giving thoughts from the Word of God. As you hardwire those thoughts into your brain they literally become a physical part of you.
Back to Suzanne, parents lead children in the thoughts they should have and the social interactions, i.e. friendships, they should have. Government is going to try to control home schooling and this must not be allowed to happen. The money being funneled into local school districts is how parents have lost control. The COV!D money has been insane and schools have become drunk with it. This is how the mandates have been weaponized. Know that the mandates are about changing what your children think. This incentive money from the federal government is blackmail money. This is why we want the federal government out of education in any way. It is too tempting to use the overwhelming control that becomes available to leaders. For more info go to www.parentsrightsined.org and watch the events recorded in the past. The next event is in Oregon starting August 6, 2022. It is not live streamed but the recording will be posted afterwards if you can not attend live. Podcasts are also available on the web site.
‘Against The Wind’ Episode 45: Eliminate Wireless With EMR Specialist Shane Reilly
1 hour
This is not something I have been thinking but I am willing to consider what Del is tossing out there because I like his critical thinking and puzzle solving skills. This is worth giving some consideration.
Del Bigtree: What if the anti-vaxxers are the chosen ones all along?
Shareable link that won’t get censored
They are trying to monkey around with your freedom again. Another emergency that is not an emergency but we have to declare it an emergency to take your freedom away.
Biden Administration Declares Monkeypox a ‘Public Health Emergency’ Across US
Vera Sherav and Scott Schara are the guests on this week’s “Tea Time.” They expose the Eugenics, Genocide movement that those in power seek to accomplish on the human population through compliance to masking and vaccination. They discuss the role of the education system in encouraging full obedience to all authority, division and fear, and more in this powerful and eye-opening episode. Don’t miss it! Vera is a holocaust survivor.
‘Tea Time’ Episode 45: Is This Genocide? With Vera Sharav + Scott Schara
1 hour
Who are the two guests on today’s “Good Morning CHD” and what do they have to say about pilots, the FAA and flight safety? Guest Bob Snow, himself, is a vaccine-injured pilot who warns against the coercion and dangers of vaccinating those in the airline business. Viewers won’t want to miss this critical episode!
‘Good Morning CHD’ Episode 93: Air Travel Chaos — Is It Related to Vaccine Injured Pilots?
1 hoor
From my substack
Weekend Outtakes 20220807
Finally, some pointed satire brought to you by JP Sears
**What is a Recession? (WHAT IS A WOMAN PARODY) (on Rumble)
Randy you are courageous and a great example to all. Thank you brotha