Great info Randy!! This is the type of info, when implemented, can and will literally change your life.

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Thanks! It has literally changed mine.

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Randy, I am so happy you are sharing your wisdom with the world. I pray that many will 'awaken' to the truths you have spent your life seeking to find and comprehend . God Bless

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We are all seekers, Tim. Sharing in the hope that what has changed my life can help others.

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Feb 24, 2022
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Have you tried monk fruit? I can barely tell the difference between it and sugar.

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Some new studies say erythritol it is not healthy long term. Can't win for losing.

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Thanks, Teri. I like monkfruit and also stevia, especially the stevia drops made by Calton Nutrition. I can tolerate erythritol but if a person's microbiome is messed up from antibiotics it will cause distress for them.

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Sugar is addictive. Binds to the same receptors as addictive drugs which makes it hard to give up. Much more coming. I listened to a great podcast on the microbiome yesterday. Here is the link if you are interested. Doctors & Scientists Episode 16: Gut Health And Bacteria 101 With Natasha Trenev, "The Mother Of Probiotics"


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