White Rabbit - Down the Rabbit Hole 20220729
How many threats can we juggle at once?
White Rabbit - Down the Rabbit Hole 20220729
Weapons of Mass Disruption
If you listen to any clip make it this 10 minute clip from the Army Mad Scientist Team from 2017!!! I am not kidding, that is what they call themselves, The Army Mad Scientist Team.
This starts out talking about EMF devices (does 5G come to mind?) followed by drugs disguised as illnesses (does COV!D come to mind) then he gets to weaponizing insects like the DARPA Beetle. I cut it at that spot but you can find the whole video here if interested to know more. Did I mention this is from 2017?
I have seen and experienced some of these technologies personally and have met the inventor of some of them. They are real.
Weapons of Mass Disruption
10 min
This is an interview with a homeopathic doctor. If you are not familiar with homeopathy, like me until recently, this will teach you about the principles behind this energy based, naturalistic approach to health that was the standard of care until Rockefeller medicine with it’s weaponized Flexner Report began capturing the medical system and destroying our health with artificial products that could be patented and cost high dollars to make you feel OK while it was keeping you sick enough to continue to require an “antidote” drug.
1 hour
‘Against The Wind’ Episode 44: ‘What’s Making Our Children Sick?’ With Dr. Michelle Perro
If you are wondering what the fuss is about when it comes to 5G and EMF radiation damage this is information that you need to hear. You need to know and know how to protect yourself.
‘The Defender Show’ Episode 60: Public ‘Not Being Told the Truth’ About Cellphone Radiation With Hunter Lundy
40 min
This article written by Wayne Allen Root last week is anecdotal, but anecdotes can and do come from true stories. I know in my own experience that where ever the increased death and disease occur the shot for COV!D is in the mix - almost always. When I hear certain symptoms or about a sudden, unexpected death I have begun to ask, “when did they get the shot?” No one has ever said there was no shot.
33 Dead & Sick Friends Since Our Wedding Only 8 Months Ago. All 33 Vaxxed. A “Vaccine Death & Disease Cluster.”
Did they lie? You tell me.
Priceless: Best COVID Jab Narrative Destroying Video Ever Made – This One Is Fantastic
1 min
Dr. Rima and Counsel Ralph talk with Australian citizen journalist Maria Zeee about global health tyranny. Maria Zee tells the story of how she got involved in citizen journalism and what is going on down under in Australia.
Maria Zeee - Australian Journalist on Global Health Tyranny
2 hours
Do you know the true depth of corruption in our government, Big Pharma, and in organizations like the WHO and WEF? Guest Dr. Robert Malone is an expert on, and inventor of, mRNA technology. He explains how the technology works and why it was invented and why it was abandoned by him. He also understands and recognizes the totalitarian, deep state, revolving door enterprise that takes place behind the scenes, among Bill Gates and other powerful players. Watch this episode of “Doctors & Scientists” to hear as he exposes this reality, discusses his journey in the pharmaceutical industry, and shares where we should go from here.
‘Doctors & Scientists’ Episode 39: Corporate Capture — Truth About the Biopharmaceutical Industrial Complex With Dr. Robert Malone
1 hour 45 min
AwakenWithJP Video
**Our Plan is More OBVIOUS Than Ever! - News Update (on Rumble)