This is my must listen No. 1 for this post. This is a critical listen for everyone. There is no doubt from Dr. Thorpe that the shots have massively disrupted pregnancy and reproduction in everyone who has taken them. He describes in language that is sharable but, as you know, not everyone is open to hearing what they do not want to hear.
James A. Thorpe, M.D., recognizes the complexity and importance of women’s reproductive organs and health. That’s why he has set out on a journey of exposing the infertility crisis taking place and the toxins behind the influx of miscarriages, menstrual abnormalities and more. In this week’s “Doctors & Scientists,” Dr. Thorpe shares critical research data and the tremendous impact that vaccines and other modern medicine have on the ability for couples to conceive. I have heard Jim on some real time calls I attend and this guy knows what is going on and is passionate about stopping the fraud and corruption that is rampant.
‘Doctors & Scientists’ Episode 33: Patient Betrayal: Corruption of Healthcare, Informed Consent + Physician-Patient Relationship
1 hour
This is my must listen No. 2 for this post. I referenced this in the last email as shared by Karen Kingston. I have listened to the whole thing now and it is chilling. This is what your government thinks is acceptable use of your brain and what can affect it including EMF and other external remote methods.
This is the psyop we are in and our enemy is within the gates and even from within our ranks. This professor of “bioethics” at George Washington University gave this lecture in 2017. You will realize that we are in the Matrix that he describes now. The way he describes weaponizing fear through controlled point releases of a bioweapon should sound eerily familiar if you think back to the beginning of the c19 “plandemic”. When he talks about other sources of confusion he mentions a device know as The Voice of God. I have met the inventor of the “The Voice of God” technology (Woody Norris) and have experienced it. If you do not know what is happening you would swear the sound is a voice inside your head.
TRADOC Mad Scientist 2017 Georgetown: Neurotechnology in National Defense w/ Dr. Giordano
1 hour
Dr. McCullough makes statements near the end of the next podcast about now understanding that the flu shots and others are so ineffective and such high risk he will no longer take these shots. That is interesting. It has taken a while for him to get there and I am glad to see it. More and more doctors are waking up to the idea that vaccines have never been properly safety tested and are not the keys to a healthy population they were sold by the pharmafia. Lots of good information, as always, from Dr. McCullough and Dr. Paul Thompson.
‘Against The Wind’ Episode 41: Battling the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex With Dr. Peter McCullough
1 hour
A discussion about how the clinical research system has been captured by the people and organizations paying for the research - the drug makers. If you want to know how the sausage is made this will bring you on to the factory floor.
‘Doctors & Scientists’ Episode 36: Vax Vs Unvax - Disillusioned From the Public Health System With James Lyons-Weiler
1 hour
This will open your eyes to EMF damage that has been well known for years in clear and shareable terms. When you understand that we are electrical beings and can be knowingly controlled or affected by external EMF (as the Mad Scientist podcast posted above shares) you begin to understand how even the inadvertent exposure to man-made EMF is worth paying attention to and avoiding. Cecelia makes the information and the dangers very accessible to the non-technical person as well as the very technical and how to take action.
‘Tea Time’ Episode 40: Reducing Your Risk Of Wireless Radiation Exposure with Cecelia Doucette of Massachusetts for Safe Technology
1 hour
From Clay Clark. Interesting prophecy as well as insight into the “elite” that run big projects like CERN. Chilling.
CERN | Why Does CERN Have a 666 Logo?
1 hour
Another OB-GYN with fantastic information. I will warn that a few of her religious views do not align with mine or probably yours but her scientific and medical views are very reliable. Focusing on infertility, she discusses the impact of vaccination on the body and reproductive organs. Christiane also analyzes the societal impacts of the break-down of feminine and masculine as well as the depopulation agenda. The burning question is this: What is the solution, and who will pursue it? Tune in to hear the answer!
‘Tea Time’ Episode 38: The Reality of Today's Brave New World With Christiane Northrup
1 hours
Scott Schara lost his daughter, Grace, to medical mistreatment and uses his voice to advocate for the vulnerable, weak, and abused in light of the establishment and their greed. On “Tea Time,” this week, Scott updates viewers on his efforts and speaks to the evil in this world. Then, Amanda Forbes shares the story of her father and the relationship between his death and COVID. THIS IS AN AMAZING STORY!!! Don’t miss it! This is what is really happening in hospitals right now.
Tea Time Episode 39: Smoking Gun — Loved Ones Lost by Medical Malpractice With Scott Schara
1 hour
Two Substack articles from Dr. Pierre Kory that reveal the same things that Scott Schara describes in the video above with an insight into why the medical people are allowing it to continue if they are even able to recognize what is happening because the cognitive dissonance is so strong. Highly recommended reading!
Nursing Reports From The Front Lines Of The COVID Vaccine Crisis
Reports From the Front Lines of the Vaccine Catastrophe - Part 2
Unfortunately too many people become believers in the dangerous risks of the shots only after they have been injured. Here is a prime example of how the “protect others” story has been weaponized and used to lure unsuspecting people to massive injury.
‘The Defender Show’ Episode 59: Professional Guitarist, Vocalist Jeff Diamond Loses 8 Fingers + Vocal Ability After Jansen Shot
30 min
Bailiwick News
Maybe the shot manufactures won’t let you see the ingredients in the shots but you can see what is in the contracts …
Steve Kirsch's newsletter
The "safe and effective" narrative is falling apart
Satirical Relief from JP Sears
We’re Hiding Reality From You! - News Update (on Rumble)
You have to love British humor but you have to ask yourself, is this satire or is it reality?
Sir Humphrey Appleby on the Proper Function of Government