"WHY" is the question that must have an answer. Great thoughts. I am still reticent about any mandate, but mandates FROM the people rather than TO the people are something to consider. What I do like are the guarantees of the Constitution. They knew what they were writing because they had lived through it and did not want their freedom to be taken away again. The brilliance of the thinking behind that document is severely lacking today.
Mandate the dissolution of every department in the US Government. Revert back to the letter of the Constitution as written, with a Constitutional Congress.
Mandate term limits of anyone in congress, judiciary, ancillary services such as FBI. And NO sneaking in the back door for another position.
Mandate the complete retirement of former presidents. Forbid them from interfering, pro or con, in any way with the seated president.
Mandate that personal privacy is a right of all people unless that right is abused by known or suspected crime, based on some good deductive reasoning.
Mandate the dissolution of every school that deviates away from math, science, history and the classics. Parents have the right/obligation to teach the child about human sexuality, gender, appropriate respect for those of other ethnic groups or personal choice groups.
If there were more fathers like mine, none of this would have ever occurred. I was taught to think, to research, and to answer the question 'why' until I arrived at a workable solution. To help me, I had an Encyclopedia Britannica in 3rd grade. Too, there was no mass hypnosis via tv. Programming was different, and few people actually had tv.
"WHY" is the question that must have an answer. Great thoughts. I am still reticent about any mandate, but mandates FROM the people rather than TO the people are something to consider. What I do like are the guarantees of the Constitution. They knew what they were writing because they had lived through it and did not want their freedom to be taken away again. The brilliance of the thinking behind that document is severely lacking today.
What to say,
Mandate the dissolution of every department in the US Government. Revert back to the letter of the Constitution as written, with a Constitutional Congress.
Mandate term limits of anyone in congress, judiciary, ancillary services such as FBI. And NO sneaking in the back door for another position.
Mandate the complete retirement of former presidents. Forbid them from interfering, pro or con, in any way with the seated president.
Mandate that personal privacy is a right of all people unless that right is abused by known or suspected crime, based on some good deductive reasoning.
Mandate the dissolution of every school that deviates away from math, science, history and the classics. Parents have the right/obligation to teach the child about human sexuality, gender, appropriate respect for those of other ethnic groups or personal choice groups.
If there were more fathers like mine, none of this would have ever occurred. I was taught to think, to research, and to answer the question 'why' until I arrived at a workable solution. To help me, I had an Encyclopedia Britannica in 3rd grade. Too, there was no mass hypnosis via tv. Programming was different, and few people actually had tv.