It is time to globally mandate cell phones
Cell phones are such a good idea we must mandate them!
Every man, woman and child must get a cell phone - now!
Who could argue against that?
You think I am delusional, don’t you. Why would we mandate cell phones? The usefulness, convenience and cost is so attractive almost everyone has one already. So, why should they be mandated?
By now you should recognize that I am being completely facetious!
Any product that proves itself in the free market has no need to be mandated. This is precisely my point. If anything, under the current regime, cell phones are very dangerous and we need to limit their use since they make great tracking and data capture devices and expose us to dangerous radiation levels. They are more of a necessary evil rather than a must-have item.
What About Mandates
As parents we “mandate” things for our kids because our mature judgement fills the gaps in their immature judgement. It is our responsibility to teach them mature decision making. Our judgement and example instructs them while keeping them from making unnecessary mistakes. Our goal as parents is to equip them with critical learning and thinking skills and become independent, truth-discerning adults.
Just like the government does with us (I crack myself up.)
What About Emergencies
Governments throughout history have recognized that creating perceived emergencies are great tools to control people and get them to do things they would otherwise never do. Real emergencies obviously occur but there is an important reason no emergency powers are granted to the US government or any state government by the federal constitution or any state constitution in the United Sates.
This was not an oversight, it was deliberate. Our founders knew that granting special powers to government during an emergency would create a ticking time bomb sure to go off and destroy the freedom they fought for. Pre-WWII Germany had a great constitution except for one thing - it granted special unilateral power in a declared emergency. Remember how that turned out?
Using the excuse of the current plandemic, the US government has (fraudulently) declared an emergency and asserted that it has powers, not granted constitutionally, to pronounce edicts that must be obeyed. It may make life difficult to stand against these power grabbers but they do not have the power they claim to have. The only way to stop them is to say “no more.” You will notice that two and a half years later the “temporary” emergency has not ended. And it never will end until we stand up and say it has ended.
How To Handle a Real Emergency
I recently attended an active shooter training class at the school where my wife teaches provided by people trained to handle emergencies. Most people do not plan for an emergency, so they make a lot of incorrect, emotional decisions when an emergency occurs. The best way to prevent bad decisions is to have options planned out ahead of time before emotions get involved.
It is not enough just to think about a plan. One must practice the actions necessary to emerge from the situation successfully. That is what fire drills are about but most of us do not take such preparations seriously.
If you are going to prepare for an emergency it makes sense to only take the advice from people who have dedicated time to become masters in emergency response. If I don’t have that time, it is my responsibility to learn from those who do. The more important the decision, the more responsibility I have to seek reliable resources.
How NOT to Handle an Emergency
Sources I would never trust in an emergency are mainstream media, government or muppets — unless your plan is to listen to what they tell you so you can do the opposite. None of those groups have any more situational awareness than the common man and probably less. After the performance of big health, big pharma, big education, big anything over last two years I certainly would not listen to them.
Remember President Reagan’s famous quote:
The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help.
Who would I listen to? How about people like the teachers in that active shooter training class I attended.
Lessons From Emergency Preparedness Training
There are three stages a person goes through during an emergency. The faster you make it through to the decision stage the more likely you are to survive. The stages are: Deny, Deliberate, Decide.
Deny — So you hear shots or smell smoke. Your first reaction is to think, why are there fire crackers going off in this building or is someone burning something in the kitchen. We tend deny something outside our normal experience. We do not want to accept that something very different is happening. But the earlier you recognize something different really is going on, the earlier you can get to safety.
Deliberate — Do I have exits and where are they? Where is the closest exit? Do I have to cross a line of fire? If I have to hide where would that be? What can I put between myself and the danger? Part of good deliberation is preplanning. When you walk into a public building always identify where exits are. Identify potential hiding places where you can lock intruders out. If you must stand your ground, what potential weapons are available?
Decide — Pick the best option and execute it now. Flight is typically preferable to fight but it is important in the deliberation phase to quickly assess a strategy that includes Plan B and Plan C in case Plan A fails. If you have to hide, pick a defensible hiding place. If you have to fight know what can be used as a weapon.
Your Decision Affects Others
Social Proof — Once you act, your action will influence others who are probably still reacting emotionally, still in denial or frozen into inaction. You become what is called “Social Proof.” One prepared person acting correctly can save many lives since the unprepared will follow someone acting with purpose.
In a fire, most people die trampling each other trying to get out the front door. That is the only exit they know because that is where they came in. But better exits were through a kitchen or out the back. All it takes is one thoughtful, prepared person moving to the kitchen or out the back door to provide the “Social Proof” others need to follow and survive.
Leaders Should Have Been Our Social Proof
Most of the people I look to as leaders proved to be poor examples of Social Proof in this plandemic. The typical leaders I look to in business, government, and in the church were not prepared, were too easily deceived or even bought off by government funding to push an agenda of fear rather than acting on faith in the truth. I particularly fault church leaders who preach faith an all powerful God while denying the power that faith. If you fear a virus more than you fear God you fail as a spiritual leader.
But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, slanderers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, holding to a form of godliness although they have denied its power; avoid such people as these.
2 Timothy 3:1-5
Yes, I am being harsh. I do not deny that it was a trying time and information was confusing and incomplete. But by God’s sustaining grace I stood on my faith and paid a heavy price but that only gives me courage to do it again if I am called to. I will not risk my life in an attempt to keep a job.
Leaders have more responsibility than individuals. We look to them to provide Social Proof. So, if they falter or choose unwisely many others also suffer. The leaders who blindly handed over their decisions to “rational” authorities, no matter how studied and trusted those authorities are, still have the responsibility to verify the guidance they get and get guidance comes from multiple independent sources. If everyone tells the exact same story you can be almost certain it is just that — a story.
Where there is no guidance the people fall,
But in an abundance of counselors there is victory.Proverbs 11:14
The centralized power structure in government, media and healthcare has limited any “discussion” to only one story line. True discourse has been shut down. True physicians were shutdown and even prohibited from treating their patients causing them to die. It is hard to get both sides of a story if only one side is allowed.
Did Jesus bow to the rational thought of His day or did He trust in God’s Word? He touched lepers, He ate with sinners and He challenged rules based on fear of man.
It was obvious over the last few years that many pastors fear man rather than God. Mandates to control churches are not allowed in the US Constitution. The cover story of “we were just being safe” is an excuse. In the first couple of weeks it was wise to take extra precaution until the potential threat was assessed. But we are still “just being safe” years later.
Have you noticed that the churches that are “safe” have dwindled lost their impact while the ones that refused to shutdown in fear are bursting at the seams with new Christians. Being safe has cost many people an eternal price.
Should Government Have Power to Mandate?
What about airplanes? Should we mandate using airplanes for all travel?
What if people had been mandated to only use airplanes for travel after the Wright brothers made their first experimental flight? That was a truly historic event and changed the way we can travel in the modern era but it had risk, too. Lot’s of risk.
Bravo to the daring who risked life to stick with it until it became safe and reliable enough for everyday travel. It took many years before flying became a safe and reliable form of transportation. But not all of us are cut out to be test pilots.
For 10 years I flew 100,000 miles a year. Modern aviation has had a demonstrable safety record. But flying will still never replace walking, bicycles, cars, and other means of transportation for most needs. How would it ever make sense to mandate it as the only way to travel?
What about electric cars? Maybe we could mandate electric cars.
Whoops, California just beat me to that one. Just don’t plan to charge your car with your home electricity.
Medical Mandates Are Furbotten
Any doctor knows there is not a medicine that is “safe and effective” for all people. So why are there mandates for the most unsafe shots and medicines in all recorded history? Is it possible that modern medicine could be based on a premise other than curing disease and promoting health?
Modern Medicine Began With a Focus on Eugenics
Until 1910 most traditional medicine focused on homeopathic, naturopathic and other natural, wholistic approaches to health and medicine that looked for the cause and a cure of a disease. Deal with the cause and the disease is cured.
This changed when Abraham Flexner, the “father” of modern medicine wrote a report in 1910. Known as the Flexner Report, it shaped the development of modern medical schools, actively eliminating any practice that he said the current science or medical community could not explain. Apparently curing disease was not the criteria that applied to his idea of medicine.
Dr. Joseph Mercola wrote in a recent article,
For example, during the 1849 cholera epidemic in Cincinnati, homeopaths were so successful that they published a list of those who were cured and those who died. Only 3% of their patient population died while between 48% to 60% of those under orthodox medical treatment died.
The results of Cincinnati Homeopaths were so successful that they were likely an embarrassment to traditional medical practitioners. The Flexner Report proposed a total restructure of medical education, which especially impacted schools teaching alternative medicine or that graduated predominantly black doctors.
Flexner’s report, issued by the Carnegie Foundation, established guidelines that sanctioned new “orthodox” schools and condemned homeopathic medical schools in spite of the evidence that homeopathy was far superior to the new orthodoxy.
John D. Rockefeller used this to establish a monopoly that gained control of medicine using techniques we see in use this very hour. Doctors were jailed, demonized or had their license to practice revoked for using treatments that had been effective for decades. New medical students were brainwashed into the new system of medicine defined by symptom management using the process of prescribing drugs to suppress symptoms instead of diagnosing and curing disease. The medical establishment went from curing disease to managing disease. That should tell you all you need to know.
The Flexner Report
Six years prior to releasing the Flexner Report, the Carnegie Institution opened the Station for Experimental Evolution (SEE) in Cold Spring Harbor, New York for the purpose of studying heredity and evolution. What was it’s purpose? To fine-tune research on eugenics. At the time, many were deluded by thinking that selective breeding would produce a better human being, at least for those deemed to be better. We know that turned well — not!
The NIH Defined Eugenics
“Eugenics is an immoral and pseudoscientific theory that claims it is possible to perfect people and groups through genetics” according to the current definition by the NIH, National Institutes of Health. (
Supposedly, Carnegie shut down eugenics research sometime before 1910 but the SEE eventually became the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory focusing on the development of molecular genetics and the “scientific foundation of the revolution in biology and biotechnology.”
Same Song, Second Verse
When we are told something is shut down, was it truly shut down or just redefined? Often when we are told something is shut down by government or big business it is simply redefined. Right to die, right to abortion, right to mutilate — all are eugenics redefined. But if you use these labels, you can be called a medical doctor at the same time as murdering people and still be respected by your colleagues and the general public. Such a doctor may even be brainwashed into believing in his own mind that he is promoting health while actually destroying it.
For example, when the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends something like gender change for children you know something is very wrong with “medicine.” Is gender change truly gender change? Cutting things off or sewing them on does not change gender. But if the idea is depopulation this is a useful illusion. How did we allow this to happen?
Modern Brainwashing
Ideas detrimental to health have been slowly introduced and encouraged in our society, our education system, our business institutions and on up to the highest levels of the health care system and government. The Flexner report was a primary starting point. These ideas even infiltrated our churches who can no longer define marriage, a man, a woman or a baby anymore. This has not been by accident. There has been a conscious effort to move things this direction and there is an endgame.
The global “elites” have been working on total control for decades. You should be aware of The Great Reset, the New World Order and Agenda 2030 by now. If not, it is time to do some quick research because if we do not stop it now, it will not be stopped.
For decades the New World Order has worked to engineer a takedown of free countries. The biggest obstacle has been free people in free countries with the USA being the biggest offender — the stronghold of freedom. What could be used to get people to voluntarily give up their freedom?
Fear of Death
Don’t be so afraid of dying that you are afraid of living.
It doesn’t matter to me how I die. It matters to me how I live. - Dr. Vladamir Zelenko
Organized fear and propaganda were the tools used to sell the story that a shot called a vaccine is the only ticket back to pre-pandemic life and to save grandma. This explains the big push to tie reopening society to one’s vaccination status.
This worked because the media and governments are now totally captured. When people hear that media and government are in a program called “Lock Step” (2010: Rockefeller’s ‘Operation Lockstep’ Predicted 2020 ‘Lockdown’) they just shrug and say, “Of course they are, what can I do about it?” The truth is if people found out they don’t have to get vaccinated to have freedom they wouldn’t get vaccinated. If enough people say “no” then media and government have no power and the path to freedom opens up.
Those who know say NO!
Even the the “Lock Step” media knows this is true. According to Leana Wen if everything is reopened without tying it to the vaccine what is the carrot going to be to make people want to get it.
Leana Wen on CNN April 5, 2021
The Real Cause of Disease
I have come to doubt the current medical doctrine that disease is caused solely by the presence of pathogens. I believe the evidence is strong that pathogens do exist but when your immune system is healthy and your environment is balanced and not toxic you will not have disease.
As one example, I still have Epstein-Barr virus in my body but I no longer have the disease known as mononucleosis. I did have mono when I was 15 years old but my body learned how to get ahead of it and keep it in check. If you were to test me now for the virus, it would probably be positive for Epstein-Barr — but I do not have the disease of mono. But if my immune system were disrupted by something designed to disrupt it, like a vaccine, mono could resurface since the pathogen is already present.
All vaccines modify and disrupt the immune system. The question is whether that is a good thing or a bad thing. The pharmafia would have you believe it is a good thing but I now believe that with few, if any, exceptions it is a bad thing. The latest shot, redefined as a vaccine, is the worst of all and only contains toxins. Self replicating toxins.
The Real Emergency
There is an emergency but it is not from an invisible pathogen. It is from the purported cure being leveraged to steal our freedom. When the man in the White House says it is not about freedom, you can be dead certain is IS about freedom.
It is past time to move out of denial. The data show the “safe and effective” “cure” is deadly. There is no such thing as negative effectiveness. The shots are being deadly effective. If you got shots before, do not take anymore. Those are not firecrackers going off in the hall.
Look at the numbers. Even though they are severely suppressed, the danger signal still shows through it is so strong. Thanks to our friend, Albert Benavides, it is graphically obvious!
Variations On a Theme
When I study the patterns of so-called “variants” of COV!D, spreading through communities I believe they are better explained by the redefinition of the regular diseases, colds, flu, shingles and all the other illnesses we have always gotten. Diseases are defined by specific symptoms. Only COV!D has symptoms of every other disease know to man.
Regular diseases have been awakened by this ill advised shot that is destroying recipients’ immune systems. All sickness is assumed to be COV!D just because of the hype and then “confirmed” by a “test” discredited last summer and officially withdrawn in December or 2021. Stop getting the freaking test!
We have all become hypochondriacs, corona-chondriacs, seeing corona virus in every nook and cranny. COV!D is mostly, if not entirely, a narrative. If it did exist, it is gone now. Go back to living and stop listening to those who truly want you to die and reduce the human scourge on the planet. There is no virus looking to kill you lurking in every breath. But by selling that fear many have been inducted into the cult of “Faucism.” Our own intelligence agencies have had plans for years for just such a psyop.
TRADOC Mad Scientist 2017 Clip Neurotechnology in National Defense w/ Dr. Giordano
There Is Hope
Whether you have gotten vaccines in the past or not, whether you have gotten a COV!D shot or not, God created the human body to have powers of regeneration that border on the miraculous. But it is up to you to provide the raw materials and the defense needed to heal. The formula I have found that worked for me to regain my health contains three steps. I highly recommend it.
Remove toxins and toxic exposure
Supplement missing nutrients and those used up repairing the damage
Only put things in your body that nurture it
Healthy Lifestyle Habits
How you handled illnesses before this plandemic still work now. Clean up your diet and lifestyle and you will stop getting as sick as often and recover more quickly if you do get sick.
Again, COV!D is a psyop. You may not agree but evidence is there. The fear of a pandemic was just the leverage needed to trigger a person’s inner hypochondriac. TRADOC Mad Scientist 2017 Clip Neurotechnology in National Defense w/ Dr. Giordano.
This is why we think we need a shot for every tot just like we need a pill for every ill.
People raised to trust the authorities have assumed, like I once did, that our leaders, regardless of political flavor at any given moment, are essentially benevolent and looking out for our best interests. It is natural for a person to try and keep that assumption of benevolence in mind to make sense of what’s going on around them. This is the denial phase of a real emergency and it is past time to get over it. The real emergency is that traditional leaders are no longer worthy of trust. How much more evidence does one need!
The worldwide globalist leadership wants us to believe we must unite against a virus, but it is far more important to unite against them.
The goal of the WHO, the CDC and the WEC is to have forced vaccinations, 500 of them, for every person to qualify for life in the world. Somehow God missed this obvious necessity at creation.
This chart is from page 10 of this document:
What cold go wrong?
It makes you wonder how humanity survived through the centuries without any vaccinations or mandates from these organizations before now, doesn’t it? Actually, we can still do without these organizations and we need to totally disband them.
To Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate
That is the question. Does the evidence even show that vaccinations have improved the health of the modern population? The CDC refuses to do studies to find out, and admits it, but several doctors have done official studies in large practices that show a story different from what we have been told all of our lives.
Here is a chart from the “Relative Incidence of Office Visits and Cumulative Rates of Billed Diagnoses Along the Axis of Vaccination” study done by James Lyons-Weiler and Dr. Paul Thomas.
When you see the clear danger signal of traditional vaccines, it makes you wonder about the reasoning behind any vaccine mandates let alone a mandate for the latest disaster shot, doesn’t it.
There is a reason it is being mandated. It is just not the reason being told to you by the propaganda machine that believes there are too many people in the world. The ones WHO want to see you do your part to reduce the excess population.
The sooner we draw the line
If you have not drawn your line yet it is time to draw it.
Where there is a line, there are two sides. Patrick Henry asserted the absolute necessity of debate in the beginning of his famous “give me liberty or give me death” speech, writing
in proportion to the magnitude of the subject ought to be the freedom of the debate.
The fact that all debate about health treatments and shots for a single disease has been shut down is prima facia evidence that the truth is being silenced. When there is only one side allowed you can be pretty sure that is not the side of truth. Truth defends itself. It fears no debate.
I drew my line back at masks, although that one was a bit wavy as I was still figuring things out. I even wrote letters against mandates to my city council when they were promoting mask mandates and lockdowns. I wore a mask less than 10 times and always under duress because I knew it was ridiculous.
But I did draw definitive lines past that point. I never got tested and I never will. I never got a shot and I never will. There is no indication for either of those interventions. Medical professionals will recognize the term “indication” and know exactly what I am saying. It means there is no reason for an intervention. All interventions contain risk. If there is no clear reward there is no need to take a potential risk.
"WHY" is the question that must have an answer. Great thoughts. I am still reticent about any mandate, but mandates FROM the people rather than TO the people are something to consider. What I do like are the guarantees of the Constitution. They knew what they were writing because they had lived through it and did not want their freedom to be taken away again. The brilliance of the thinking behind that document is severely lacking today.
What to say,
Mandate the dissolution of every department in the US Government. Revert back to the letter of the Constitution as written, with a Constitutional Congress.
Mandate term limits of anyone in congress, judiciary, ancillary services such as FBI. And NO sneaking in the back door for another position.
Mandate the complete retirement of former presidents. Forbid them from interfering, pro or con, in any way with the seated president.
Mandate that personal privacy is a right of all people unless that right is abused by known or suspected crime, based on some good deductive reasoning.
Mandate the dissolution of every school that deviates away from math, science, history and the classics. Parents have the right/obligation to teach the child about human sexuality, gender, appropriate respect for those of other ethnic groups or personal choice groups.
If there were more fathers like mine, none of this would have ever occurred. I was taught to think, to research, and to answer the question 'why' until I arrived at a workable solution. To help me, I had an Encyclopedia Britannica in 3rd grade. Too, there was no mass hypnosis via tv. Programming was different, and few people actually had tv.