White Rabbit - Down the Rabbit Hole 20220905
We know the reliable experts to listen to
Midweek Meme Update 20220831
From the film genius of Mikki Willis and the comedic genius of JP Sears we get a unique look at
The World’s Most Interesting Doctor
I refuse to watch the tyrant in real time but I am grateful to those who weather these tyrannical events to keep me informed of their unbelievable cult brainwashing. Don’t dismiss this as nonsense. For sure it is nonsense but it is nonsense being used to destroy our freedom and our lives.
Reacting to Biden's Creepy and Polarizing Speech!
25 min
David Icke is a controversial but credible, critical thinking truth seeker. Although his worldview about God is very different from mine, he clearly sees there is a realm outside of our physical experience. Knowledge of that realm gives us better insight into the correct response to evil challenges. This interview is long so I put in timestamps to some key ideas you can jump to. The ones in bold I highly recommend viewing.
David Icke
2 hours 30 min
5:00 the network of secret societies behind the great reset
1:43:00 I wont do what you tell me to do just because you tell me. what right do you have. can you give me persuasive evidence, then I will consider it
1:55:00 instead of people responding to government, government must respond to people
2:13:00 Anna de Buisseret lawyer who believes in spiritual warfare - Bible and common prayer. people practicing spiritual warfare on a daily basis
2:35:00 John O’Looney experience in the hospital, refused remdesivir, was “arrested”, using fear of death, tried to lock him in, never tested positive, what was it
2:43:00 felt like I had been poisoned
*2:48:00 Mark Sexton tells story of nurse in the elevator pleading for help because they know what is going on but no one is stopping it. She said every one in here is injured by the vaccines but she wont speak out because she will lose everything .
I know Dr. McCullough and have watched his journey with great interest throughout this plandemic. With every day he gets bolder in proclaiming the truth about what is happening and encouraging us to stand up and say “NO” to the tyrants.
1 hour
Uninformed Consent - Official Full Documentary Release - Watch Now!
2 hours 10 mins
The criminal document their crimes. When will we be able to get them prosecuted?
‘Doctors & Scientists’ Episode 42: FOIA Exposes Red Flags in Pfizer, Moderna Pre-Clinical Trials With Sasha Latypova
46 min
I am a fan of Tom Renz. He and some other lawyers are making some progress. Last I heard their are somewhere in the neighborhood of 17,000 lawsuits currently filed. We need a key win to break the law-g jam!
Attorney Thomas Renz tells Mike Adams that Fauci and others will be PROSECUTED
25 min
This contains a great vignette of many of the key people to follow to learn the truth about what is going on currently in the world
Shots: Eugenics to Pandemics (2022)
2 hours 30 min
This is great deep dive into the studies comparing people who got the shots and people who did not. This should be on the evening news. I wonder why it is not …
‘Tea Time’ Episode 49: Vax vs. Unvax Studies + More With James Lyons-Weiler, Ph.D.
1 hour
Several people have been able to examine the infamous blood clots now. Mike Adams adds his experiments into the record. The clear theme from all sources is that these are not normal clots and have never been seen before the rollout of emergency shots in December 2021.
Mike Adams reveals shocking LAB RESULTS of post-vaccine CLOTS that are killing millions
38 min
If you still think the FDA is an unbiased trustworthy organization I dont know what to say. Maybe this will help.
FDA Colluded With Moderna to Bypass COVID Vaccine Safety Standards, Documents Reveal
The title says it all. The article provides the evidence.
Moderna's Non-clinical Summary for Spikevax - Evidence of Scientific and Regulatory Fraud
The BalylonBee is a satirical look at the nonsense perpetrated by the mainstream media. Strange that the satire is closer to the truth than what the mainstream posts.