My recent substack post about the war on our environment. The story about climate change is not about saving the planet. It is about killing the planet. I point out two of the many flawed arguments.
What Is a Greenhouse Gas?
A short film by Mikki Willis. This is great to share with friends.
The Truth About Ivermectin
15 min
If you have questions about homeopathy then take the time to listen to this podcast.
‘Against the Wind’ Episode 47: Homeopathy - Our Relationship to Microbes with Cilla Whatcott + Exposing Dangerous Propaganda With Jeremy Hammond
1 hour
links from this podcast
Cilla Whatcott
Jeremy Hammond
This satirical animation is worth the 2 minutes to watch. If you have kids watch it yourself first as you might not deem it appropriate for them — it is intense but poignant.
2 min
This young woman is someone I may get to meet someday soon. What a story she has! Listen to this first hand account of the tyranny that has come to Canada and is being set up here in the USA unless we draw our line in the sand and just say no.
Young Voices Canada - Denise O’Donnell - Worldview Matters March 2022
25 min
Weekend Outtakes 20220820
Midweek Meme Update 20220824
Weekend Outtakes 20220827
Simply amazing! You must read this. This kid accomplished more in his 14 years than many of us, myself included, have done in a much longer lifetime. A testimony of what we can do if we access the power and creativity God endowed us with.
America’s most remarkable kid died in Newcastle, Utah — his legacy never will
“Don’t ever take ‘can’t’ as the answer unless you’ve verified that it is against the law or against the powers of physics,” Kevin wrote in his memoir*.*
Another must listen! How has the ignorance of our rights by education systems and media and dictatorship — all brought about by Marxist ideology — brought our society to the low and dark place that it is today? According to today’s guest, Rick Green, there is a solution for the weak leadership, broken institutions and failure to stand up for freedom. Rick’s web site is called WallBuilders ( His mentor is David Barton. It is about knowing our guaranteed rights, recognizing their violation and how to assert them. Patriot Academy ( is a great one to send to your sleeping Christian friends.
‘Tea Time’ Episode 48: Constitutional Violations With Rick Green
1 hour
More are recognizing the truth and standing up for it. We all must or we will live without truth the rest of our days. I did not know of Jeffrey Sachs until this interview. He is still on his journey to fuller truth but when you see where he has come from and what he has been up against you will understand.
‘The Defender Show’ Episode 64: The Origins of COVID-19 With Jeffrey Sachs
1 hour
This is what every Surgeon General should be like. Dr. Ladapo’s amazing journey to become the Surgeon General of Florida will inspire and encourage you.
1 hour 18 min
From our satirical friend, J P Sears
**UNKNOWN Cause of Death? Our Latest Propaganda! (on Rumble)
10 min
If you are in the trenches and have information to share that is being suppressed Steve Kirsch has given you a place where your voice can be heard.
If you are a healthcare worker, now you can tell your story without fear of retribution
The following video has a sound drop out for about 45 seconds about 2 1/2 minutes in but let it keep going, it comes back after that. We forgot this history and did not guard against it or we would not be re-living it …
Cartoon predicts the future more than 60 years ago. This is amazing insight!
Here is a clever song parody (lyrics only - sing it in your head) by the substack author of Air Lift Underground. Enjoy.
Fifty Ways to Kill You Peasants
Joel Salatin is one of the fathers of the regenerative agriculture movement which is basically the way our grandfathers farmed. All mechanization is not evil but like most other things, when it becomes the driving force it changes the goals and does more damage than good. Such is the case with modern industrial agriculture. Preceding the word agriculture with the word industrial should be a red flag.
‘The Defender Show’ Episode 63: Food and Farming Solutions With Joel Salatin
52 min
This is a video of the meeting two weeks ago about strategies to use to Stop the WHO or as others like to say Kill the WHO before the WHO kills you. We must extricate the USA from the World Health Organization or as I would say, World Healthless Organization
2 hours 17 min
Great satire by What’s Her Face
Why I Wear My Mask | Welcome to the Masquerade
2 min
This was one of the absolute best mic drop responses I have ever heard. Only 30 seconds — Bravo! or one might even say Touché
Alex Jones Mic Drop
If you have not watched it yet …
Premier Podcast
This week I was interviewed on a podcast for the first time. I hope my awesome camera presence did not prevent the main message from coming through (yeah, right…) I was called special, interesting and unique. Of those descriptions, unique is the one I have heard the most often in my life. But we are all unique, aren’t we! I reviewed the journey God has led me through in my life and especially over the last several years. But it is not about me, it is about learning from those life experiences and sharing to provide information we all can use. It is my prayer that my example provides you with the courage and the material to decide which line you will not cross and take your stand as well. We all become the “social proof” for those around us still searching for what makes sense in this created chaos. I welcome comments, critiques, additional information and your unique perspective.
On Rumble
What is Your Line in the Sand?
On Brighteon
What is Your Line in the Sand?
Hopefully this will provide material you can distribute to encourage and awaken your friends. It looks like there will be a weekly podcast coming named “Live With Your Brain Turned On” which I will be hosting. More details to come. Share with me what you want to hear discussed and guests you would like to hear from. And do not discount yourself. Many of you have stories and viewpoints that need to be heard.
Email me, Randy Stewart, at: