SMDS (Sudden Muppet Death Syndrome)
Two and 3-year-old kids with seizures is "the new normal"
If you still believe that honest research is being done in the pharmaceutical are after listening to this I want to know why you think that.
1 hour
Georgia Guidestones are gone!!!
EXCLUSIVE: MTG Responds to Georgia Guidestones Collapse, and the Drugging of Mass Shooters
Karen interviews on Brannon Howse on biowarfare and “bioethics”. See if these look like ethics to you.
Karen Kingston Plays Video of Prof James Giordano, Georgetown Univ, Chief of Neuroethics Program Discussing How to Hijack Leaders and Create Nanotech Cloud to Create Epidemic Strokes (Part 1)
22 min
Georgetown Univ. Prof. on Electromagnetic Field to Induce Mental Illness, Thoughts and Ideas
29 min
The video found by Karen Kingston. This is what is disguised as ethics in biowarfare. Strap in! It’’s gonna be a bumpy ride ….
1 hour
TRADOC Mad Scientist 2017 Georgetown: Neurotechnology in National Defense w/ Dr. Giordano
Start your circadian clock in the morning with morning light and shutdown at night after dark.
4 min
Do you want more energy? With Dr. Amy Shah
What happened to the old wives tale that you cannot get disease by taking a vaccine? It turns out they were lying the whole time — and knew it. Read and re-read the headline carefully. Yes, it says what it says. You can’t make this stuff up.
WHO Recommends New Gates-Funded Polio Vaccine to Address Vaccine-Derived Polio Outbreak in U.K.
People will not want to hear this but the truth must be known.
49 min
Dr. Naomi Wolf and Kate Dally Expose Mass Vaccine Deception
Mr. Sunshine tells you what to do.
1 min
Klaus Schwab: “Nobody Will Be Safe if Not Everybody is Vaccinated” [VIDEO]
The Great Reset | The Entire Great Reset Agenda Explained In 17 Minutes (Featuring Biden, Schwab, Harari, Musk, Gates, WEF, etc.)
17 min
Chris Martenson of Peak Prosperity talks about the petro dollar and the impending collapse
Explains Why Economic Collapse is Inevitable
19 min
I listened to this after I posted my substack on scientism this week. Many see the same thing I do. The cult of scientism.
CULTS‼️ The BIG Con Game: We Have Been Misinformed In Every Way Imaginable‼️Listen & Learn
Russell Brand rant on Sesame Street’s Elmo getting vaxxed on PBS
11 min
What, Really?!
Why We Need More Greta Thunberg (on Rumble)
6 min