White Rabbit - Down the Rabbit Hole 20220723
Circle the wagons. The next wave of the attack is on.
If there is one podcast to watch this is the one. Dr. Stillwagon simply and clearly describes what a virus is and why not to be afraid of viruses. It is all about keeping your immune system healthy. I have been planning to build a core presentation around the body’s amazing design, how to keep it in working order and how to recognize forces that are looking to subvert it. This is that core.
‘Against The Wind’ Episode 43: Dr. Kevin Stillwagon Forced Into Early Retirement + What the FAA Must Do to Keep Us All Safe
1 hour
Great discussion about the long time vax agenda and the decline of health over the decades due to vaccines which are not about the protection of health. Many doctors who were deep in the industrial medical system have woken up including Dr. McCullough, Dr. Kory and friends who now see medicine from a larger, wholistic perspective rather than from the prescribe-a-patented-molecule perspective, i.e. a pill for an ill.
1 hour
This interview from 2017 explains a lot to me about Dr. Marik and why he was in the forefront of early treatment when the c19 fear mongering began. He had always taken care of the patient in front of him rather than listen to the pharmafia that wants doctors and patients to believe that only way to health is through patented drugs. Sepsis is one of the leading causes of death in hospitals. Listen to this so you will always be prepared for yourself or loved ones with a protocol that works. Write it down, file it where you can find it and require the hospital to do it if sepsis appears. You, the patient, are in control of your health. Doctors are advisors, usually very trusted advisors, but the final decision is yours. Dr. Marik shows you the way to treat sepsis and that the naysayers are WRONG.
Full interview with Dr. Paul Marik
13 min
1.5 grams vitamin C, hydrocortisone and thyamine intravenously to stop sepsis
What destroyed the Georgia Guidestones and why was there no investigation with a rush to clear them away without explanation or investigation? I don’t know but it sure looks like a possible supernatural event to me. What do you think? Almost nothing in the mainstream media about this so it is obvious it was a distraction to the plan that had to be swept away.
Georgia Guidestones I Think This Was A Masonic False Flag - 07.06.2022. Time:04:03.33
4 min
For my homeopathy friends and naturopaths — watch out. This is how you can be sucked in. This describes what “Standard of Care” really means and it is not what you think it sounds like. This interview comes from Canada but it is what the controllers in the USA want to implement here. This has largely succeeded by capture of the three letter agencies, the pharmafia, media and government. Codifying it into law is the final step. We must not allow that to happen!!!
This one is very hard to listen to but explains why I have made the decision to never go into a hospital again. There are doctors I know and trust but there are no hospitals I trust. I say this not just because of interviews like this but because I have worked around hospitals and medical organizations for the last 14 years and know too many of the administrators and how the sausage is made. The administrators are in charge at hospitals, not medical staff, and the goals of an administrator are not the goals of a true medical professional. The system is setup to reward the system and avoid liability, not help the patient. The medical staff have either drunk the Kool-Aid, seared their conscience by going along to get along or are trapped in the system and feel helpless to fix it because they will be fired.
1 hour
‘The People's Testaments’ Episode 43: One Size Fits All Medical Care Leads to the Wrongful Death of a 12-Year-Old Child Interview With Trina Thornhill
If you have known me for any length of time you know that Jason Fung is one of my favorite doctors. His time restricted eating protocol for autophagy and reversing Type II Diabetes is my standard go to to help people reverse Type II Diabetes (I have seen this protocol work for people over and over) and lose the weight and chronic illnesses that come from the Standard American Diet (SAD) (which I have also seen over and over). Notice this is recorded in 2019 before the financial conflicts he describes became so obvious to the rest of us. This is a good podcast to share with people who are still not sure about how the medical system is corrupted. Evidence based medicine sounds like a great idea — until you find out what is considered evidence and how the evidence is manipulated.
Dr. Jason Fung: Financial Conflicts of Interests and the End of Evidence-Based Medicine
14 min
Tucker is probably the only mainstream media news person that I will listen to. He seems to get it and for some reason and is allowed to say things others are not. Controlled opposition? Possibly. But having this crack in the normal fear-based narrative is useful in getting truth out to those who cannot see it. This describes the current financial meltdown and how the government is fueling it, not trying to stop it.
Tucker Carlson: This is shameful
15 min
Doctors Pierre Kory and Paul Marik discuss the War on Doctors by the certification boards, the lawsuits doctors have filed against the FDA, and their latest updates to the I-RECOVER protocol for the treatment of adverse effects from the COV!D-19 vaccine. Vaccine Injured Real Not Rare advocate and Dr. Kory's patient, Danee Dixon, joins the call at 56 mins in and you MUST hear her story.
Full Episode #37: The War On Doctors! Treatment Updates for the Vaccine Injured
1 hour 30 min
Dr. Kory medical group
If immunologists and the PCR tests cannot differentiate between the common cold and SARS-CoV-2, what does that tell us? Pretty much what some of us have known all along. The masters seeking control didn’t need a new “pandemic” they just needed to rename the common cold and flu to panic the masses enough that they’d inject themselves willingly with an experimental drug that’s destroying their bodies and submit to abject tyranny because of fear.
Cellular Immunologist: The Vaccines “Can’t Work” Because COVID Is A “Common Cold Virus”
contains a 7 minute interview well worth watching
This is why I drive now instead of flying.
Global Aviation: Fit to Fly? (Full episode)
34 min
25:00 Dr. Kate Manderson, Principal Medical Officer, Civil Aviation Safety Authority, Australia asserts (incorrectly) that it is unreasonable to do surveillance after a vaccine - in whose world?
Others in the video countering Manderson’s opinions are:
Graham Hood, former airline Captain, QANTAS
Lt. Col. Theresa Long MD MPH, Aerospace Occupational Medicine Specialist, US Army Flight Surgeon
Alan Dana, former airline Captain, Jetstar
Lt. Col. Pete Chambers (ret’d), US Special Ops Green Beret Flight Surgeon, Purple Heart
Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet MD, independent US physician, President & CEO of Truth for Health Foundation
Glen Waters, former airline Captain, Virgin Australia
Jim Breuer podcast from the recent ReAwaken Tour meetings at Virginia beach. Poignant humor that will make you both laugh and cry.
Jim Breuer | Is It Too Soon to Laugh?! Experience Jim Breuer's EPIC COVID-19 Common Sense Comedy | Jim Drops the Mic, Throws the Mic and Then Flattens the Mic!!! The Great Reset Versus The Great ReAwakening
20 min