White Rabbit - Down the Rabbit Hole 20220916
The executive order mandating the Great Reset and bioengineering in America
The president just signed the executive order death warrant of the people of the United States of America. He has zero authority to do this in spite of his claim that it is given to him by the Constitution. This explicitly creates a public/private partnership (i.e. Fascist, Nazi) relationship between business and government. Many paragraphs call for government to fund business, creating the relationship specifically prohibited in the Constitution. This executive order basically mandates the Great Reset and bioengineering in America. It reads like a dystopian science fiction novel. This must be stopped!!!
Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe, and Secure American Bioeconomy
My weekly podcast launched two weeks ago every Tuesday on the People For People network. More information and how to listen is listed on substack. Follow one of the links below.
This Week’s Show
Live With Your Brain Turned On Podcast - TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 13, 2022
Quit Being Toxic - Removing the toxins from your life that are harming your health.
2 hours
Last Week’s Show
Live With Your Brain Turned On Podcast - TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 6, 2022
2 hours
Stop Self-Censoring with Guest John Lukach
This fits in well with my podcast this week where I talked about the toxins we eat and are exposed to. Dr. Paul Marik is an allopathic doctor and a truth seeker. He has had to unlearn much of what he was taught in medical school and he talks about his journey here. You must watch this. This is the journey of an honest truth seeker.
1 hour 15 min
Poison Inc: Processed Food & Prescription Drugs: FLCCC Weekly Update (September 14, 2022)
Some Exceptional interviews with Todd Callender and associates on the Doctors for Covid Ethics Zoom call. If you want to know what is really going on this will give some details.
Todd Callender, FAA Whistelblower: US Freedom Flyers
1 hour 48 min
Q & A after Todd Callender
2 hours
John Lukach was on the Live With Your Brain Turned On Show a week ago. To find out more about what John thinks and some practical ways to hold your line listen to these interviews.
Meet John the Stand-up Guy .. part 1 and 2 (episode 5 and 6)
45 min
1 hour
This is a completely different take on climate change from the mainstream media and political narratives that I have never found credible. In fact, after watching the movie on purposeful geoengineering it makes sense to me that the insane things we are told to do in the name of stopping climate change are actually the very things that will cause an environmental collapse. We NEED carbon dioxide, we need nitrogen, we need living organisms in the soil and thriving insect populations. It is all about balance. What we do not need is power hungry control over energy and food. We do not need carbon sequestering. We do not need industrial farming, GMO plants and animals, antibiotics injected into every animal and roundup sprayed on crops and weeds and eating de bugs. These are the nonsense things spewed by the lamestream and government that risk killing huge amounts of life on the earth. What we do need is growing more non-GMO crops using regenerative, decentralized farming. This will not happen overnight but we need to take steps in this direction. I thought I had the climate change rabbit cornered but geoengineering is going to take much more of my time to study. Watch and let me know what you think.
The Dimming
Article and video
The Dimming, Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary ( Geoengineering Watch )
2 hours
You are familiar with the book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad.” Robert Kyosaki is a savvy investor, primarily in real estate but likes to know what goes on in the markets and other investment instruments. Watch this amazing recent interview that Robert did with Mark Moss where he learns of the WEF and the Great Reset. This is a good podcast to use to “red pill” friends and family who still cannot see what is happening.
Is the Great Reset Happening? - Robert Kiyosaki @Mark Moss
40 min
Dr. Rima and Counsel Ralph talk with Australian citizen journalist Maria Zeee about global health tyranny. Maria Zee tells the story of how she got involved in citizen journalism and what is going on down under in Australia.
Maria Zeee - Australian Journalist on Global Health Tyranny
2 hours
Mikki Willis looks into the effectiveness of Ivermectin. Short and very information. Way to go Mikki!
Ivermectin: The Truth
13 min
This one is not short but well worth the time. I will put the times in for each section if you want to jump to a specific interview
3 hours
1:00 MIkki Willis and JP Sears
39:00 The Jaxen Report
1:12:00 ICAN Legal Case Updates
1:26:00 Alex Jones Interview - Part 1
How to Stop Getting COV!D
JP Sears
**The Guy that Believed Biden’s Speech (on Rumble)
8 min
JP Sears 2
Has the Government Turned Against You? - News Update (on Rumble)
11 min